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Gereinigt und desinfiziertFür einen sicheren und unbesorgten Aufenthalt+ INFO
Verfügbarkeit und Preise
Das Casa Punta Paradiso befindet sich genau im Zentrum der beiden Panoramabereiche von Praiano, nur wenige Schritte vom berühmten Platz der Kirche von Konstantinopel entfernt. Es genießt eine atemberaubende Aussicht und liegt in einer besonders ruhigen und friedlichen Gegend. Es verfügt über einen großen, ausgestatteten Garten, in dem Sie an kühlen Sommerabenden essen können. Von hier aus können Sie den Capo Di Conca und den Blick auf das Mittelmeer bewundern.
Das Haus ist auf einer Ebene organisiert, die Folgendes umfasst:
• Panoramagarten mit Hängematten und gemauertem Grill;
• Eingangsterrasse mit Solarium und Außendusche;
• Wohnzimmer mit Schlafsofa und SMART TV;
• Unabhängige Küche, voll ausgestattet (Geschirrspüler inklusive), mit Tisch für 4 Personen;
• Schlafzimmer mit Doppelbett (Bettgröße 160x190);
• Zimmer mit zwei Einzelbetten (Bettgrößen 90x190) - oder Doppelbett auf Anfrage
• Komplettes Badezimmer mit Dusche
• Externer Wäschebereich mit Toilette
Das Casa Punta Paradiso befindet sich auf der Ostseite von Praiano im oberen Bereich in der Nähe der berühmten und panoramischen "Kirche von Konstantinopel". Das Parken ist auf der Straße (gegen Gebühr) in ca. 150 m Entfernung möglich.
Zu Fuß erreichen Sie:
• Restaurants und Bars (10 Minuten zu Fuß)
• Lebensmittelgeschäft (10 Minuten zu Fuß)
• Bushaltestelle (2 Minuten zu Fuß)
• Strände: La "Praia" und ONE FIRE BEACH CLUB (beide 30 Minuten zu Fuß)
DesinfizierungAls Reaktion auf das Coronavirus (Covid-19) und zu Ihrer Sicherheit haben wir in allen unseren Unterkünften ein Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsprotokoll implementiert, das den Empfehlungen der Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA) und der Vacation Rental Housekeeping Professionals (VRHP) entspricht.
Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Zusammenfassung dieser Empfehlungen.
Das Reinigungs- und Wartungspersonal wartet nach dem Check-out mindestens 3 Stunden,+ INFO
Endreinigung: 170,00 € /Buchung
Handtücher: inklusive (Wechsel alle 7 Tage)
HandtücherWir bieten einen Wechsel der Handtücher pro Person und Woche an. Es ist möglich, zusätzliche Änderungen bei der Reservierung gegen eine Gebühr zu nutzen.
Internetzugang: inklusive
Klimaanlage: inklusive
Self check-in: inklusive
Self check-in➢ Der Zugang zur Villa erfolgt im SELF-CHECK-IN-Modus.
➢ Eine Woche vor Ihrer Ankunft erhalten Sie eine E-Mail, um mit der Registrierung der Gäste fortzufahren.
➢ Nach Abschluss des Online-Check-in erhalten Sie die Zugangsanweisungen.
Sonstige Leistungen
Hochstuhl: inklusive
Kinderbett: inklusive
Late Check in: 20,00 € /hour
Storno-Versicherung: 4,5 % der Buchung
Storno-VersicherungDurch Klick auf das Kästchen erkläre ich mich mit den Versicherungsbedingungen einverstanden.+ INFO
Kurtaxe: Im Gesamtpreis enthalten
Berechnung der TaxenUm die Bedingungen der Taxe anzeigen zu lassen, muss der Zeitraum des Aufenthalts hinzugefügt werden.
Organisieren Sie Ihren Zeitplan
Check-in-Zeiten täglich von 16:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Check-out-ZeitenVor 10:00 Uhr
Kaution (wird erstattet)
Betrag: 300,00 € /BuchungZahlungsmethode: Auf Kreditkarte reserviert
Zu zahlen bei Ankunft.
- Rauchen ist nicht gestattet - Haustiere sind nicht gestattet
Geben Sie das Datum ein, um die Stornierungbedingungen anzusehen
Kunde wird IMMER den bezahlten Gesamtbetrag verlieren
Von heute bis zur Anreise100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Nicht antreten100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Zusätzliche Anmerkungen
Tourismussteuern sind nicht im Mietpreis inbegriffen.
Parkplatz je nach Verfügbarkeit.
Parkplatz nicht im Preis inbegriffen.
Mehrwertsteuer im Preis inbegriffen
Keine Tiere gestattet.
