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Gereinigt und desinfiziertFür einen sicheren und unbesorgten Aufenthalt+ INFO
Verfügbarkeit und Preise
Die Villa Imperati ist eine bezaubernde Villa mit Meerblick, die kürzlich renoviert wurde und mit modernen und hellen Möbeln ausgestattet ist. Es ist eine elegante und geräumige Villa an der Westseite von Praiano, von wo aus Sie den herrlichen Sonnenuntergang mit Blick auf Positano und Capri bewundern können. Es verfügt über einen fantastischen privaten Außenpool mit Blick auf das Meer und einen großen Garten mit Außendusche, Liegestühlen und Grill. Es befindet sich im Zentrum von Praiano und ist über Stufen erreichbar, die sich mit einem typischen Pfad abwechseln.
Die Villa ist auf 2 Etagen organisiert:
• Großer Garten mit herrlichem Pool mit Meerblick, heißer Außendusche und Grill,
• Wohnzimmer mit Esstisch, Sofa und zwei Sesseln mit direktem Zugang zum Garten,
• Voll ausgestattete Küche mit Geschirrspüler,
• 1 Doppelzimmer (Bettgrößen 160x190) und 1 Einzelzimmer (Bettgrößen 190x90), in denen Sie ein weiteres Einzelbett hinzufügen können (es ist nicht möglich, ein Doppelbett zu haben, sondern nur 2 Einzelbetten).
• 2 Badezimmer mit Dusche
• 1 Schlafzimmer mit Doppelbett (Bettgröße 160x190) mit privater Terrasse mit Meerblick und Liegestühlen
• 1 Badezimmer mit Whirlpool mit Meerblick
Die Villa Imperati befindet sich auf der Westseite von Praiano in einer sehr ruhigen Gegend. Es ist möglich, die Villa über etwa 100 bequeme Stufen zu erreichen, die sich mit einem typischen Weg abwechseln. Private Parkplätze stehen auf Anfrage gegen Gebühr zur Verfügung und befinden sich ca. 500 m von der Unterkunft entfernt. Alternativ können Sie kostenlos auf der Straße parken (wir können die Verfügbarkeit nicht garantieren).
Zu Fuß erreichbar sind:
• Pfad der Götter
• 1 Lebensmittelgeschäft
• Viele Restaurants
• Lokale Bushaltestelle und SITA
• Ein Fire Beach Club - 20 Minuten zu Fuß
Bitte beachten Sie: Der Standort ist nicht für Personen mit Gehbehinderung oder gesundheitlichen Problemen geeignet.
DesinfizierungAls Reaktion auf das Coronavirus (Covid-19) und zu Ihrer Sicherheit haben wir in allen unseren Unterkünften ein Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsprotokoll implementiert, das den Empfehlungen der Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA) und der Vacation Rental Housekeeping Professionals (VRHP) entspricht.
Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Zusammenfassung dieser Empfehlungen.
Das Reinigungs- und Wartungspersonal wartet nach dem Check-out mindestens 3 Stunden,+ INFO
Endreinigung: 265,00 € /Buchung
Handtücher: inklusive (Wechsel alle 7 Tage)
HandtücherWir bieten einen Wechsel der Handtücher pro Person und Woche an. Es ist möglich, zusätzliche Änderungen bei der Reservierung gegen eine Gebühr zu nutzen.
Heizung: inklusive
Internetzugang: inklusive
Klimaanlage: inklusive
Self check-in: inklusive
Self check-in➢ Der Zugang zur Villa erfolgt im SELF-CHECK-IN-Modus.
➢ Eine Woche vor Ihrer Ankunft erhalten Sie eine E-Mail, um mit der Registrierung der Gäste fortzufahren.
➢ Nach Abschluss des Online-Check-in erhalten Sie die Zugangsanweisungen.
