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Gereinigt und desinfiziertFür einen sicheren und unbesorgten Aufenthalt+ INFO
Verfügbarkeit und Preise
Im Herzen von Praiano, in der Stille mit Blick auf das Meer, lugt die Villa Euriclea hervor: Hier trifft Eleganz auf Einfachheit, und der atemberaubende Blick auf das Meer trifft auf die Annehmlichkeiten einer sehr zentralen Lage. Villa Euriclea ist eine typisch mediterrane Villa, in der das Blau des Meeres das Grün des sie umgebenden Gartens umarmt. Zwei geräumige Doppelzimmer mit angeschlossenem Badezimmer, ein offener Raum mit Induktionsküche und Wohnbereich sowie eine große Terrasse mit Meerblick bieten bequem Platz für eine Gruppe von vier Personen. Der Außenbereich ist die Perle der Villa: der große Garten mit Liegestühlen und die Terrasse, komplett ausgestattet mit Außentisch und Grill. Die Lage gehört zu den günstigsten: Nur wenige Schritte von der Kirche San Luca entfernt, erreichen Sie Restaurants, den Strand, die Bushaltestelle, den Supermarkt und das Fitnessstudio zu Fuß. Klimaanlage ist in allen Zimmern vorhanden und WLAN ist im ganzen Haus verfügbar.
Die Struktur ist auf einer Ebene organisiert:
- 50 qm Garten - Meerblick - möbliert mit Solariumbereich;
- Terrasse mit Meerblick, ausgestattet mit einem Vietri-Keramiktisch, für Mahlzeiten im Freien, Wohnbereich im Freien und Grillplatz;
- Zugang zum Wohnbereich mit Doppelschlafsofa und Tisch für vier Personen;
- Offene Küche (voll ausgestattet);
- Internes Doppelzimmer mit angeschlossenem Badezimmer;
- Doppelzimmer mit Meerblick und angeschlossenem Badezimmer.
Die Villa Euriclea befindet sich auf der Ostseite von Praiano und ist sehr zentral gelegen: Bars, Restaurants, Lebensmittelgeschäfte, der Strand und die Bushaltestelle sind zu Fuß erreichbar. Um das Haus zu erreichen, müssen Sie einem Weg von etwa 50 Metern und etwa 40 Stufen folgen. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, den Gepäckservice gegen Gebühr zu buchen. Der Privatparkplatz - auf Reservierung und je nach Verfügbarkeit - ist etwa 400 Meter entfernt.
Das Stadtzentrum ist weit entfernt, zu Fuß ist es nicht möglich zu benutzen:
- Lokale Bushaltestelle (50 Meter)
- Supermarkt und Metzger (100 mt)
- Restaurants und Bars (300 m)
- Beginn des Weges der Götter
DesinfizierungAls Reaktion auf das Coronavirus (Covid-19) und zu Ihrer Sicherheit haben wir in allen unseren Unterkünften ein Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsprotokoll implementiert, das den Empfehlungen der Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA) und der Vacation Rental Housekeeping Professionals (VRHP) entspricht.
Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Zusammenfassung dieser Empfehlungen.
Das Reinigungs- und Wartungspersonal wartet nach dem Check-out mindestens 3 Stunden,+ INFO
Endreinigung: 180,00 € /Buchung
Handtücher: inklusive (Wechsel alle 7 Tage)
HandtücherWir bieten einen Wechsel der Handtücher pro Person und Woche an. Es ist möglich, zusätzliche Änderungen bei der Reservierung gegen eine Gebühr zu nutzen.
Heizung: inklusive
Internetzugang: inklusive
Klimaanlage: inklusive
Self check-in: inklusive
Self check-in➢ Der Zugang zur Villa erfolgt im SELF-CHECK-IN-Modus.
➢ Eine Woche vor Ihrer Ankunft erhalten Sie eine E-Mail, um mit der Registrierung der Gäste fortzufahren.
➢ Nach Abschluss des Online-Check-in erhalten Sie die Zugangsanweisungen.