Karte und Entfernungen
Nächstes Restaurant - Crescito's Pizzeria
300 m
Nächstes Restaurant - Kasai
450 m
Nächster Busbahnhof
500 m
Nächste Stadt - Praiano
500 m
Nächstes Restaurant - M'ama
500 m
Nächstes Restaurant - La strada
550 m
Nächstes Restaurant - Voce e notte grill
550 m
Nächste Einkaufsmöglichkeit - Centro Market Sorrentino
Casale Fralisa ist eine alte Villa, sehr hell und raffiniert. Es genießt eine wichtige Position dank seiner eleganten Architektur, der Möbel und seines herrlichen Meerblicks. Die große Terrasse mit Blick auf das Meer und der private Garten mit Whirlpool mit Meerblick ergänzen die Schönheit dieses alten...
La Casa di Nonno Mario ist ein charmantes und ruhiges Refugium, ideal für eine romantische Auszeit oder einen Urlaub mit Freunden, eingebettet in die natürliche Schönheit von Praiano. Die Unterkunft befindet sich auf der Westseite des Dorfes und bietet einen atemberaubenden Blick auf Positano und die...
Casa Elena ist eine Wohnung, die sorgfältig restauriert und mit schönen Möbeln eingerichtet wurde und Teil einer alten Villa aus dem 17. Jahrhundert mit Bögen und Säulen ist. Die geräumigen Terrassen der Villa: eine davon hat einen Whirlpool mit Meerblick. Die strategische Lage: Die Bushaltestelle...
Casa Il Riccio wurde kürzlich fein restauriert und ist eine typisch mediterrane Villa, die sich durch Tonnengewölbe und einen außergewöhnlichen Meerblick auszeichnet. Es verfügt über einen großen Garten im Schatten einer farbenfrohen und duftenden Zitronen-Pergola, komplett ausgestattet mit...
Alle Bewertungen wurden von unserer Website kontrolliert. Wenn Sie eine Unterkunft bewerten möchten, müssen Sie eine E-Mail, basierend auf Ihrer bestätigten Reservierung, erhalten.
Good Stay
Steven (Australien)
Nice Stay in Praiano
Nice Stay in Praiano
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Prima dagen in prettig verblijf
David (Niederlande)
Stank op de patio afkomstig uit nabij gelegen raam
Stank op de patio afkomstig uit nabij gelegen raam
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Punta Paradiso: Amazing Stay
Chanelly (USA)
We had such a great stay at Punta Paradiso! The view was gorgeous! The hosts were extremely helpful and responsive before and during our stay, especially Francesco. They recommended taxi services, activities and more. Check in was smooth and easy witmehr anzeigen
We had such a great stay at Punta Paradiso! The view was gorgeous! The hosts were extremely helpful and responsive before and during our stay, especially Francesco. They recommended taxi services, activities and more. Check in was smooth and easy with clear instructions. The area was very peaceful and much less busy then surrounding towns like Positano. Perfect distance from Positano and all other Amalfi Coast towns. Would definitely stay again!
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Nice Stay in Praiano
Lori (USA)
It was a magical stay ! We fell in love with the village ! The restaurants and marina are amazing as well! Highly recommend !
It was a magical stay ! We fell in love with the village ! The restaurants and marina are amazing as well! Highly recommend !
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Our Stay in Praiano
Taegan (Australien)
The Airbnb had the most fantastic court yard along with a beautiful view of the sun rise. Smaac (Francesco) was extremely pleasant to deal with. They were able to help out with every question and problem with no hassle. Thank you very much for the stmehr anzeigen
The Airbnb had the most fantastic court yard along with a beautiful view of the sun rise. Smaac (Francesco) was extremely pleasant to deal with. They were able to help out with every question and problem with no hassle. Thank you very much for the stay.
unfortunately inside was completely different… the floors felt quite dirty and the shower didn’t drain whilst showering which felt filthy when in there.
