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Gereinigt und desinfiziertFür einen sicheren und unbesorgten Aufenthalt+ INFO
Verfügbarkeit und Preise
Casa Il Riccio wurde kürzlich fein restauriert und ist eine typisch mediterrane Villa, die sich durch Tonnengewölbe und einen außergewöhnlichen Meerblick auszeichnet. Es verfügt über einen großen Garten im Schatten einer farbenfrohen und duftenden Zitronen-Pergola, komplett ausgestattet mit Außentisch und Grill, sowie einen großen Solariumbereich mit beheiztem Hydromassage-Pool: ideal zum Entspannen und Genießen der atemberaubenden Aussicht. Die Lage ist privilegiert: im Herzen von Praiano, nur wenige Schritte von Restaurants, dem Strand, der Bushaltestelle, dem Supermarkt und dem Fitnessstudio entfernt. Casa Il Riccio ist die ideale Lösung für eine Gruppe von sechs Personen und befindet sich auf einer oberen und unteren Etage, die nicht miteinander verbunden sind und einen unabhängigen Zugang haben. Das Obergeschoss besteht aus einer großen Suite mit Induktionsherd, Wohnbereich und Zugang zum Badezimmer mit Badewanne. Die untere Etage verfügt über zwei Schlafzimmer, zwei Badezimmer und eine Küchenzeile. Klimaanlage ist in allen Zimmern vorhanden und WLAN ist im ganzen Haus verfügbar.
Die Struktur ist auf drei Ebenen organisiert:
Gartenbereich - Zugang zum Garten erfolgt über die öffentliche Treppe:
- 70 m2 Garten - Meerblick - ausgestattet mit großem Whirlpool und Solariumbereich, Tisch für Mahlzeiten im Freien und Grillplatz; Hinweis: Der Pool braucht ca. 24 Stunden zum Aufwärmen.
- Badezimmer mit Dusche zum Poolbereich;
Obergeschoss mit separatem Zugang
- Zugang zu einer großen Suite.
- Offene Küche (voll ausgestattet) mit Zugang zum Balkon mit Meerblick;
- Großes Badezimmer mit Wanne, vor dem Wohnbereich;
Untergeschoss mit separatem Zugang
- Überdachte Außenterrasse, Meerblick, zugänglich von den Schlafzimmern;
- Internes Doppelzimmer mit eigenem Bad;
- Internes Schlafzimmer mit externem Badezimmer.
- Küchenzeile
Casa Il Riccio befindet sich auf der Ostseite von Praiano und ist sehr zentral: nur wenige Schritte von Bars, Restaurants, Lebensmittelgeschäft, Strand und Bushaltestelle entfernt. Um das Haus zu erreichen, müssen Sie einen Weg von etwa 150 Metern und etwa 10 Stufen nehmen. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, den Gepäckservice gegen Gebühr zu buchen. Kostenpflichtige Privatparkplätze stehen auf Anfrage etwa 300 m entfernt zur Verfügung.
Zu Fuß erreichbar sind:
• 3 Restaurants/Bars (Moressa, Kasai, M'ama)
• Lebensmittelgeschäft (Alle für Alle)
• Lokale Bushaltestelle - ca. 50 Meter
• Bushaltestelle SITA - ca. 150 Meter
• Hauptstrand von Praiano, La Praia (15 Minuten zu Fuß)
Beheizter PoolVerfügbar: Von 24/4 Bis 20/10 Preis: inklusive
Bettwäsche: inklusive (Wechsel alle 7 Tage)
Desinfizierung: inklusive
DesinfizierungAls Reaktion auf das Coronavirus (Covid-19) und zu Ihrer Sicherheit haben wir in allen unseren Unterkünften ein Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsprotokoll implementiert, das den Empfehlungen der Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA) und der Vacation Rental Housekeeping Professionals (VRHP) entspricht.
Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Zusammenfassung dieser Empfehlungen.
Das Reinigungs- und Wartungspersonal wartet nach dem Check-out mindestens 3 Stunden,+ INFO
Endreinigung: 250,00 € /Buchung
Handtücher: inklusive (Wechsel alle 7 Tage)
HandtücherWir bieten einen Wechsel der Handtücher pro Person und Woche an. Es ist möglich, zusätzliche Änderungen bei der Reservierung gegen eine Gebühr zu nutzen.