Sonstige Leistungen
Hochstuhl: inklusive
Kinderbett: inklusive
Late Check in: 20,00 € /hour
Storno-Versicherung: 4,5 % der Buchung
Storno-VersicherungDurch Klick auf das Kästchen erkläre ich mich mit den Versicherungsbedingungen einverstanden.+ INFO
Kurtaxe: Im Gesamtpreis enthalten
Berechnung der TaxenUm die Bedingungen der Taxe anzeigen zu lassen, muss der Zeitraum des Aufenthalts hinzugefügt werden.
Organisieren Sie Ihren Zeitplan
Check-in-Zeiten täglich von 16:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Check-out-ZeitenVor 10:00 Uhr
Kaution (wird erstattet)
Betrag: 300,00 € /BuchungZahlungsmethode: Auf Kreditkarte reserviert
Zu zahlen bei Ankunft.
- Rauchen ist nicht gestattet - Haustiere sind nicht gestattet
Geben Sie das Datum ein, um die Stornierungbedingungen anzusehen
Kunde wird IMMER den bezahlten Gesamtbetrag verlieren
Von heute bis zur Anreise100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Nicht antreten100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Zusätzliche Anmerkungen
Tourismussteuern sind nicht im Mietpreis inbegriffen.
Casa Clara ist ein kleines Juwel an der Amalfiküste. Gerade renoviert, genießt es große Zimmer, ein einfaches und sauberes Design und eine atemberaubende Aussicht. Es verfügt über zwei Schlafzimmer mit jeweils einem angeschlossenen Badezimmer: das ideale Zuhause für die Familie und zwei Paare. Die Lage...
Eine Hymne an die Schönheit der Amalfiküste. Villa Grá ist eine prächtige Villa mit raffiniertem Design und Panoramablick auf das Mittelmeer. Der Name dieser Villa leitet sich vom irischen Wort „Love“ ab und ist von den Wurzeln des Eigentümers inspiriert. In jeder Ecke zeigt die Villa Grà Liebe zu...
Casa Sunset ist ein kleines Paradies, das den zeitlosen Charme der Amalfiküste verkörpert. Hier verschmelzen die Schönheit traditioneller Bögen und kunstvoll dekorierter Keramikfliesen mit einer schlichten und luftigen Atmosphäre. Der minimalistische, elegante Stil bietet atemberaubende Panoramablicke...
Im Zentrum von Praiano, in einer strategischen und panoramischen Position, steht La Dimora di Euribia: ein Haus im perfekten mediterranen Stil, das sich durch Majolika-Böden und helle und moderne Möbel auszeichnet. Die Aussicht ist sowohl von der Terrasse als auch von den großen Innenfenstern, die sie...
Alle Bewertungen wurden von unserer Website kontrolliert. Wenn Sie eine Unterkunft bewerten möchten, müssen Sie eine E-Mail, basierend auf Ihrer bestätigten Reservierung, erhalten.
Unbeatable View, Perfect Stay
Alexa (USA)
The view from this location cannot be beat! Truly incredible! The area was very quiet and peaceful. The house was just as described and the air conditioning worked great, which is important to us. Francesco was very kind and helpful! He quickly respomehr anzeigen
The view from this location cannot be beat! Truly incredible! The area was very quiet and peaceful. The house was just as described and the air conditioning worked great, which is important to us. Francesco was very kind and helpful! He quickly responded to any questions we had and checked in regularly to make sure everything was good.
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3 Monate
We will come back!
Jamie (Großbritannien)
Amazing stay, exactly what we wanted. Great location, friendly helpful host… will definitely be back.
Amazing stay, exactly what we wanted. Great location, friendly helpful host… will definitely be back.
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3 Monate
Lovely Stay
Danielle (USA)
My stay in Praiano was lovely. Praiano is the neighboring town to the tourist town of Positano, and honestly if you prefer more peace and less business but accessibility this is perfect for you! I would highly suggest private transport to and from thmehr anzeigen
My stay in Praiano was lovely. Praiano is the neighboring town to the tourist town of Positano, and honestly if you prefer more peace and less business but accessibility this is perfect for you! I would highly suggest private transport to and from the airport/train station, it's just easier, taxis and buses run in Praiano but scarcely, and for ease of mind private transport is simpler and drops you off exactly where you need to be. It's approximately 35-40 steps from the main gate. If you get dropped off by bus, you're looking at about 100-110 steps,a 10 mins walk up hill. This town has its own restaurants, beaches, scooter rentals, few gift shops/grocery. The home itself is lovely and perfect for 4, clean and the balcony is gorgeous. Equipped with very basic amenities and a hefty guidebook with most things answered. Host was very responsive and accommodating to any concerns I had. Would 100% return!
