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Gereinigt und desinfiziertFür einen sicheren und unbesorgten Aufenthalt+ INFO
Verfügbarkeit und Preise
Casa Sunset ist ein kleines Paradies, das den zeitlosen Charme der Amalfiküste verkörpert. Hier verschmelzen die Schönheit traditioneller Bögen und kunstvoll dekorierter Keramikfliesen mit einer schlichten und luftigen Atmosphäre. Der minimalistische, elegante Stil bietet atemberaubende Panoramablicke mit einer privilegierten Aussicht auf das Meer, Positano und Capri. Jeder Winkel des Hauses wurde so gestaltet, dass man die unvergesslichen Sonnenuntergänge in vollen Zügen genießen kann, die von den beiden Terrassen aus zu bewundern sind – als würden sie zwischen Himmel und Meer schweben.
Um Casa Sunset zu erreichen, muss man etwa 400 Meter zu Fuß zurücklegen, entlang eines malerischen Pfades, der mit Stufen und Wegen abwechselnd ist – ein typisches und charmantes Merkmal von Praiano. Das Haus ist nicht mit dem Auto erreichbar, aber gerade diese Wahl macht das Erlebnis noch besonderer, da man sich ganz in der Ruhe des Dorfes und seiner atemberaubenden Aussichten verlieren kann.
Das Haus ist auf einer einzigen Etage organisiert und umfasst:
• Eingang durch einen Panorampatio, ausgestattet mit Grill und Esstisch im Freien, unter einem Überdachung aus Bougainvillea
• Panoramaterrasse mit Meerblick, ausgestattet mit Liegestühlen, Garten-Sitzbereich und Außendusche
• Wohnzimmer mit Essbereich, Schlafsofa (160x190) und einem Esstisch für sechs Personen
• Voll ausgestattete Küche mit Geschirrspüler
• 2 Doppelzimmer (160x190) mit Zugang zur Panoramaterrasse
• 2 Badezimmer mit Dusche, eines davon en suite
Casa Sunset liegt direkt oberhalb der berühmten Kirche San Gennaro, entlang des Weges zum Sentiero degli Dei. Der schnellste Weg zum Haus führt von der oberen Seite von Praiano aus, wo man einen etwa 400 Meter langen Pfad mit rund 70 Stufen hinaufgeht. Alternativ kann man das Zentrum von Praiano über eine Treppe mit etwa 200 Stufen erreichen. Der private Parkplatz befindet sich etwa 650 Meter entfernt, gegen Gebühr. Alternativ kann man in den öffentlichen Bereichen in etwa 200 Metern Entfernung parken. Auf Wunsch kann ein Gepäckträger-Service organisiert werden, gegen Gebühr.
HINWEIS: Während der Hochsaison kann es besonders schwierig sein, einen Parkplatz zu finden. Wir empfehlen daher, den Parkplatz im Voraus zu buchen, um die Verfügbarkeit zu gewährleisten.
In Gehweite vom Haus finden Sie:
• One Fire Beach Club (ca. 20 Minuten zu Fuß)
• Bars und Restaurants (ca. 5 Minuten zu Fuß)
• Kleiner Lebensmittelladen (ca. 5 Minuten zu Fuß)
• Haltestelle für den lokalen Bus (ca. 5 Minuten zu Fuß)
• Haltestelle für den SITA-Bus (ca. 5 Minuten zu Fuß)
HINWEIS: Alle diese Orte sind nur über Treppen erreichbar, aufgrund der typischen Gegebenheiten von Praiano, wo viele Dienstleistungen weiter unten im Dorf liegen.
DesinfizierungAls Reaktion auf das Coronavirus (Covid-19) und zu Ihrer Sicherheit haben wir in allen unseren Unterkünften ein Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsprotokoll implementiert, das den Empfehlungen der Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA) und der Vacation Rental Housekeeping Professionals (VRHP) entspricht.
Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Zusammenfassung dieser Empfehlungen.
Das Reinigungs- und Wartungspersonal wartet nach dem Check-out mindestens 3 Stunden,+ INFO
Endreinigung: 180,00 € /Buchung
Handtücher: inklusive (Wechsel alle 7 Tage)
HandtücherWir bieten einen Wechsel der Handtücher pro Person und Woche an. Es ist möglich, zusätzliche Änderungen bei der Reservierung gegen eine Gebühr zu nutzen.
Heizung: inklusive
Internetzugang: inklusive
Klimaanlage: inklusive
Self check-in: inklusive
Self check-in➢ Der Zugang zur Villa erfolgt im SELF-CHECK-IN-Modus.
➢ Eine Woche vor Ihrer Ankunft erhalten Sie eine E-Mail, um mit der Registrierung der Gäste fortzufahren.
➢ Nach Abschluss des Online-Check-in erhalten Sie die Zugangsanweisungen.
Sonstige Leistungen
Hochstuhl: inklusive
Kinderbett: inklusive
Late Check in: 20,00 € /hour
Parkplatz im Freien: 30,00 € / Nacht
Storno-Versicherung: 4,5 % der Buchung
Storno-VersicherungDurch Klick auf das Kästchen erkläre ich mich mit den Versicherungsbedingungen einverstanden.+ INFO
Kurtaxe: Im Gesamtpreis enthalten
Berechnung der TaxenUm die Bedingungen der Taxe anzeigen zu lassen, muss der Zeitraum des Aufenthalts hinzugefügt werden.
Organisieren Sie Ihren Zeitplan
Check-in-Zeiten täglich von 16:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Check-out-ZeitenVor 10:00 Uhr
Kaution (wird erstattet)
Betrag: 300,00 € /BuchungZahlungsmethode: Auf Kreditkarte reserviert
Zu zahlen bei Ankunft.
- Rauchen ist nicht gestattet - Haustiere sind nicht gestattet
Vom Buchungsdatum an bis 31 Tage vor der Anreise fallen für die Stornierung Kosten in Höhe von 10% der Anzahlung an
Bei der Stornierung oder beim Nichterscheinen gelten folgende Bedingungen
Vom Buchungsdatum an bis 31 Tage vor der Anreise10% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Von 30 Tage vorher bis zur Anreise100% des Mietpreises
Nicht antreten100% des Mietpreises
Zusätzliche Anmerkungen
Tourismussteuern sind nicht im Mietpreis inbegriffen.
Casa Clara ist ein kleines Juwel an der Amalfiküste. Gerade renoviert, genießt es große Zimmer, ein einfaches und sauberes Design und eine atemberaubende Aussicht. Es verfügt über zwei Schlafzimmer mit jeweils einem angeschlossenen Badezimmer: das ideale Zuhause für die Familie und zwei Paare. Die Lage ist bemerkenswert: zentral und gleichzeitig abseits vom Lärm. Das Stadtzentrum ist nur wenige Gehminuten entfernt: Restaurants, Bars, Lebensmittelgeschäfte, Bushaltestellen … sind sofort erreichbar. Das ganze Haus ist mit WLAN und Klimaanlage ausgestattet. Um das Haus zu erreichen, müssen Sie von der Hauptstraße etwa 100 Stufen hinuntergehen. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, uns ohne Auto zu erreichen.