Sonstige Leistungen
Hochstuhl: inklusive
Kinderbett: inklusive
Late Check in: 20,00 € /hour
Storno-Versicherung: 4,5 % der Buchung
Storno-VersicherungDurch Klick auf das Kästchen erkläre ich mich mit den Versicherungsbedingungen einverstanden.+ INFO
zusätzliche Betten: inklusive
Kurtaxe: Im Gesamtpreis enthalten
Berechnung der TaxenUm die Bedingungen der Taxe anzeigen zu lassen, muss der Zeitraum des Aufenthalts hinzugefügt werden.
Organisieren Sie Ihren Zeitplan
Check-in-Zeiten täglich von 16:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Check-out-ZeitenVor 10:00 Uhr
Kaution (wird erstattet)
Betrag: 500,00 € /BuchungZahlungsmethode: Auf Kreditkarte reserviert
Zu zahlen bei Ankunft.
- Rauchen ist nicht gestattet - Haustiere sind nicht gestattet
Geben Sie das Datum ein, um die Stornierungbedingungen anzusehen
Kunde wird IMMER den bezahlten Gesamtbetrag verlieren
Von heute bis zur Anreise100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Nicht antreten100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Zusätzliche Anmerkungen
Tourismussteuern sind nicht im Mietpreis inbegriffen.
Die Luxusvilla Malika ist eine prestigeträchtige Villa, die kürzlich renoviert wurde und von Terrassen und Gärten umgeben ist: eine Oase der Ruhe mit herrlichem Blick auf das Meer. Es erfreut sich einer raffinierten und modernen Innenausstattung, die dem typisch mediterranen Stil entspricht und die...
Haus Albatros ist eine zweistöckige Villa im Herzen von Praiano, mit zwei schönen großen Terrassen Blick auf das Mittelmeer. Es ist der perfekte Ort für eine Gruppe von Freunden oder eine große Familie, die einen ruhigen und zentralen Ort suchen. Die kurze Entfernung zu den Hauptattraktionen und zur...
Villa Ecuba ist eine Mischung aus Komfort, Eleganz, Farben und Aussicht. Die perfekte Lösung für eine große Gruppe, die Momente der Entspannung und des Wohlbefindens teilen möchte, ohne auf die richtige Privatsphäre und die richtigen Räume zu verzichten: Sie besteht aus zwei völlig unabhängigen...
Eine der schönsten Aussichten der Welt, Seelenfrieden und absolute Stille: 210 Stufen zur Casa Punta di Diamante machen das alles möglich! Nur wenige Schritte vom berühmten Götterweg und 10 Minuten vom Zentrum von Praiano entfernt erwartet Sie das Casa Punta di Diamante, ein modernes, unabhängiges und...
Alle Bewertungen wurden von unserer Website kontrolliert. Wenn Sie eine Unterkunft bewerten möchten, müssen Sie eine E-Mail, basierend auf Ihrer bestätigten Reservierung, erhalten.
Excellent Stay, Charming Location
Melissa (USA)
The house and the property manager were excellent and helped us tremendously throughout our stay. It was nice to stay there and not in Positano, as Positano is extremely crowded. The little town in Praiano is very cute and has everything but the stepmehr anzeigen
The house and the property manager were excellent and helped us tremendously throughout our stay. It was nice to stay there and not in Positano, as Positano is extremely crowded. The little town in Praiano is very cute and has everything but the steps are treacherous to get back to the houseto get down to the main street.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
3 Monate
Da rifare!
Michele (Italien)
Molto bella la piscina privata
Molto bella la piscina privata
Troppi metri da percorrere da dove si lascia l’auto circa 1km
Troppi metri da percorrere da dove si lascia l’auto circa 1km
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
5 Monate
Wonderful stay in Praiano
Kevin (USA)
we loved our villa. Praiano is a gem. The management team was super helpful. The villa was spotless and the pool was refreshing.
we loved our villa. Praiano is a gem. The management team was super helpful. The villa was spotless and the pool was refreshing.