Internetzugang: inklusive
Klimaanlage: inklusive
Self check-in: inklusive
Self check-in➢ Der Zugang zur Villa erfolgt im SELF-CHECK-IN-Modus.
➢ Eine Woche vor Ihrer Ankunft erhalten Sie eine E-Mail, um mit der Registrierung der Gäste fortzufahren.
➢ Nach Abschluss des Online-Check-in erhalten Sie die Zugangsanweisungen.
Sonstige Leistungen
Hochstuhl: inklusive
Kinderbett: inklusive
Late Check in: 20,00 € /hour
Parkplatz im Freien: 30,00 € / Nacht
Storno-Versicherung: 4,5 % der Buchung
Storno-VersicherungDurch Klick auf das Kästchen erkläre ich mich mit den Versicherungsbedingungen einverstanden.+ INFO
Kurtaxe: Im Gesamtpreis enthalten
Berechnung der TaxenUm die Bedingungen der Taxe anzeigen zu lassen, muss der Zeitraum des Aufenthalts hinzugefügt werden.
Organisieren Sie Ihren Zeitplan
Check-in-Zeiten täglich von 16:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Check-out-ZeitenVor 10:00 Uhr
Kaution (wird erstattet)
Betrag: 300,00 € /BuchungZahlungsmethode: Auf Kreditkarte reserviert
Zu zahlen bei Ankunft.
- Haustiere sind nicht gestattet
Geben Sie das Datum ein, um die Stornierungbedingungen anzusehen
Kunde wird IMMER den bezahlten Gesamtbetrag verlieren
Von heute bis zur Anreise100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Nicht antreten100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Zusätzliche Anmerkungen
Tourismussteuern sind nicht im Mietpreis inbegriffen.
Parkplatz je nach Verfügbarkeit.
Parkplatz nicht im Preis inbegriffen.
Mehrwertsteuer im Preis inbegriffen
Keine Tiere gestattet.
Karte und Entfernungen
Nächster Busbahnhof - Bus Locale
100 m
Nächste Stadt - Centro di Praiano
150 m
Nächste Einkaufsmöglichkeit - Marino Tutto per Tutti
150 m
Nächste Einkaufsmöglichkeit - Centro Market Sorrentino
150 m
Nächstes Restaurant - La Posteria
150 m
Nächstes Restaurant - La Moressa Bistrot
170 m
Nächstes Restaurant - Kasai
200 m
Nächster Busbahnhof - Sita
300 m
Entfernung zum Kiesstrand - La Praia
300 m
Nächste Stadt - Positano
7 km
Nächste Stadt - Amalfi
9 km
Nächste Stadt - Ravello
15 km
Nächste Stadt - Sorrento
20 km
Nächster Bahnhof - Stazione di Salerno
35 km
Nächste Stadt - Napoli
60 km
Nächster Flughafen - Aeroporto Internazionale di Napoli
Casa Elena ist eine Wohnung, die sorgfältig restauriert und mit schönen Möbeln eingerichtet wurde und Teil einer alten Villa aus dem 17. Jahrhundert mit Bögen und Säulen ist. Die geräumigen Terrassen der Villa: eine davon hat einen Whirlpool mit Meerblick. Die strategische Lage: Die Bushaltestelle...
Casale Fralisa ist eine alte Villa, sehr hell und raffiniert. Es genießt eine wichtige Position dank seiner eleganten Architektur, der Möbel und seines herrlichen Meerblicks. Die große Terrasse mit Blick auf das Meer und der private Garten mit Whirlpool mit Meerblick ergänzen die Schönheit dieses alten...
La Casa di Nonno Mario ist ein charmantes und ruhiges Refugium, ideal für eine romantische Auszeit oder einen Urlaub mit Freunden, eingebettet in die natürliche Schönheit von Praiano. Die Unterkunft befindet sich auf der Westseite des Dorfes und bietet einen atemberaubenden Blick auf Positano und die...
Alle Bewertungen wurden von unserer Website kontrolliert. Wenn Sie eine Unterkunft bewerten möchten, müssen Sie eine E-Mail, basierend auf Ihrer bestätigten Reservierung, erhalten.
Gorgeous views, elegant space
Susan (USA)
We loved the location of this elegant Cycladic-style home, close to the beach and a few restaurants and food stores. It was well-equipped, clean, and comfortable. Francesco, the manager, was always responsive and helpful.