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4 Monate
I was impressed with the hospitality.
Our transportation and activities were booked by our host! The place is beautiful!
Our transportation and activities were booked by our host! The place is beautiful!
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War dies hilfreich? 0
5 Monate
Dennis John (USA)
Parking sucks and driving sucks in the area, buy]t par for the course.
Parking sucks and driving sucks in the area, buy]t par for the course.
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5 Monate
Fantastic Spot
Vilbert (USA)
I enjoyed it Amazing spot If you want to enjoy a nice Italian small town in amalfi this is the place
I enjoyed it Amazing spot If you want to enjoy a nice Italian small town in amalfi this is the place
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6 Monate
Vista Deslumbrante
Erick (Brasilien)
Excelente local, muito calmo, com estacionamento próximo e uma vista linda do mar.
Excelente local, muito calmo, com estacionamento próximo e uma vista linda do mar.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
6 Monate
Great stay in Praiano
Jeana (Kanada)
We really enjoyed our stay in this villa. The location is high above Praiano with spectacular views. The villa is located in San Luca square which is a lovely neighborhood, the locals were so friendly and kind. There is a bus stop right outside the vmehr anzeigen
We really enjoyed our stay in this villa. The location is high above Praiano with spectacular views. The villa is located in San Luca square which is a lovely neighborhood, the locals were so friendly and kind. There is a bus stop right outside the villa gate which allows easy access to anywhere you want to go in town. Make sure you figure out the bus system so you don't have to hike 1000 steps/day. As well, there is a sign at the bus stop with the local taxi drivers.
The yard is huge and we loved sitting and taking in the view and listening to the local children play in the church piazza below the property. This would be a great rental for those with young children because there is plenty of space for kids to play in the yard.
If you plan on doing the Path of the Gods, you can access the trail from the stairs in St. Luca square no need to bus or taxi to Bomerano.
Overall, great apartment for 2 couples or a family of 4. The kitchen could use a few more necessities such as cutting boards, kitchen knives, cooking pans. It was very nice that SMAC gave us a welcome package with some nice food items.
Francesco was very accommodating and was quick to answer any questions we had.
The kitchen needs cutting knives, and cutting boards.
The kitchen needs cutting knives, and cutting boards.
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7 Monate
Dear Jeana, thank you so much for your review!
It's been a pleasure to host you and we are happy to know you appreciated the house' view, the square nearby and our assistance during the stay.
We are at disposal of guests and for this reason if if amehr anzeigen
Dear Jeana, thank you so much for your review!
It's been a pleasure to host you and we are happy to know you appreciated the house' view, the square nearby and our assistance during the stay.
We are at disposal of guests and for this reason if if any tools are missing in the house, we are available to assist.
Look forward to welcoming you again on Amalfi Coast.
Rosa- SMAAC Booking Manager
5 star experience
Robyn (Deutschland)
Thank you very much for the 5 star experience. It truly was a piece of paradise, in paradise! We will be back.
Thank you very much for the 5 star experience. It truly was a piece of paradise, in paradise! We will be back.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Fantastic Holiday
Greg (Australien)
Fantastic place to stay and SMAAC could not have been more helpful with any questions about the area and even suggestions for tours and organising drivers etc.
Fantastic place to stay and SMAAC could not have been more helpful with any questions about the area and even suggestions for tours and organising drivers etc.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
We will back again!
Peter (USA)
Overall excellent corporate-owned / managed unit....large, clean, not homey at all (which we prefer). The unit had a large and private patio and grassy area with comfortable seating and lounges with a huge view of the water below. The unit is locatedmehr anzeigen
Overall excellent corporate-owned / managed unit....large, clean, not homey at all (which we prefer). The unit had a large and private patio and grassy area with comfortable seating and lounges with a huge view of the water below. The unit is located well up the mountain, so without a scooter rental, you might have difficulty getting around, even just to get to a local restaurant. Free scooter parking not far from the unit and anywhere in Priaino was a huge plus. The owner essentially forced us to communicate through an outside app, rather than through AirBNB which is not in keeping with ABNB policy....seems to be a European thing.
