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Desinfektions-Service verfügbarFür einen sicheren und unbesorgten Aufenthalt+ INFO
Verfügbarkeit und Preise
Im Zentrum von Praiano, in einer strategischen und panoramischen Position, steht La Dimora di Euribia: ein Haus im perfekten mediterranen Stil, das sich durch Majolika-Böden und helle und moderne Möbel auszeichnet. Die Aussicht ist sowohl von der Terrasse als auch von den großen Innenfenstern, die sie charakterisieren, atemberaubend. Der Zugang zum Dimora erfolgt über einen typischen Pfad aus Bambusstöcken, der direkt zur imposanten Terrasse mit Meerblick führt, die nur von Glasfenstern umgeben und mit Sonnenliegen, einem Tisch im Freien und einem Grill ausgestattet ist. Der Eingang befindet sich auf einem offenen Raum mit Induktionsküche und Wohnbereich. Die zwei geräumigen Doppelzimmer, jedes mit eigenem Bad, machen das Haus perfekt für eine Gruppe von vier Personen. Die Lage gehört zu den günstigsten: Nur wenige Schritte von der Kirche San Luca entfernt, erreichen Sie Restaurants, den Strand, die Bushaltestelle, den Supermarkt und das Fitnessstudio zu Fuß. Klimaanlage ist in allen Zimmern vorhanden und WLAN ist im ganzen Haus verfügbar.
Die Villa ist auf einer Ebene organisiert:
- Große Terrasse mit Meerblick, ausgestattet mit einem Tisch zum Essen im Freien, einem Wohnbereich im Freien und einem Grillplatz;
- Zugang zum Wohnbereich mit Doppelschlafsofa und Tisch für vier Personen;
- Voll ausgestattete Küche mit Induktionskochfeld und Geschirrspüler;
- Doppelzimmer mit Meerblick und Zugang zur Terrasse;
- Angrenzendes Badezimmer;
- Doppelzimmer mit Zugang zur vorderen Terrasse und eigenem Bad.
La Dimora di Euribia befindet sich auf der Ostseite von Praiano und ist nur wenige Gehminuten von Bars, Restaurants, einem Lebensmittelgeschäft, dem Strand und der Bushaltestelle entfernt. Um es zu erreichen, müssen Sie einem Weg von etwa 50 Metern und etwa 40 Stufen folgen. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, den Gepäckservice gegen Gebühr zu buchen. Der Privatparkplatz - auf Reservierung und je nach Verfügbarkeit - ist etwa 400 Meter entfernt.
Das Stadtzentrum ist nicht weit entfernt, zu Fuß erreichen Sie:
- Lokale Bushaltestelle (50 Meter)
- Supermarkt und Metzger (100 mt)
- Restaurants und Bars (300 m)
- Beginn des Weges der Götter
HandtücherWir bieten einen Wechsel der Handtücher pro Person und Woche an. Es ist möglich, zusätzliche Änderungen bei der Reservierung gegen eine Gebühr zu nutzen.
Heizung: inklusive
Internetzugang: inklusive
Klimaanlage: inklusive
Self check-in: inklusive
Self check-in➢ Der Zugang zur Villa erfolgt im SELF-CHECK-IN-Modus.
➢ Nach Abschluss des Online-Check-in erhalten Sie die Zugangsanweisungen.
Sonstige Leistungen
Desinfizierung: inklusive
DesinfizierungAls Reaktion auf das Coronavirus (Covid-19) und zu Ihrer Sicherheit haben wir in allen unseren Unterkünften ein Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsprotokoll implementiert, das den Empfehlungen der Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA) und der Vacation Rental Housekeeping Professionals (VRHP) entspricht.
Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Zusammenfassung dieser Empfehlungen.