The house had a nice layomehr anzeigen
We loved the location of this elegant Cycladic-style home, close to the beach and a few restaurants and food stores. It was well-equipped, clean, and comfortable. Francesco, the manager, was always responsive and helpful.
The house had a nice layout providing privacy and comfort for our family group of six.
The garden was beautiful and expansive with fruit trees and more fabulous views and a hot tub.
We would love to visit again for longer next time. This vacation home is highly recommended! Many thanks for the lovely hospitality!
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
2 Monate
Dear Susan,
Thanks for your kind review! It's a pleasure to read that you spent a great holiday with us! And we are happy to read that you appreciated the House, the garden, the location and that we have met your expectations in terms of hospitality mehr anzeigen
Dear Susan,
Thanks for your kind review! It's a pleasure to read that you spent a great holiday with us! And we are happy to read that you appreciated the House, the garden, the location and that we have met your expectations in terms of hospitality and communication.
We can't wait, as you, to welcome you back.
Rosa - SMAAC Booking Manager
Gorgeous views, elegant space
Susan (USA)
We loved the location of this elegant Cycladic-style home, close to the beach and a few restaurants and food stores. It was well-equipped, clean, and comfortable. Francesco, the manager, was always responsive and helpful.
The house had a nice layomehr anzeigen
We loved the location of this elegant Cycladic-style home, close to the beach and a few restaurants and food stores. It was well-equipped, clean, and comfortable. Francesco, the manager, was always responsive and helpful.
The house had a nice layout providing privacy and comfort for our family group of six.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
2 Monate
Perfect Location
Maverick Tompkins (USA)
Great spot. Recommend the mopeds to ride to Amalfi.
Great spot. Recommend the mopeds to ride to Amalfi.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
3 Monate
Perfect Getaway with Stunning Views
Amazing location! If you’re looking for a quiet getaway in Praiano, this place is perfect. Located midway between the beach and the busier side of town, everything was in walking distance. We also enjoyed relaxing in the hot tub after long days explomehr anzeigen
Amazing location! If you’re looking for a quiet getaway in Praiano, this place is perfect. Located midway between the beach and the busier side of town, everything was in walking distance. We also enjoyed relaxing in the hot tub after long days exploring. And the views from the balcony are unbeatable.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
3 Monate
Great Location and Helpful Host
The place was in a beautiful area that was close to the local bus stop, and a 15min walk from a great beach (lots of steps but very doable.) the “lemon grove area” was a separate entrance, however there is a great outdoor table off the kitchen where mehr anzeigen
The place was in a beautiful area that was close to the local bus stop, and a 15min walk from a great beach (lots of steps but very doable.) the “lemon grove area” was a separate entrance, however there is a great outdoor table off the kitchen where we spent a lot of time and had a beautiful view. The place did have a lot of ant problems, mostly outside, which we were provided sprays for, and is common in the area by the coast. The place was also a bit moist, which we did have a dehumidifier in the one room. The beds were also pretty stiff as well as the linens. Francesco from SMAAC was an excellent host and communicator and helped immensely, giving us recommendations and setting up transportation. He always responded almost immediately. Overall for the price, I would’ve expected a bit nicer place. Nonetheless we had a great stay, was in a beautiful area, and the host was available for all our needs.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
4 Monate
Great spot, great service
Riccardo (Großbritannien)
Clean apartment, great communication, nice property
Clean apartment, great communication, nice property
Apartment was infested with ants when we arrived, it took several days for us to clear them out. There were long dust filaments on the ceiling in the bathroom. We would expect these 2 items to be taken care of before we arrive in the future.
Apartment was infested with ants when we arrived, it took several days for us to clear them out. There were long dust filaments on the ceiling in the bathroom. We would expect these 2 items to be taken care of before we arrive in the future.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
4 Monate
Dear Riccardo,
thank you for your review. We are happy to know that you appreciated the view and position of the house. About the issues you reported we are really sorry! Praiano is a village on the sea and surrounded by gardens, so ants could come mehr anzeigen
Dear Riccardo,
thank you for your review. We are happy to know that you appreciated the view and position of the house. About the issues you reported we are really sorry! Praiano is a village on the sea and surrounded by gardens, so ants could come in. For this reason, we leave some spray can guests can use during the stay!
Hope to welcome you again in the future, in order to offer our best service!