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1 Jahr
Accommodation recommended
Bonnie (Australien)
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at the beautiful apartment in Praiano! The apartment was spacious and tidy and well located with amazing views!!. Our host Francesco was extremely helpful with responding to all our queries and went out of his way to hemehr anzeigen
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at the beautiful apartment in Praiano! The apartment was spacious and tidy and well located with amazing views!!. Our host Francesco was extremely helpful with responding to all our queries and went out of his way to help us. Our group would definitely recommend this accommodation and we hope we can make it back one day in the future!
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1 Jahr
Our Holiday in Amalfi Coast
Robyn (Großbritannien)
Lovely place in a beautiful location. The photos are exactly what to expect. The house was clean minus a few hairs on bedding etc but nothing major. The check in was easy and host was very responsive. If you are driving there is a charge for parking mehr anzeigen
Lovely place in a beautiful location. The photos are exactly what to expect. The house was clean minus a few hairs on bedding etc but nothing major. The check in was easy and host was very responsive. If you are driving there is a charge for parking of €20/30 per day which we wasn’t expecting. There whole of Amalfi coast is very hilly with lots of steps etc so this was no different in getting around here! Would recommend :)
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1 Jahr
Great Location!
Garnet (Kanada)
Even more beautiful than the pictures!!! It was a great, clean, complete place to stay perfect as described with all the amenities listed. If was perfect for 2 couples and had every thing you need. Francesco was the perfect host and was quick to respmehr anzeigen
Even more beautiful than the pictures!!! It was a great, clean, complete place to stay perfect as described with all the amenities listed. If was perfect for 2 couples and had every thing you need. Francesco was the perfect host and was quick to respond to all questions regarding the propertythe area. We will be recommending this place to all and will be looking at staying here when we return. Definitely a 5 star property !!!
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1 Jahr
Jeniffer (USA)
Excelente location, some steps but always like that in Amalfi Coast. The place is near Piazza de Luca which is a nice quiet part if Praiano
Excelente location, some steps but always like that in Amalfi Coast. The place is near Piazza de Luca which is a nice quiet part if Praiano
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1 Jahr
Good Stay
Arcadie (Rumänien)
We loved our Villa and our Stay in Praiano
We loved our Villa and our Stay in Praiano
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1 Jahr
Linda Praiano
Sara (Spanien)
Precioso apartamento con unas preciosas vistas. El primer día nos costó encontrarlo porque en maps no salen bien las indicaciones, recomiendo subir por la calle antico seggio. Nos quedamos encantadas con Praiano, localidad muy bonita y tranquila, cermehr anzeigen
Precioso apartamento con unas preciosas vistas. El primer día nos costó encontrarlo porque en maps no salen bien las indicaciones, recomiendo subir por la calle antico seggio. Nos quedamos encantadas con Praiano, localidad muy bonita y tranquila, cerca de todos los lugares para visitar en la costa amalfitana durante tu viaje.
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1 Jahr
Michelle (Mexiko)
excelente relacion precio calidad para hospedarse en Praiano si vas a conocer Amalfi y positano esta justo enmedio de ambos.
excelente relacion precio calidad para hospedarse en Praiano si vas a conocer Amalfi y positano esta justo enmedio de ambos.
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1 Jahr
Experience Priceless
Brianna (USA)
What a wonderful stay on the Amalfi coast. There’s nothing like the beautiful grounds on this apartment. Morning coffee outside on the patio … priceless. To get around we used to the local bus that picks you up right in piazza San Luca which is stepsmehr anzeigen
What a wonderful stay on the Amalfi coast. There’s nothing like the beautiful grounds on this apartment. Morning coffee outside on the patio … priceless. To get around we used to the local bus that picks you up right in piazza San Luca which is steps away from the air bnb. An FYI there are 2-3 flights of stairs to reach the apartment but it was worth it! So happy we chose praiano over positano for a peaceful, authentic, beautiful stay. Also, Smacc was so helpful and always responsive. Their concierge service was a plus!