unfortunately inside was completely different… the floors felt quite dirty and the shower didn’t drain whilst showering which felt filthy when in there.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Fantastic Place for holiday
Andrea (Kanada)
Anna and Francesco from SMMAC were incredibly helpful and accommodating to our many questions and requests for recommendations! We could not have been happier with their help. We were so happy with our stay. This place is fantastic and very comfortabmehr anzeigen
Anna and Francesco from SMMAC were incredibly helpful and accommodating to our many questions and requests for recommendations! We could not have been happier with their help. We were so happy with our stay. This place is fantastic and very comfortable. This was our first trip to Italy and they responded to our questions regardless of when we reached out. They also organized our travel to and from Rome and a beautiful cruise along the Amalfi coast while respecting our budget.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
We will back again
Jay (USA)
Lovely villa in Praiano, all 3 ACs in the home worked very well as it was super hot. Home is very cozy with some of the best views of the coast. It is located 2 minutes from the local bus stop number 18 which you can take to the center of town. You cmehr anzeigen
Lovely villa in Praiano, all 3 ACs in the home worked very well as it was super hot. Home is very cozy with some of the best views of the coast. It is located 2 minutes from the local bus stop number 18 which you can take to the center of town. You can always walk but it is very hilly. The host SMAAC is very responsive and friendly, especially Francesco. I would highly recommend.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Good Stay
Omar (Ägypten)
We stayed 5 nights in Praiano. Beautiful Villa
We stayed 5 nights in Praiano. Beautiful Villa
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Excelente estancia
Jacinto (Argentinien)
Excelente experiencia , sea por la gran atencion del anfitrión , cómo por la calidad de las instalaciones . Para recomendar todos los días , sin dudas volvería . Un Gracias especial para Francesco ! Siempre atento a nuestras consultas
Excelente experiencia , sea por la gran atencion del anfitrión , cómo por la calidad de las instalaciones . Para recomendar todos los días , sin dudas volvería . Un Gracias especial para Francesco ! Siempre atento a nuestras consultas
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Punta Paradiso: Good choice in Praiano
Ruby (Australien)
We had a fabulous time at Punta Paradiso! Francesco at Smaac was fantastic prior to, and throughout the whole stay. Smaac also organised our transfers which was so helpful. The place is well equipped and has the most amazing view of the coast, it is mehr anzeigen
We had a fabulous time at Punta Paradiso! Francesco at Smaac was fantastic prior to, and throughout the whole stay. Smaac also organised our transfers which was so helpful. The place is well equipped and has the most amazing view of the coast, it is truly breathtaking! I would highly recommend this place!
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Wonderful Villa
Maureen (USA)
We recently finished a 5 day stay at this magical place. The apartment was wonderful for a family of four, plenty of room to relax. The rooms are large and well furnished and linens high quality. The outdoor patios were amazing. It has not one but semehr anzeigen
We recently finished a 5 day stay at this magical place. The apartment was wonderful for a family of four, plenty of room to relax. The rooms are large and well furnished and linens high quality. The outdoor patios were amazing. It has not one but several patio areas, two of which overlook an amazing view towards Amalfi, and include olive and lime trees. The front of the apartment, near the church, features a breathtaking view of Positano. There is a local bus stop behind the house as well as down one flight of stairs, for easy transport around Praiano, and to the regional bus system that travels the coast. Be prepared for lots of stairs on the Amalfi coast but the view is worth it. Praiano was such a great town to come back to at the end of the day - great local restaurants and people. The house guide (which can be downloaded) was excellent with recommendations for local restaurants, activities, links to bus, etc. Host was very responsive. I hope to come back soon! Ciao!
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
excellent location and views, large outdoor space
Thales (Brasilien)
excellent views, lovely outside space, room to relax and enjoy the location
excellent views, lovely outside space, room to relax and enjoy the location
a little tired, furnishings and appliances are a little old.
a little tired, furnishings and appliances are a little old.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
No lo dudes¡¡¡¡¡¡ las vistas son de ensueño¡¡¡¡
Thales (Brasilien)
Las vistas desde la casa son espectaculares¡¡¡¡¡, para llegar hasta la casa se camina unos 500 metros por un sendero con vistas a Mediterraneo, si bien es en subida , lo vale. La casa es muy comoda y no falta nada.. y lo mas importante y que nos ha rmehr anzeigen
Las vistas desde la casa son espectaculares¡¡¡¡¡, para llegar hasta la casa se camina unos 500 metros por un sendero con vistas a Mediterraneo, si bien es en subida , lo vale. La casa es muy comoda y no falta nada.. y lo mas importante y que nos ha resuelto todo y ha estado siempre a disposicion nuestra y ayudandonos y guiandonos para hacer el chek in, ha sido FRANCESCO ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ y tambien habla español¡¡¡¡ Gracias miles ¡¡¡¡
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Punta Paradiso: Very Good Stay
Erin (USA)
Exactly as described with beautiful views and outdoor spaces. Extremely helpful local information/recommendations and detailed house instructions with great essentials in the kitchen upon arrival. Easily reachable with quick and helpful responses to mehr anzeigen
Exactly as described with beautiful views and outdoor spaces. Extremely helpful local information/recommendations and detailed house instructions with great essentials in the kitchen upon arrival. Easily reachable with quick and helpful responses to all questions throughout the stay. Close walk to some great local restaurants and a few food/goods stores. Highly recommend.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Mario (Brasilien)
Soggiorno stupendo, professionalità e comodità al Top.
Soggiorno stupendo, professionalità e comodità al Top.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Sebastian (Ecuador)
Near the street. Great view. Very clean
Near the street. Great view. Very clean
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
2 jahre
Dear Sebastian. We thank you for taking the time to share with us this very kind feedback and score. We are very glad to learn that you liked the villa so much. We all look forward to welcoming you back soon. Warmly, Anna-The SMAAC Team
Dear Sebastian. We thank you for taking the time to share with us this very kind feedback and score. We are very glad to learn that you liked the villa so much. We all look forward to welcoming you back soon. Warmly, Anna-The SMAAC Team
Great place
Ein Reisender
Great place with a magnificent view. Spacious, clean and a very good location. Close to buses, restaurant and grocery stores. Our host Carmen was very helpful and responded instantly to any questions. We recommend it!