Rosa- SMAAC Booking Manager
Wonderful Stay in a Beautiful Location
Ronnie (USA)
Amazing place
Amazing place
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5 Monate
Perfect Family Getaway with Breathtaking Views
Maria (Ukraine)
Our family recently stayed at this stunning villa for the holidays and we couldn't have been happier with our choice. The villa was spacious, beautifully decorated and had all the amenities we could possibly need for a comfortable stay. The location mehr anzeigen
Our family recently stayed at this stunning villa for the holidays and we couldn't have been happier with our choice. The villa was spacious, beautifully decorated and had all the amenities we could possibly need for a comfortable stay. The location was perfect for exploring the area and the views were absolutely breathtaking. We enjoyed lounging by the hot tub, cooking meals in the fully equipped kitchen and spending quality time together in the cozy terassa. The property was immaculately clean and well-maintained, and the property manager was always available to answer any questionsaddress any concerns we had. Overall, our stay at this villa was nothing short of perfect and we can't wait to return for another relaxing getaway. We highly recommend this villa to anyone looking for a luxurious and memorable vacation experience.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
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6 Monate
Great Host, Beautiful Villa
David (USA)
I would give this a 4.5 stars if I could. The host, SMAAC, and more importantly, Francesco were great. Very responsive to all questions and concerns. The place was as expected in the description. They also helped to set up a car service to and from tmehr anzeigen
I would give this a 4.5 stars if I could. The host, SMAAC, and more importantly, Francesco were great. Very responsive to all questions and concerns. The place was as expected in the description. They also helped to set up a car service to and from the villa from Naples. They also set up an all day boating excursion to the Isle of capri, which I highly recommend. The hot tub was great and so was the location of the villa. I warn those that have trouble walking stepshills, there is about a 20 story hike to the beach. (Ramps and 174 steps). We knew to expect that coming to the Amalfi Coast. There is a bus service to all the areas of the coast, but again those that are not used to Italian public transportation, it gets congested and motion sickness is common. There are only two suggestions I would make. 1. The king bed in the upper villa needs improved. 2. The garbage sorting is confusing with the different colors. Other than that, this host and the Amalfi coast were spectacular!
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6 Monate
A Wonderful Stay in Praiano
Debbie (USA)
We looked for a place with 3 bedrooms and more than one bath which was difficult to find and decided to try the home in Praiano. The town was just lovely, much quieter than Positano or Amalfi and we were so glad for that. Franciso could not have beenmehr anzeigen
We looked for a place with 3 bedrooms and more than one bath which was difficult to find and decided to try the home in Praiano. The town was just lovely, much quieter than Positano or Amalfi and we were so glad for that. Franciso could not have been more accomadating. He was so helpful with assisting us in boat rentals and drivers as well as any needs at the home, he was quick to handle any issues that came up. I would highly recommend SMAAC if you want to be sure that you will be taken care of.
The only issue we encountered was that we had believed the home was connected ( the upstairs and downstairs) with an interior staircase. It was not, however we quickly adjusted and were able to make it work for us. We were all adults - if there had bmehr anzeigen
The only issue we encountered was that we had believed the home was connected ( the upstairs and downstairs) with an interior staircase. It was not, however we quickly adjusted and were able to make it work for us. We were all adults - if there had been children it would not have worked.
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7 Monate
Dear Deborah, thank you so much for your kind review!
It's always a great pleasure to read that our commitment and dedication is appreciated by our beloved guests.
Praiano is a good option for people that love the tranquility and is well connected mehr anzeigen
Dear Deborah, thank you so much for your kind review!
It's always a great pleasure to read that our commitment and dedication is appreciated by our beloved guests.
Praiano is a good option for people that love the tranquility and is well connected to other places on the Coast.
About the house, it is well specified in the description on the site and on all portals that the house consists of two different floors with different entrances.
I hope we will have a new occasion to host you in one of our accommodations! Rosa - SMAAC Booking Manager
Great host, very responsive and helpful
Kolja (Deutschland)
Francesco was a great host, very responsive and helpful. The place has a nice outdoor area, the whirlpool is well maintained and the citrus trees give a great vibe. The breakfast view is stunning.