Only area is the airconditioning the master does not cool that room. I would add supplemental air or add some fans.
Only area is the airconditioning the master does not cool that room. I would add supplemental air or add some fans.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
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5 Monate
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your comment.
We are glad that we enjoyed the villa and the cleanliness which for us is a very important point of management.
For the air conditioning in the master, during the days of your stay the heat temperature was realmehr anzeigen
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your comment.
We are glad that we enjoyed the villa and the cleanliness which for us is a very important point of management.
For the air conditioning in the master, during the days of your stay the heat temperature was really outstanding and the humidity was really much and the room is bigger to cool.
We really look forward to host you again!
Rosa - SMAAC Booking Manager
Wonderful Stay!
Nadia (USA)
My family of five had a wonderful stay @ Villa Imperati. It was a perfect place for us to come back to and relax by the pool after venturing out all over the Amalfi coast. The views are breathtaking and there are so many great restaurants right near mehr anzeigen
My family of five had a wonderful stay @ Villa Imperati. It was a perfect place for us to come back to and relax by the pool after venturing out all over the Amalfi coast. The views are breathtaking and there are so many great restaurants right near the villa - the location is great. Francesco was very attentive and helped us navigate our stay here and helped with arranging day trips and transportation which made our stay - stress free. 😊
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
7 Monate
Dear Nadia, Thanks for your kind review!
It's a pleasure to read that you spent a great holiday with us! We are happy to read that you appreciated the position, the comfort and the view of the house.
It is very important to us the customer care and wmehr anzeigen
Dear Nadia, Thanks for your kind review!
It's a pleasure to read that you spent a great holiday with us! We are happy to read that you appreciated the position, the comfort and the view of the house.
It is very important to us the customer care and we give a continuous assistance during the stay to have an unforgettable holiday. Hope to host you again!
Rosa- SMAAC Booking Department
Unforgettable Stay
Will (Großbritannien)
Stunning house Jaw dropping views Friendly hosts and neighbours.
Stunning house Jaw dropping views Friendly hosts and neighbours.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
9 Monate
Victoria (USA)
We would not have had the experience we had without Francesco‘s guidance! It was with us every step of the way. His Recommendations were amazing! All of our drivers were phenomenal!
We would not have had the experience we had without Francesco‘s guidance! It was with us every step of the way. His Recommendations were amazing! All of our drivers were phenomenal!
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
9 Monate
Beautiful location, extremely helpful hosts. Thank you
Lisa (Australien)
Beautiful location, extremely helpful hosts. Thank you
Beautiful location, extremely helpful hosts. Thank you
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Enjoyed immensely
Erik (USA)
Enjoyed immensely
Enjoyed immensely
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Not a great stay
Ashish (USA)
We booked this listing for 5 nights and left after one. Upon arrival, it took two hours to get the AC to turn on even when following the instructions and then it never cooled and the pool was stagnant with a film layer and bugs. We then found mold anmehr anzeigen
We booked this listing for 5 nights and left after one. Upon arrival, it took two hours to get the AC to turn on even when following the instructions and then it never cooled and the pool was stagnant with a film layer and bugs. We then found mold and bugs throughout the home. To access one of the bedrooms, you have to go through another bedroom and only one has an AC vent. The upstairs bedroom only has a tub that wouldn’t fill above 1/3 and one of the two showers was so small half of our group couldn’t use it. To make matters worse, the mattresses were so hard you couldn’t sleep. The main door locks from the inside with a key and will not open unless turned perfectly, so we would not have been able to escape in an emergency. Based on the pictures, we were led to believe this was a luxury listing and were extremely disappointed in the reality. There were too many issues that couldn’t not be fixed overnight (bad mattresses, mold, water pressure, etc) so we left and got a hotel.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
This Place was beautiful!
Joshua (USA)
This Place was beautiful and exactly as it was advertised!
This Place was beautiful and exactly as it was advertised!