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1 Jahr
Very beautiful Villa!
Chris & Deborah (USA)
Praiano is the best place to stay on the Amalfi coast. It is quieter and not crazy busy like PositanoAmalfi. This apartment is right next to the bus stop with a bus that takes you down to the main road, Positanojust around Praiano. We ended up walkinmehr anzeigen
Praiano is the best place to stay on the Amalfi coast. It is quieter and not crazy busy like PositanoAmalfi. This apartment is right next to the bus stop with a bus that takes you down to the main road, Positanojust around Praiano. We ended up walking everywhere instead of waiting for the bus but it is about 900 ft climb from the marina to the house. “Free gym”. 😀 Smaac was extremely helpful. They helped book airport transfers and boat tours. We had a great experience. Absolutely use them as a resource, especially the boat charter. We chartered our own boat for my family of 4 to Capri and it was the highlight of our trip! Also the app is fantastic. There is so much helpful info on it, from bus schedules to recycling schedules to restaurant and beach recommendations. There is also a starter pack of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, dish soap, some etc. The kitchen is equipped with the basics - enough for a simple meal. We stayed for 5 days and I was super sad to leave.
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1 Jahr
Really Nice Villa in Praiano
Mason (USA)
The villa is really nice and has a great view. And the company that manages it is super quick to reply with any needs. The main downside was how many stairs there are to get to the super marketcafe's in Praiano. We are all young & athletic, but it wamehr anzeigen
The villa is really nice and has a great view. And the company that manages it is super quick to reply with any needs. The main downside was how many stairs there are to get to the super marketcafe's in Praiano. We are all young & athletic, but it was a serious workout. It's also not the most private as the outside space for the villa next to it is essentially in the same space.
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1 Jahr
Villa Euriclea: We recommend it!
Eric (USA)
Amazing villa in the heart of Praiano. Francesco was a wonderful host who communicated easily and was quick to respond to any questions we had. The place had an unbelievable view and is close to the best restaurant called Kasai. Would absolutely recomehr anzeigen
Amazing villa in the heart of Praiano. Francesco was a wonderful host who communicated easily and was quick to respond to any questions we had. The place had an unbelievable view and is close to the best restaurant called Kasai. Would absolutely recommend staying here and using Smaac!
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1 Jahr
fantastisk vecka!
Nicklas (Schweden)
Boendet hade en fantastisk utsikt med en stor uteplats. Det var välstädat och fint. Det var lite fuktigt inne, men det beror säkert på att vi var där i början på säsongen, men det var ingen fara. Praiano är inte jättestort, men det finns mataffärer omehr anzeigen
Boendet hade en fantastisk utsikt med en stor uteplats. Det var välstädat och fint. Det var lite fuktigt inne, men det beror säkert på att vi var där i början på säsongen, men det var ingen fara. Praiano är inte jättestort, men det finns mataffärer och ett par riktigt bra resturanger i närheten (ett antal trappsteg). Man når även ”The Path of Gods” från Praiano. Ungefär 1000 trappsteg för att komma upp, men wow vilken utsikt! Det är jobbigt, men värt vartenda steg. Till Positano, och Amalfi tar man sig med buss, men Italiens kollektivtrafik är kanske inte den bästa när det gäller tidtabeller. Francesco, våran värd, var trevlig och svarade alltid snabbt på våra frågor via nätet. Vi hade en fantastisk vecka! Jag kan verkligen rekommendera detta boende!
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1 Jahr
Angie (USA)
Der Gast hat kein Kommentar in dieser Bewertung hinterlassen.
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1 Jahr
Cara Angie, grazie infinite per la sua recensione. E' stato un piacere averla nostra ospite e ci auguriamo di poterla ospitare nuovamente. Enza - SMAAC Amalfi Coast
Cara Angie, grazie infinite per la sua recensione. E' stato un piacere averla nostra ospite e ci auguriamo di poterla ospitare nuovamente. Enza - SMAAC Amalfi Coast