Das Reinigungs- und Wartungspersonal wartet nach dem Check-out mindestens 3 Stunden,+ INFO
Hochstuhl: inklusive
Kinderbett: inklusive
Late Check in: 20,00 € /hour
Parkplatz im Freien: 30,00 € / Nacht
Storno-Versicherung: 4,5 % der Buchung
Storno-VersicherungDurch Klick auf das Kästchen erkläre ich mich mit den Versicherungsbedingungen einverstanden.+ INFO
Kurtaxe: Im Gesamtpreis enthalten
Berechnung der TaxenUm die Bedingungen der Taxe anzeigen zu lassen, muss der Zeitraum des Aufenthalts hinzugefügt werden.
Organisieren Sie Ihren Zeitplan
Check-in-Zeiten täglich von 16:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Check-out-ZeitenVor 10:00 Uhr
Kaution (wird erstattet)
Betrag: 300,00 € /BuchungZahlungsmethode: Auf Kreditkarte reserviert
Zu zahlen bei Ankunft.
- Rauchen ist nicht gestattet - Haustiere sind nicht gestattet
Geben Sie das Datum ein, um die Stornierungbedingungen anzusehen
Kunde wird IMMER den bezahlten Gesamtbetrag verlieren
Von heute bis zur Anreise100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Nicht antreten100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Zusätzliche Anmerkungen
Tourismussteuern sind nicht im Mietpreis inbegriffen.
Casa Clara ist ein kleines Juwel an der Amalfiküste. Gerade renoviert, genießt es große Zimmer, ein einfaches und sauberes Design und eine atemberaubende Aussicht. Es verfügt über zwei Schlafzimmer mit jeweils einem angeschlossenen Badezimmer: das ideale Zuhause für die Familie und zwei Paare. Die Lage...
Eine Hymne an die Schönheit der Amalfiküste. Villa Grá ist eine prächtige Villa mit raffiniertem Design und Panoramablick auf das Mittelmeer. Der Name dieser Villa leitet sich vom irischen Wort „Love“ ab und ist von den Wurzeln des Eigentümers inspiriert. In jeder Ecke zeigt die Villa Grà Liebe zu...
Casa Sunset ist ein kleines Paradies, das den zeitlosen Charme der Amalfiküste verkörpert. Hier verschmelzen die Schönheit traditioneller Bögen und kunstvoll dekorierter Keramikfliesen mit einer schlichten und luftigen Atmosphäre. Der minimalistische, elegante Stil bietet atemberaubende Panoramablicke...
Im Herzen von Praiano, in der Stille mit Blick auf das Meer, lugt die Villa Euriclea hervor: Hier trifft Eleganz auf Einfachheit, und der atemberaubende Blick auf das Meer trifft auf die Annehmlichkeiten einer sehr zentralen Lage. Villa Euriclea ist eine typisch mediterrane Villa, in der das Blau des Meeres...
Alle Bewertungen wurden von unserer Website kontrolliert. Wenn Sie eine Unterkunft bewerten möchten, müssen Sie eine E-Mail, basierend auf Ihrer bestätigten Reservierung, erhalten.
Perfekte Unterkunft mit fantastischer Aussicht
Sebastian (Deutschland)
Die Unterkunft war genauso wie beschrieben. Tolle Lage mit genialer Aussicht. Mit Francesco von Smaac war immer eine schneller und flexibler Austausch möglich. Sehr zu empfehlen!
Die Unterkunft war genauso wie beschrieben. Tolle Lage mit genialer Aussicht. Mit Francesco von Smaac war immer eine schneller und flexibler Austausch möglich. Sehr zu empfehlen!
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5 Monate
Would return without hesitation to this pristine apartment with dreamy views
Pam (USA)
Fantastic view. Comfortable and plenty of outdoor furniture. Very clean. Great location — close to bus stop and relatively few steps compared to other places we’ve stayed. Very good communication with host.
Fantastic view. Comfortable and plenty of outdoor furniture. Very clean. Great location — close to bus stop and relatively few steps compared to other places we’ve stayed. Very good communication with host.
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3 Monate
Super great experience!