Francesco was a great host, very responsive and helpful. The place has a nice outdoor area, the whirlpool is well maintained and the citrus trees give a great vibe. The breakfast view is stunning.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Dear Kolja, Thank you so much for providing this wonderful feedback. We are thrilled to read your comments about your stay and learn that you appreciated the commitment and dedication of our team, as well as the strength of Casa Il Riccio: the whirlpmehr anzeigen
Dear Kolja, Thank you so much for providing this wonderful feedback. We are thrilled to read your comments about your stay and learn that you appreciated the commitment and dedication of our team, as well as the strength of Casa Il Riccio: the whirlpool under the lemon trees. We look forward to welcoming you back. Warm regards, Enza from SMAAC
The place was amazing
Michael (-)
Exactly what we wanted. Would have loved to stay longer. Beautiful view. There is plenty of space. Would definitely stay again. Recommend to all guests.
Exactly what we wanted. Would have loved to stay longer. Beautiful view. There is plenty of space. Would definitely stay again. Recommend to all guests.
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1 Jahr
We really enjoyed our stay in Praiano!
Shea (USA)
It was a great location for us to see multiple spots on the coast! We enjoyed walking to the marina each day! The host was extremely helpful and responsive we wish we had reached out sooner for recommendations!
It was a great location for us to see multiple spots on the coast! We enjoyed walking to the marina each day! The host was extremely helpful and responsive we wish we had reached out sooner for recommendations!
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
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1 Jahr
Dear Shea, Thank you for providing this lovely feedback. We are thrilled to read that you had a magnificent stay with us. We cannot wait to welcome you back in one of our properties. Kind Regards, Enza from SMAAC
Dear Shea, Thank you for providing this lovely feedback. We are thrilled to read that you had a magnificent stay with us. We cannot wait to welcome you back in one of our properties. Kind Regards, Enza from SMAAC
Amazing location with amazing views!!!
Danielle (USA)
We had such a great week here in Praiano. Two separate apartments with a great view from both. The terrace is gorgeous and huge with a view, shade, privacy, and jacuzzi that we used everyday. To reach the apartment you walk down a picturesque pedestrmehr anzeigen
We had such a great week here in Praiano. Two separate apartments with a great view from both. The terrace is gorgeous and huge with a view, shade, privacy, and jacuzzi that we used everyday. To reach the apartment you walk down a picturesque pedestrian only street about the width of a sidewalk, it’s maybe a 3 minute walk from and street. You can tell someone sort a lot of time designing this villa and making it great for vacationing. Francesco was very proactive and helpful. We would highly recommend.
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1 Jahr
Dear Danielle, Thank you for providing this lovely feedback. We are thrilled to read that you had a magnificent stay with us. We cannot wait to welcome you back in one of our properties. Kind Regards, Enza from SMAAC
Dear Danielle, Thank you for providing this lovely feedback. We are thrilled to read that you had a magnificent stay with us. We cannot wait to welcome you back in one of our properties. Kind Regards, Enza from SMAAC
Francisco was awesome
Cody (USA)
Anytime I needed any information I could always reach him on and he was very prompt with the right answer.. he made the experience. Awesome. We definitely recommend it.
Anytime I needed any information I could always reach him on and he was very prompt with the right answer.. he made the experience. Awesome. We definitely recommend it.
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1 Jahr
Dear Cody , thank you so much for sharing your comment about your recent stay with us! It's been a pleasure to host you and we are happy to know you appreciated our hospitality so much ! Look forward to welcoming you again on Amalfi Coast. Anna - SMAmehr anzeigen
Dear Cody , thank you so much for sharing your comment about your recent stay with us! It's been a pleasure to host you and we are happy to know you appreciated our hospitality so much ! Look forward to welcoming you again on Amalfi Coast. Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
Great views
Ella (Großbritannien)
The outdoor space and well equipped kitchen area. Authentic decor.
The outdoor space and well equipped kitchen area. Authentic decor.