Das Haus ist auf einer Ebene organisiert:
• Terrasse mit Meerblick;
• Großer Wohnbereich mit Blick auf das Meer und Positano und Capri, mit Küche und Wohnzimmer, ausgestattet mit TV, Sofa und Tisch für 6 Personen;
• 1 großes Doppelzimmer mit Aussicht (Bettgröße 160x190) mit eigenem Badezimmer - mit Dusche;
• 1 Schlafzimmer mit Doppelbett / oder zwei Einzelbetten (Bettgröße 160x190);
• Badezimmer mit Dusche;
Casa Clara befindet sich auf der Westseite von Praiano, in einer sehr ruhigen und friedlichen Gegend, von der aus Sie atemberaubende Sonnenuntergänge genießen können. Die Villa kann über zwei Wege erreicht werden: Der einfachste Weg führt über die Kirche San Gennaro mit einem Weg von etwa 300 Metern und etwa 110 Stufen; Alternativ können Sie von der Hauptstraße etwa 170 Stufen hinuntergehen. Parkplätze stehen nicht zur Verfügung. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, uns ohne Auto zu erreichen.
Ein paar Schritte entfernt gibt es:
• Lokale Bushaltestelle und SITA
• 1 Lebensmittelgeschäft (Alimentari Rispoli)
• Panoramabar
• Mehrere Restaurants - unter den besten in Praiano
• One Fire Beach Club – ca. 15 min zu Fuß über ca. 300 Stufen
Im Herzen von Praiano, in der Stille mit Blick auf das Meer, lugt die Villa Euriclea hervor: Hier trifft Eleganz auf Einfachheit, und der atemberaubende Blick auf das Meer trifft auf die Annehmlichkeiten einer sehr zentralen Lage. Villa Euriclea ist eine typisch mediterrane Villa, in der das Blau des Meeres das Grün des sie umgebenden Gartens umarmt. Zwei geräumige Doppelzimmer mit angeschlossenem Badezimmer, ein offener Raum mit Induktionsküche und Wohnbereich sowie eine große Terrasse mit Meerblick bieten bequem Platz für eine Gruppe von vier Personen. Der Außenbereich ist die Perle der Villa: der große Garten mit Liegestühlen und die Terrasse, komplett ausgestattet mit Außentisch und Grill. Die Lage gehört zu den günstigsten: Nur wenige Schritte von der Kirche San Luca entfernt, erreichen Sie Restaurants, den Strand, die Bushaltestelle, den Supermarkt und das Fitnessstudio zu Fuß. Klimaanlage ist in allen Zimmern vorhanden und WLAN ist im ganzen Haus verfügbar.
Die Struktur ist auf einer Ebene organisiert:
- 50 qm Garten - Meerblick - möbliert mit Solariumbereich;
- Terrasse mit Meerblick, ausgestattet mit einem Vietri-Keramiktisch, für Mahlzeiten im Freien, Wohnbereich im Freien und Grillplatz;
- Zugang zum Wohnbereich mit Doppelschlafsofa und Tisch für vier Personen;
- Offene Küche (voll ausgestattet);
- Internes Doppelzimmer mit angeschlossenem Badezimmer;
- Doppelzimmer mit Meerblick und angeschlossenem Badezimmer.
Die Villa Euriclea befindet sich auf der Ostseite von Praiano und ist sehr zentral gelegen: Bars, Restaurants, Lebensmittelgeschäfte, der Strand und die Bushaltestelle sind zu Fuß erreichbar. Um das Haus zu erreichen, müssen Sie einem Weg von etwa 50 Metern und etwa 40 Stufen folgen. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, den Gepäckservice gegen Gebühr zu buchen. Der Privatparkplatz - auf Reservierung und je nach Verfügbarkeit - ist etwa 400 Meter entfernt.
Das Stadtzentrum ist weit entfernt, zu Fuß ist es nicht möglich zu benutzen:
- Lokale Bushaltestelle (50 Meter)
- Supermarkt und Metzger (100 mt)
- Restaurants und Bars (300 m)
- Beginn des Weges der Götter
Alle Bewertungen wurden von unserer Website kontrolliert. Wenn Sie eine Unterkunft bewerten möchten, müssen Sie eine E-Mail, basierend auf Ihrer bestätigten Reservierung, erhalten.
Beautiful Views!!