Jennifer Ann (USA)
Super responsive host and very helpful with arranging boat tour.
Super responsive host and very helpful with arranging boat tour.
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4 Monate
Great place with responsive host.
Andres (USA)
Amazing views. Nearby paid parking lot and grocery store. Adjacent to beautiful church. Located in a local neighborhood.
Amazing views. Nearby paid parking lot and grocery store. Adjacent to beautiful church. Located in a local neighborhood.
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4 Monate
Experiência Perfeita em Praiano
Vinicius (Brasilien)
Comunicaçao com a empresa sempre muito ágil e esclarecedora. Possuem um conjunto de informaçoes absolutamente relevantes que tratam todas as duvidas e demandas de um hospede desde sua chegada ate sua saida. A casa é espetacular. Quartos amplos, tudo mehr anzeigen
Comunicaçao com a empresa sempre muito ágil e esclarecedora. Possuem um conjunto de informaçoes absolutamente relevantes que tratam todas as duvidas e demandas de um hospede desde sua chegada ate sua saida. A casa é espetacular. Quartos amplos, tudo muito novo. Varanda com uma vista extraordinaria de Praiano. Ponto de ônibus e estacionamento publico a poucos metros permitindo deslocamento facil em toda costa amalfitana. Tudo perfeito! Melhor solucao para quem vai para a região.
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4 Monate
What a fabulous place!
david carr (USA)
We loved our stay there. There are two bathrooms and two bedrooms. There was only two of us so we didn’t use all the space but it was wonderful. We didn’t use one bathroom because of strong cat pee odor, hence the four stars in certain categories, bumehr anzeigen
We loved our stay there. There are two bathrooms and two bedrooms. There was only two of us so we didn’t use all the space but it was wonderful. We didn’t use one bathroom because of strong cat pee odor, hence the four stars in certain categories, but despite this, we loved it.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
5 Monate
We absolutely enjoyed our stay!
Catherine (USA)
Stunning views and amazing outdoor space. We loved sitting outside on the patio taking in Praiano and exploring the area. Be prepared for many steps!! Bus stop is super convenient and close by. Little market right down the street, which was perfect fmehr anzeigen
Stunning views and amazing outdoor space. We loved sitting outside on the patio taking in Praiano and exploring the area. Be prepared for many steps!! Bus stop is super convenient and close by. Little market right down the street, which was perfect for picking up quick groceries. Make sure to check out Kasai and La Moressa Italian Bistro- two restaurants nearby with excellent food and service. SMAAC were so helpful and quick to answer all questions, as well as, arrange train/airport transfers. Rosa and Francesco were super helpful! Couldn’t recommend this home more!
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War dies hilfreich? 0
6 Monate
Sejour Inoubliable avec Vue Exceptionnelle
Azedine (Kanada)
Pour un sejour de 4 nuits juillet 2024 Le logement est spacieux, propre avec tous les besoins nécessaires, la terrasse a une vue à couper le souffle sur la mer. Merci a Fransesco qui s'assurait tout le long de notre séjour que rien ne nous manque. Stmehr anzeigen
Pour un sejour de 4 nuits juillet 2024 Le logement est spacieux, propre avec tous les besoins nécessaires, la terrasse a une vue à couper le souffle sur la mer. Merci a Fransesco qui s'assurait tout le long de notre séjour que rien ne nous manque. Statuonement public pour nitre voiture a 3 minutes de marche ce qui es rarre dans cette region A et W du 🇨🇦
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War dies hilfreich? 0
6 Monate
Tudo excelente
Rodolpho (Brasilien)
Apartamento impecável, estacionamento público muito perto e sempre com vagas disponíveis, mesmo no verão. O host é muito atencioso e são extremamente profissionais . Recomendo fortemente.