The dampness and musty smell - which was dismissed despite there being dehumidifiers. Beds were very hard and not comfortable. Bathroom shower head did not work without being held. Quite far from the centre of Praiano
The dampness and musty smell - which was dismissed despite there being dehumidifiers. Beds were very hard and not comfortable. Bathroom shower head did not work without being held. Quite far from the centre of Praiano
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1 Jahr
Dear Ella, thank you for your feedback. We are happy to read that you enjoyed the beautiful views and the spaces of the villa. We are very sorry that not everything went as we hoped. Our staff is always ready to intervene for any problem and we wouldmehr anzeigen
Dear Ella, thank you for your feedback. We are happy to read that you enjoyed the beautiful views and the spaces of the villa. We are very sorry that not everything went as we hoped. Our staff is always ready to intervene for any problem and we would have done it for the shower head if we had been informed during your stay. About the humidity, the main feature of the houses of the Amalfi Coast is that they are built-in the rock: this is typical of the area and makes the place magical, but has as a negative note that if you do not leave the house ventilate the smell of moisture could be felt. Finally, as for the location, Praiano does not have a real center: this ensures maximum peace of mind even in periods of greater affluence. The house is however within walking distance of restaurants, bars, grocery, gym, ATM, bus stop and about 10 min walk from the beach. We hope to accommodate you again. Thank you, Enza from SMAAC
SMAAC’s accommodation was immaculate
Robert (Australien)
Access was easily arranged, communication was thorough, and the local knowledge was very appreciated. The rooms were spacious, clean, and great for young familieslarger groups. The location was perfect for our needs - a short walk to the Marina, restmehr anzeigen
Access was easily arranged, communication was thorough, and the local knowledge was very appreciated. The rooms were spacious, clean, and great for young familieslarger groups. The location was perfect for our needs - a short walk to the Marina, restaurants, and water taxis, but secluded enough to ensure peace and quiet when required. Praiano itself is a sublime location that meets all the Amalfi Coast requirements, without the boatloads of tourists ferried in every day. Would happily stay here again, and again.
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1 Jahr
Dear Robert, Thank you for providing your feedback about your recent stay with us. We are very happy to hear that you had a memorable experience and we can't wait, as you, to welcome you back. Sincerely, Anna - SMAAC
Dear Robert, Thank you for providing your feedback about your recent stay with us. We are very happy to hear that you had a memorable experience and we can't wait, as you, to welcome you back. Sincerely, Anna - SMAAC
Francesco was amazing from start to finish
Julie (USA)
I have never had better communication with a stay as I have with this one. The house is reasonably easy to get to, not too many stairs, and directly next to the bus stop for the regional area. The home is basically two separate apartments on top of emehr anzeigen
I have never had better communication with a stay as I have with this one. The house is reasonably easy to get to, not too many stairs, and directly next to the bus stop for the regional area. The home is basically two separate apartments on top of each other with a shared terrace that is gigantic with a lovely Jacuzzi and view. Francesco provided us with a guest guidebook that included all the information necessary and offer to help us with tours as well. I will say beware that the area is extremely hot right now and crowded, so visitors must be prepared. A wonderful restaurant exist. Just up the street from the bus stop that is called La Palestra. It looks simple from the outside, but the service you will get as well as the food is unparalleled. In my opinion, stay away from the larger restaurant just up the hill above the grocery store. Francesco and his associates were excellent communicators and always available for information and help.
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1 Jahr
Dear Julie , thank you so much for your incredible review! It's always a great pleasure to read that our commitment and dedication is appreciated by our beloved guests. I hope we will have a new occasion to host you in one of our accommodations! Annamehr anzeigen
Dear Julie , thank you so much for your incredible review! It's always a great pleasure to read that our commitment and dedication is appreciated by our beloved guests. I hope we will have a new occasion to host you in one of our accommodations! Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
Great spot
Ethan (USA)
Great location and awesome place. Praiano was great because it’s away from the crazy crowds in Positano, Amalfi and Capri. Easy to access restraints and the water. The place was clean, modern and comfortable. AC worked great. Garden area was awesome.mehr anzeigen
Great location and awesome place. Praiano was great because it’s away from the crazy crowds in Positano, Amalfi and Capri. Easy to access restraints and the water. The place was clean, modern and comfortable. AC worked great. Garden area was awesome. Good view. Loved it.
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1 Jahr
Dear Ethan,
Thank you for providing your feedback about your recent experience with us. We are thrilled to read that you had a magnificent stay at Casa Il Riccio. We can't wait to welcome you back.
Anna from SMAAC
Dear Ethan,
Thank you for providing your feedback about your recent experience with us. We are thrilled to read that you had a magnificent stay at Casa Il Riccio. We can't wait to welcome you back.
Anna from SMAAC
Very clean with great views of the ocean
Katherine (Neuseeland)
The apartment - actually 2 apartments on two levels, as there were 5 of us and had 3 bedrooms, were very clean with great views of the ocean. The photos are representative, the spa and lemon grove are on another level to the left, not on either of thmehr anzeigen
The apartment - actually 2 apartments on two levels, as there were 5 of us and had 3 bedrooms, were very clean with great views of the ocean. The photos are representative, the spa and lemon grove are on another level to the left, not on either of the apartments balcony, but still beautiful & convenient. So happy we were in Praiano, as Positano was uncomfortably crowded. The apartments are in a great location with some lovely restaurants around and walkable to the marina. A handful of steps from the apartment to the path, takes you to the local bus stop, and just up the road from there, a very handy corner store (Marino Tutto per Tutti) with some great local cheeses, meats, wines etc. Francesco was a great host, friendly & super responsive facilitating all our requests.