Tanya (USA)
The views from this property can’t be beat, especially at sunset. Francesco was a very attentive host who managed to arrange all of our transportation needs. We were very thankful for his help and to be able to stay at this beautiful property.
The views from this property can’t be beat, especially at sunset. Francesco was a very attentive host who managed to arrange all of our transportation needs. We were very thankful for his help and to be able to stay at this beautiful property.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
4 Monate
Dear Tanya,
Thanks for your kind review! It's a pleasure to read that you spent a great holiday with us! And we are happy to read that you appreciated the view and that we have met your expectations in terms of hospitality and communication. Hope tomehr anzeigen
Dear Tanya,
Thanks for your kind review! It's a pleasure to read that you spent a great holiday with us! And we are happy to read that you appreciated the view and that we have met your expectations in terms of hospitality and communication. Hope to host you again! Rosa - SMAAC Booking Manager
Very nice place with fantastic views of the Amalfi Coast.
Van (USA)
Being positioned midway between Positano and Amalfi made it convenient to visit both. Yes, there are a lot of steps - but that’s typical in Praiano. Having two furnished terraces and a washing machine was a big plus. The house could use a little sprumehr anzeigen
Being positioned midway between Positano and Amalfi made it convenient to visit both. Yes, there are a lot of steps - but that’s typical in Praiano. Having two furnished terraces and a washing machine was a big plus. The house could use a little sprucing up but it’s comfortable and spacious. Rosa and especially Francesco were great - both in planning things before we arrived and in keeping in touch and helping book rides etc. while we were there.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
5 Monate
This Air BnB in Praiano is so amazing!
Tina (USA)
The view of the sea was very nice! The host was very helpful with how to find the place, where to park our rental car, and checked in on us regularly. The place was clean and had all of the amenities that we needed. There were several places to eat wmehr anzeigen
The view of the sea was very nice! The host was very helpful with how to find the place, where to park our rental car, and checked in on us regularly. The place was clean and had all of the amenities that we needed. There were several places to eat within walking distance. We highly recommend for a nice getaway to the Amalfi coast!
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
5 Monate
Had a great holiday in Praiano.
Bridget (Irland)
Smaac were brilliant to deal with especially Francesco who went above and beyond to help us with any issues. Will definitely book with this company again.
Smaac were brilliant to deal with especially Francesco who went above and beyond to help us with any issues. Will definitely book with this company again.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
5 Monate
Our stay in Praiano was truly exceptional, the highlight of our trip.
Julie (USA)
The views were breathtaking, and Praiano itself is a charming, tranquil town. Its central location made it convenient to explore nearby areas, yet it remained peaceful and private. The host was incredibly communicative and responsive, arranging a carmehr anzeigen
The views were breathtaking, and Praiano itself is a charming, tranquil town. Its central location made it convenient to explore nearby areas, yet it remained peaceful and private. The host was incredibly communicative and responsive, arranging a car transfer for us and offering valuable local recommendations. If you're seeking a serene escape from the hustle of more tourist-heavy destinations, this is the perfect spot. Highly recommended!
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War dies hilfreich? 0
5 Monate
A few days on the Amalfi Coast
Esther (USA)
As a last minute extension of our Italy trip we decided to go rest and enjoy the Amalfi Coast. The apartment was absolutely perfect!!! Two terraces overlooking Positano and the Mediterranean Sea. Two bedrooms with two bathrooms comfortable, clean, a mehr anzeigen
As a last minute extension of our Italy trip we decided to go rest and enjoy the Amalfi Coast. The apartment was absolutely perfect!!! Two terraces overlooking Positano and the Mediterranean Sea. Two bedrooms with two bathrooms comfortable, clean, a pleasure to be in. The host was Magnificent!!! Helped us with reservations at a beach club - 10 min taxi drive25 min walk down to the water. Found the perfect 40ft boat for us to rent and enjoy lunch on Capri. Helped with parking and any questions we had within moments. Thank you so much Franchesco
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War dies hilfreich? 0
5 Monate
A perfect location for Sunsets!