Apartamento impecável, estacionamento público muito perto e sempre com vagas disponíveis, mesmo no verão. O host é muito atencioso e são extremamente profissionais . Recomendo fortemente.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
6 Monate
Spacious Stay with Breathtaking Views
Yuliya (USA)
We stayed at the house for 6 nights. The house was spacious, and we never felt cramped. Both bedrooms and bathrooms had plenty of space and were spotless. The terrace was our favorite part. The views were stunning, the pictures didn't do it justice. mehr anzeigen
We stayed at the house for 6 nights. The house was spacious, and we never felt cramped. Both bedrooms and bathrooms had plenty of space and were spotless. The terrace was our favorite part. The views were stunning, the pictures didn't do it justice. Special thank you to the SMAAC team and Francesco who was a phenomenal host. He answered all our questions before and during our stay, went above and beyond to accommodate my last-minute request, and checked on us throughout our stay to ensure we were comfortable. If you decide to book a private taxi to and from Praiano (which I highly recommend), I'd suggest doing it through SMAAC. They made it seamless and communication was outstanding.
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8 Monate
An absolute delight.
Katie (Großbritannien)
We were so well looked after by Francisco. He was brilliant, checking if there was anything he could do to help with our trip on a daily basis. He helped us with the bus timetable and when we found the sun umbrella broken he replaced it within the homehr anzeigen
We were so well looked after by Francisco. He was brilliant, checking if there was anything he could do to help with our trip on a daily basis. He helped us with the bus timetable and when we found the sun umbrella broken he replaced it within the hour. The views from this apartment were spectacular. I'm so glad we stayed in calm, beautiful Praiano. A much better alternative to busy Positano. Getting around was made easy by the local bus. We also hired ebikes which gave us extra freedom.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
10 Monate
Spectacular views, very private and quiet.
Michael (Singapur)
The apartment was exactly as shown in the pictures, very well kept and clean. Francesco from Smaac was very helpful and friendly all the way , from the time we arrived to the time we left. It was convenient to drop off the luggage from the car althoumehr anzeigen
The apartment was exactly as shown in the pictures, very well kept and clean. Francesco from Smaac was very helpful and friendly all the way , from the time we arrived to the time we left. It was convenient to drop off the luggage from the car although there are 2 small flights of steps to navigate to the apartment. Paid street parking is available just next to the bus stop to Positano which is a 3 minute walk from the apartment. Some free parking in white lots on the street 300m down the slope from the apartment. We really enjoyed our time in the apartment. It was a good decision to be based in Praiano and take the bus to Positano and Amalfi. Make sure you drop by the friendly and excellent restaurants in the neighborhood - La Posteria Praniano, Il Pino and Kasai, they make you feel so welcomed!
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10 Monate
The house was beautiful and the view was amazing.
They did not exaggerate the property on the website, so we were very happy to find it was everything we were hoping for. We also appreciated that someone was available to us on WhatsApp in case of issues. That person also reached out to us if he hadnmehr anzeigen
They did not exaggerate the property on the website, so we were very happy to find it was everything we were hoping for. We also appreciated that someone was available to us on WhatsApp in case of issues. That person also reached out to us if he hadn't heard from us for a few days to make sure we were enjoying our stay. It really helped to keep everything running smoothly.
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1 Jahr
We loved staying at this place.
Luis (USA)
We loved staying at this place. First of all, the town. For those looking to get away from the crowds of popular towns on the Amalfi coast (like Positano and Amalfi), Praiano is a great option. Much more peaceful and less crowded, but still, pretty cmehr anzeigen
We loved staying at this place. First of all, the town. For those looking to get away from the crowds of popular towns on the Amalfi coast (like Positano and Amalfi), Praiano is a great option. Much more peaceful and less crowded, but still, pretty close to other towns/beaches and full of great restaurants. Don't miss the Path of the Gods hike (Sentiero degli Dei) while you're here. It has the best views you'll ever get of the Amalfi coast, and its trailhead is at the heart of Praiano :) (just be prepared for thousands of stairs 💪😄) About the AirBnb. Everything went smoothly, the place was just like the photos, super clean and spacious, and the views from the terrace were stunning. 100% recommended!