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1 Jahr
Dear Katherine, thank you so much for your incredible review! It's always a great pleasure to read that our commitment and dedication is appreciated by our beloved guests. I hope we will have a new occasion to host you in one of our accommodations! Amehr anzeigen
Dear Katherine, thank you so much for your incredible review! It's always a great pleasure to read that our commitment and dedication is appreciated by our beloved guests. I hope we will have a new occasion to host you in one of our accommodations! Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
Excellent and friendly communication by the host
SUSAN (Australien)
Excellent and friendly communication by the host. Villa was located in a beautiful part of the Amalfi coast, much quieter than Positano but still easy get to all the local sights, a local bus and supermarket is located very near by. Villa was easy tomehr anzeigen
Excellent and friendly communication by the host. Villa was located in a beautiful part of the Amalfi coast, much quieter than Positano but still easy get to all the local sights, a local bus and supermarket is located very near by. Villa was easy to access with not very many steps to get to it - a big bonus in this part of the world. The Villa was clean and comfortable, 2 separate villas on top of each other so good for two couples + family. The lower villa is a little "damp" due to no windows in the bedrooms but this may be common in this area where the villas are built into the hillside. The hot tub was excellent and a great way to relax after climbing the many steps returning from the beach. Beautiful views.
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1 Jahr
Dear Susan, thank you so much for your review! It's been a pleasure to host you and we are happy to know you appreciated our communication and the position of the house! Look forward to welcoming you again on Amalfi Coast. Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Tmehr anzeigen
Dear Susan, thank you so much for your review! It's been a pleasure to host you and we are happy to know you appreciated our communication and the position of the house! Look forward to welcoming you again on Amalfi Coast. Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
Very nice location
Anna (Vereinigte Arabische Emirate)
Very nice location, gorgeous view from apartment, perfect furniture inside the house
Very nice location, gorgeous view from apartment, perfect furniture inside the house
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1 Jahr
Dear Anna , thank you so much for your incredible review! It's a great pleasure to read that you spent a faultless experience with us. I hope we will have a new occasion to host you in one of our accommodations! Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
Dear Anna , thank you so much for your incredible review! It's a great pleasure to read that you spent a faultless experience with us. I hope we will have a new occasion to host you in one of our accommodations! Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
Amazing host
Patrick (Irland)
Francesco was an amazing host, checked in regularly, offers recommendations and booked return transfers Thank you
Francesco was an amazing host, checked in regularly, offers recommendations and booked return transfers Thank you
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1 Jahr
Dear Patrick, thank you so much for your incredible review! It's always a great pleasure to read that our dedication is appreciated by our beloved guests. I hope we will have a new occasion to host you in one of our accommodations! Anna - SMAAC Amalfmehr anzeigen
Dear Patrick, thank you so much for your incredible review! It's always a great pleasure to read that our dedication is appreciated by our beloved guests. I hope we will have a new occasion to host you in one of our accommodations! Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
Great hosts
Adonis (Deutschland)
Francesco and the SMACC team were great hosts. The apartment was great and much bigger than we anticipated. The view was stunning and the neighbors were very kind. The public transit was a little difficult might try the vespa rental next time. Also, mehr anzeigen
Francesco and the SMACC team were great hosts. The apartment was great and much bigger than we anticipated. The view was stunning and the neighbors were very kind. The public transit was a little difficult might try the vespa rental next time. Also, the car service Francesco arranged from Naples was well worth it and great drivers. Thanks for a great trip and Cant wait to come back!
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1 Jahr
Dear Adonis, Thanks for your kind review! It's a pleasure to read that you spent a great holiday with us and we are happy to read that we have met your expectations in terms of hospitality, location and communication. Hope to host you again! Anna - Smehr anzeigen
Dear Adonis, Thanks for your kind review! It's a pleasure to read that you spent a great holiday with us and we are happy to read that we have met your expectations in terms of hospitality, location and communication. Hope to host you again! Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
Petar (Deutschland)
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Virginia (USA)
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