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
We had a wonderful time at Villa Imperati!
Suzanne (USA)
We loved the views, the beautiful architecture of the villa, the art work on the path ways, the people in the town of Praiano. Che Bonta, the cooking class down the street at Il Rifugio Dei Peccatori, the Kasai Restaurant, etc…
We loved the views, the beautiful architecture of the villa, the art work on the path ways, the people in the town of Praiano. Che Bonta, the cooking class down the street at Il Rifugio Dei Peccatori, the Kasai Restaurant, etc…
The Villa was somewhat difficult to get to but worth the walk and climb. Transportation to get anywhere is not overly easy, there is a walk/climb (paths and stairways) about half a mile to down to town and up to the villaacross to a street to meetmehr anzeigen
The Villa was somewhat difficult to get to but worth the walk and climb. Transportation to get anywhere is not overly easy, there is a walk/climb (paths and stairways) about half a mile to down to town and up to the villaacross to a street to meet cars. Requires luggage porting and drivers to get to most destinations, shoppingrestaurants. But it is a good work out and kick start to bring healthy work out when your vacation is over! :)
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
I would highly recommend them to anyone.
Caleb (USA)
From start to finish SMAAC was amazing. Francesco took care of every want and need I had and went over and above to ensure the absolute best birthday trip for my wife.
From start to finish SMAAC was amazing. Francesco took care of every want and need I had and went over and above to ensure the absolute best birthday trip for my wife.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Best View and Nice Property even though finding the place and a lot of steps.
Hangcheng (USA)
Dear Hangcheng, so happy to read that you appreciated the beauty of our accommodation. The steps and the stairs are the weak point and the strong point of our beloved Amalfi Coast: they allow you to reach breathtaking views. For this reason we indicamehr anzeigen
Dear Hangcheng, so happy to read that you appreciated the beauty of our accommodation. The steps and the stairs are the weak point and the strong point of our beloved Amalfi Coast: they allow you to reach breathtaking views. For this reason we indicate them in the details in the descriptions of our accommodations. We really look forward to host you again! Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Wow..What a villa and facilities in an excellent location!
Adam (Großbritannien)
We have just returned from 10 days at this villa in Praiano! Wow, this was a fabulous villa with all of the necessary amenities and in such a fabulous location. From the views, to the facilities to the pool (to cool off) and the overall homely feel,mehr anzeigen
We have just returned from 10 days at this villa in Praiano! Wow, this was a fabulous villa with all of the necessary amenities and in such a fabulous location. From the views, to the facilities to the pool (to cool off) and the overall homely feel, it was one of the best villas we have stayed at! Also, excellent support from Norman and the SMAAC team whenever we needed anything, any ask was actioned quickly and made the stay very comfortable! Thank you!
Nothing specifically from the villa or facilities. Just bear in mind the steps to walk to the village (around 190 vertical steps for most direct route). We used the longer route which was a hill walk but you still need to be mobile and fit!! The walkmehr anzeigen
Nothing specifically from the villa or facilities. Just bear in mind the steps to walk to the village (around 190 vertical steps for most direct route). We used the longer route which was a hill walk but you still need to be mobile and fit!! The walking is worth it though! I would highly recommend the porter service for the bags and parking permit, helped tremendously. All can be booked through SMAAC
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2 jahre
Dear Adam , Thanks for your incredible review! It's a pleasure to read that you spent a great holiday with us! And we are happy to read that the accommodation met your expectations as well as our hospitality and service provided. Hope to host you agamehr anzeigen
Dear Adam , Thanks for your incredible review! It's a pleasure to read that you spent a great holiday with us! And we are happy to read that the accommodation met your expectations as well as our hospitality and service provided. Hope to host you again! Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
5 from Scotland
Raymond (Großbritannien)
Views & Pool Area were great
Views & Pool Area were great
The beds aren't comfortable at all.
The beds aren't comfortable at all.