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1 Jahr
El departamento muy limpio muy cómodo y muy bien ubicado!
ITZEL (Mexiko)
Francesco super amable siempre y atento! El departamento muy limpio muy cómodo y muy bien ubicado!
Francesco super amable siempre y atento! El departamento muy limpio muy cómodo y muy bien ubicado!
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War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
The unit was immaculate.
Ellen (USA)
The unit was immaculate, the view was spectacular, our host Francesco was terrific and very responsive to any questions we had, we had a wonderful stay.
The unit was immaculate, the view was spectacular, our host Francesco was terrific and very responsive to any questions we had, we had a wonderful stay.
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1 Jahr
We had a wonderful stay!
Adnan (Saudi-Arabien)
We had a wonderful stay, the villa is newly renovated, clean with 2 nice bathrooms. And the terrace is the best thing in the villa where you can watch the breathtaking view of the coast.There is a nice mini market nearby you can buy fresh fruits $ vemehr anzeigen
We had a wonderful stay, the villa is newly renovated, clean with 2 nice bathrooms. And the terrace is the best thing in the villa where you can watch the breathtaking view of the coast.There is a nice mini market nearby you can buy fresh fruits $ vegetables, milk…. You can take the bus only 5 minutes walking to Positano & Amalfy, coasts only 1.5 € The only thing you have to take in consideration there are some steps you have to take going up & down. But soon you will get used to it. And keep in mind that Smaac always there to help. They have been a great host.
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1 Jahr
The property has a beautiful view
Fauziah (-)
The property has a beautiful view. Compared to lots of places around the area, getting in the apartment was easy and relatively short steps/stairs. They do provide a porter if u need help carrying a luggage. Host was very responsive and helpful in armehr anzeigen
The property has a beautiful view. Compared to lots of places around the area, getting in the apartment was easy and relatively short steps/stairs. They do provide a porter if u need help carrying a luggage. Host was very responsive and helpful in arranging transportation. The apartment looks like a newly (and cheaply) renovated place which is ok for the price but all furnitures were easily breakable and looks like ikea type that’s very light. And some are unsafe for babies. Because of the edges of the aluminum. The shower knob was broken so you will need to use the shower head instead of the handle. Due to the nature of the place, lots and lots of ants . This place is quiet, we enjoy spending time at the porch looking at the ocean. You will need a car to go places.
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1 Jahr
Fantastic stay
Kunal (Hongkong)
Beautiful house with spectacular view.
Beautiful house with spectacular view.
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1 Jahr
Such a nice stay!
Cristina (-)
Beautiful view from this place
Beautiful view from this place
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1 Jahr
What a great stay!
Sivuyile (Südafrika)
What a great stay! Hosts were incredible, easy to check-in with clear instructions. Great communication and very helpful team. The place is as described, stunning views and a stone throw away from local transport. Francesco was phenomenal 👏🏾 Highly rmehr anzeigen
What a great stay! Hosts were incredible, easy to check-in with clear instructions. Great communication and very helpful team. The place is as described, stunning views and a stone throw away from local transport. Francesco was phenomenal 👏🏾 Highly recommend
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1 Jahr
Glorious views of the Amalfi
Kane (Singapur)
Glorious views of the Amalfi while located in a quaint quiet village a short 15 -20 mins away from Positano. The apt was immaculately clean with good bedding, two modern bathrooms and a modern kitchen. We spent most of the time outdoors enjoying the mehr anzeigen
Glorious views of the Amalfi while located in a quaint quiet village a short 15 -20 mins away from Positano. The apt was immaculately clean with good bedding, two modern bathrooms and a modern kitchen. We spent most of the time outdoors enjoying the views and sunsets over a bottle of wine. The host, Francesco of Small could not have been more helpful. He was a rock star! from giving good advice, booking transfers and a boat tour - nothing was too much to ask. The location is quiet, not full with crowds. We enjoyed the walks around to some of the local restaurants, of note is Kasai which served fantastic food, great wines and a phenomenal view also La Posteria Praiano which we went to most evenings for a pre dinnerpost dinner wine and regularly bought wines there to take home. I would give the apt 5* however there was some shortcomings. It missed good cutlery, cutting boards, toaster and other day to day items which I am sure they can put in In total a marvellous stay! Thanks!