Great place with a magnificent view. Spacious, clean and a very good location. Close to buses, restaurant and grocery stores. Our host Carmen was very helpful and responded instantly to any questions. We recommend it!
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
5 jahre
Hi Per
thank you for being with us and for your kind review. We are pleased that you liked the home, the location and our staffs services. We look forward to see you soon again here in Praiano.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Comehr anzeigen
Hi Per
thank you for being with us and for your kind review. We are pleased that you liked the home, the location and our staffs services. We look forward to see you soon again here in Praiano.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Lovely stay
Ein Reisender
We had a lovely stay. The view from the house was amazing. Had no issues during our stay and Norman/Carmen were easily reachable on phone whenever needed. Highly recommend
We had a lovely stay. The view from the house was amazing. Had no issues during our stay and Norman/Carmen were easily reachable on phone whenever needed. Highly recommend
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
5 jahre
Hi Neha
We are very pleased that you have had a nice stay and that you loved Casa Punta Paradiso so much. We thank you also for your kind review and look forward to welcoming you soon again here in Praiano.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodamehr anzeigen
Hi Neha
We are very pleased that you have had a nice stay and that you loved Casa Punta Paradiso so much. We thank you also for your kind review and look forward to welcoming you soon again here in Praiano.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estat
Better than the pictures
Ein Reisender
Look no further and book this place! I actually canceled another booking to stay here. First off it is better than the pictures and that’s hard to stay because the pictures are amazing. Staying here will make your whole experience on the coast that mmehr anzeigen
Look no further and book this place! I actually canceled another booking to stay here. First off it is better than the pictures and that’s hard to stay because the pictures are amazing. Staying here will make your whole experience on the coast that much better. We were traveling from Sorrento and Norman booked us a private car from there to the apartment AND even got us a scooter to rent within 30 minutes of us being there!!! Plus when we were leaving we were headed to Salerno to catch a train and he even got us another car last minute. I’ve never had such an attentive host. I couldn’t work the stove early in the morning and Norman came right away to help me turn it on... of course it was really easy to... I needed coffee first. I wouldn’t do the Amalfi Coast any other way. I am SO BEYOND PLEASED with Norman and the place we are already looking to book this place again and I’m telling ALL of my friends and family to stay hereany other place this company has. It is worth every penny.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
5 jahre
Hi Emily
We thank you for your stay and your kind review. It's a pleasure to here that you liked Casa Punta Paradiso so much and the you enjoyed your entire stay. We are very pleased that you have been satisfied with our staffs service and help. mehr anzeigen
Hi Emily
We thank you for your stay and your kind review. It's a pleasure to here that you liked Casa Punta Paradiso so much and the you enjoyed your entire stay. We are very pleased that you have been satisfied with our staffs service and help. Come back soon again, we look forward to welcome you, your friends and family here in Praiano.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estat
Amazing views
Ein Reisender
The apartment has amazing views of the coast and we loved sitting on the terrace overlooking it. The hosts were great in helping us finding the apartment and had great communication throughout. The apartment was ideally located for exploring the Amalmehr anzeigen
The apartment has amazing views of the coast and we loved sitting on the terrace overlooking it. The hosts were great in helping us finding the apartment and had great communication throughout. The apartment was ideally located for exploring the Amalfi Coast as it is around a 10 minute walk from the bus stop. We had a great time.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
5 jahre
Hi David
We are glad that you liked Casa Punta Paradiso so much, with its nice view and terrace. It has been a pleasure meeting and hosting you here in Praiano. We thank you for your stay and your kind review and hope to see you soon again.
Annmehr anzeigen
Hi David
We are glad that you liked Casa Punta Paradiso so much, with its nice view and terrace. It has been a pleasure meeting and hosting you here in Praiano. We thank you for your stay and your kind review and hope to see you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Mario (Brasilien)
Der Gast hat kein Kommentar in dieser Bewertung hinterlassen.
Gent.mo Mario,
Ti ringraziamo per l'eccellente riscontro e siamo felici che Casa Punta Paradiso sia stato il posto ideale per il tuo soggiorno a Praiano.
Ci auguriamo di ridarti presto il benvenuto. Grazie per scelto SMAAC.
Gent.mo Mario,
Ti ringraziamo per l'eccellente riscontro e siamo felici che Casa Punta Paradiso sia stato il posto ideale per il tuo soggiorno a Praiano.
Ci auguriamo di ridarti presto il benvenuto. Grazie per scelto SMAAC.