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2 jahre
Dear Raymond,
Thank you for sharing with us the score regarding your recent stay with us.
We are glad that you appreciated the views and the area of our accommodation. However, we would investigate about the beds in order to improve the quality of smehr anzeigen
Dear Raymond,
Thank you for sharing with us the score regarding your recent stay with us.
We are glad that you appreciated the views and the area of our accommodation. However, we would investigate about the beds in order to improve the quality of service we provide.
We look forward to your returning visit.
Anna- The SMAAC Team
Beautiful Villa with Stunning Views
Sarah (Australien)
The villa was beautiful with amazing views. Praiano was a lovely, low-key town with good restaurants and bars.
The villa was beautiful with amazing views. Praiano was a lovely, low-key town with good restaurants and bars.
The service in general was very good however the pool and garden needed some attention. While this was done as soon as we requested it, it would have been better if this had been done prior to our arrival.
The service in general was very good however the pool and garden needed some attention. While this was done as soon as we requested it, it would have been better if this had been done prior to our arrival.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
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5 jahre
Hi Sarah
we have been pleased to meet and host you and we thank you for your kind review. We are glad that you liked the Villa and that you had a nice stay here in Praiano. We look forward to see you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommomehr anzeigen
Hi Sarah
we have been pleased to meet and host you and we thank you for your kind review. We are glad that you liked the Villa and that you had a nice stay here in Praiano. We look forward to see you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Cleanly and beautiful
Ein Reisender
Incredible, the pictures don’t even do this place justice. Cleanly and beautiful. I would absolutely recommend this location to family and friends! Thank you for such a wonderful stay!
Incredible, the pictures don’t even do this place justice. Cleanly and beautiful. I would absolutely recommend this location to family and friends! Thank you for such a wonderful stay!
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
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5 jahre
Hi Arianne
we are glad that you liked Villa Imperati so much and that you have had a wonderful stay. We are also pleased that you have been satisfied with our staffs services. Thank you very much for your stay and your kind review and we hope to semehr anzeigen
Hi Arianne
we are glad that you liked Villa Imperati so much and that you have had a wonderful stay. We are also pleased that you have been satisfied with our staffs services. Thank you very much for your stay and your kind review and we hope to see you soon again here in Praiano.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Perfect location
Ein Reisender
Perfect location. Perfect villa. Perfect host
Perfect location. Perfect villa. Perfect host
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5 jahre
Hi Marilou
It has been a pleasure hosting you and we are pleased that you have had a wonderful time here at Villa Imperati. We thank you for your stay and your kind review and hope to see you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations mehr anzeigen
Hi Marilou
It has been a pleasure hosting you and we are pleased that you have had a wonderful time here at Villa Imperati. We thank you for your stay and your kind review and hope to see you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
The sunset view
Ein Reisender
This villa was perfection! The sunset view was breath taking. From start to finish we had a wonderful time. Norman was very helpful and responsive. We appreciated the local tips and truly enjoyed our time here. It is centrally locates between Positanmehr anzeigen
This villa was perfection! The sunset view was breath taking. From start to finish we had a wonderful time. Norman was very helpful and responsive. We appreciated the local tips and truly enjoyed our time here. It is centrally locates between Positano and Amalfi and the bus transfers were very quick and easy. The villa itself was in beautiful condition and very comfortable. We look forward to returning one day!
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
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6 jahre
Hi Anita
We thank you for your stay and your kind review. We are pleased that you enjoyed Villa Imperati and Praiano so much. It's a pleasure to hear that you've had a wonderful time. We look forward to welcoming you again in a near future. Team mehr anzeigen
Hi Anita
We thank you for your stay and your kind review. We are pleased that you enjoyed Villa Imperati and Praiano so much. It's a pleasure to hear that you've had a wonderful time. We look forward to welcoming you again in a near future. Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Gary (Großbritannien)
Der Gast hat kein Kommentar in dieser Bewertung hinterlassen.