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1 Jahr
5 starsall stay!
Nicole (USA)
This was a dream vacation for me and my family. Our Villa was incredible. The staff was remarkable, especially Francesco who helped us with everything/anything we needed. Francesco allowed us to check-in early which was helpful.The Staff arranged ourmehr anzeigen
This was a dream vacation for me and my family. Our Villa was incredible. The staff was remarkable, especially Francesco who helped us with everything/anything we needed. Francesco allowed us to check-in early which was helpful.The Staff arranged our parking, helped us figure the ins/outs of the area and were available 24/7. Francesco made our stay 5 stars!
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1 Jahr
It was a fantastic experience overall.
Camilo (Panama)
It was a fantastic experience overall. The house has an amazing view, everything is impeccable. The SMAAC team is always available to assist with anything, but they also give you a guide with house instructions (very clear) and local recommendations mehr anzeigen
It was a fantastic experience overall. The house has an amazing view, everything is impeccable. The SMAAC team is always available to assist with anything, but they also give you a guide with house instructions (very clear) and local recommendations for things to do, restaurants, cafes, and more. I will definitely be using their properties more often in the future if the opportunity arises.
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1 Jahr
The view is fantastic!
Julie (USA)
The view is fantastic and the house is perfect for our group. The host is quick to respond and always willing to offer help.
The view is fantastic and the house is perfect for our group. The host is quick to respond and always willing to offer help.
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1 Jahr
Lovely apartment with stunning sea views
Victoria (Großbritannien)
Lovely clean apartment with a stunning sea view from the terrace. The hosts were great - Francesco looked after us very well and was very helpful if we needed anything. Beautiful spot on amalfi coast.
Lovely clean apartment with a stunning sea view from the terrace. The hosts were great - Francesco looked after us very well and was very helpful if we needed anything. Beautiful spot on amalfi coast.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
The AIRBNB was great for two couples and our one week stay on the Amalfi coast. It’s been recently renovated and everything is clean and new. The patio was great for coffee and happy hour and the views were spectacular. The SMAAC team was proactive amehr anzeigen
The AIRBNB was great for two couples and our one week stay on the Amalfi coast. It’s been recently renovated and everything is clean and new. The patio was great for coffee and happy hour and the views were spectacular. The SMAAC team was proactive and helpful resolving a couple issues and is eager for feedback so they can continue to enhance their new property. We found the local Praiano bus (stops 75M from apartment) to be great for getting around town and to the marina. The Positano-Praiano bus picks up at the same spot and is a cheap easy way to get to Positano.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
This was our first trip to Italy and it was indescribable.
Adrianne (USA)
This was our first trip to Italy and it was indescribable. Praiano is a hidden gem on the coast that I almost don’t want to talk about because it’ll slowly be overcome with tourism! First and foremost, Francesco from SMAAC was like having a virtual pmehr anzeigen
This was our first trip to Italy and it was indescribable. Praiano is a hidden gem on the coast that I almost don’t want to talk about because it’ll slowly be overcome with tourism! First and foremost, Francesco from SMAAC was like having a virtual private tour guide and personal trip assistant. His communication, willingness and overall customer service was unmatched. The town visitors have many gripes about the steps, and if you think there’s a lot, there’s 10x more lol! BUT I wouldn’t change a thing. That’s what makes this area unique and desirable in my opinion. The location, the view, the locals, the view, the food, THE VIEW! 10/10 will return to this exact villa and Praiano. My heart was left here.