Peter (USA)
Overall this is a wonderful home.
The views are amazing.
Francesco and the SMAAC team were very attentive and accommodating.
Great location to base out of for day trips South to Amalfi or North to Positano. Both were a 20-30 min drive in August.
Overall this is a wonderful home.
The views are amazing.
Francesco and the SMAAC team were very attentive and accommodating.
Great location to base out of for day trips South to Amalfi or North to Positano. Both were a 20-30 min drive in August.
WiFi in the rear of the house and outside on the terraces was spotty.
WiFi in the rear of the house and outside on the terraces was spotty.
Danke für Ihre Bewertung 0
War dies hilfreich? 0
6 Monate
Dear Peter, many thanks for your review! It's been a pleasure to host you.
You are right: from the house it's possible to enjoy great sunsets.
We are glad that you appreciated our customer assistance and regarding the Wifi we could check if we knew mehr anzeigen
Dear Peter, many thanks for your review! It's been a pleasure to host you.
You are right: from the house it's possible to enjoy great sunsets.
We are glad that you appreciated our customer assistance and regarding the Wifi we could check if we knew it during the stay, but thank you for the feedback, we solved for the other guests.
Really hope to have you again!
Rosa - SMAAC Booking Manager
James (Australien)
Great place to stay in Praiano, fantastic views.
Great place to stay in Praiano, fantastic views.
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6 Monate
A perfect area to stay and explore all of the Amalfi Coast
Tanja (USA)
Excellent hosts who gave excellent instructions and were proactive in communication. We booked last minute and they were still ready for us, which went a long way. The view in this home is incredible. We spent almost all our time on the patio! We enjmehr anzeigen
Excellent hosts who gave excellent instructions and were proactive in communication. We booked last minute and they were still ready for us, which went a long way. The view in this home is incredible. We spent almost all our time on the patio! We enjoyed the neighborhood because it is quiet and lovely. Good local cafes nearby and a very convenient grocery store (lots of stairs like everything in the Amalfi, but very close to the home.) Overall it is a good space with an incredible view and the location is close enough to everything you could want.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
8 Monate
Perfect stay in Paradise (Praiano)
Jorge (USA)
We recently embarked on an unforgettable journey through Italy, accompanied by dear friends. Our adventure began in the enchanting city of Venice, followed by stops in Florence, Assisi, Rome, and culminating in the breathtaking Amalfi Coast. While evmehr anzeigen
We recently embarked on an unforgettable journey through Italy, accompanied by dear friends. Our adventure began in the enchanting city of Venice, followed by stops in Florence, Assisi, Rome, and culminating in the breathtaking Amalfi Coast. While every part of our trip promised beauty and education, it was Praiano that left us utterly spellbound.
Praiano, a true paradise on Earth, welcomed us with its serene charm and awe-inspiring landscapes. Our experience was further elevated by the exceptional hospitality of the SMAAC Team. From the moment we arrived, their professionalism and attentiveness shone brightly. Check-in was a breeze and accommodations were excellent.
During our stay in Praiano, we explored the captivating gems of Capri, Sorrento, Amalfi, and Positano. Francesco, a true gem himself, orchestrated all our car transportation to the ports, where we embarked on ferry journeys to these picturesque destinations. The Amalfi Coast, with its romantic allure, is a testament to nature's grandeur. However, one essential piece of advice is to be prepared for a fair number of steps the towns perch upon these stunning mountainsides.
For those seeking an unforgettable vacation, I wholeheartedly recommend booking with SMAAC. Their blend of professionalism and warmth creates an inviting atmosphere. They also offer delightful experiences like private boat tours, etc.
Francesco, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Rest assured, we'll be returning, Grazie mille!
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1 Jahr
Dear Jorge, Thank you for providing this fabulous review about your recent stay at Casa Sunset. We are very thrilled to read that you had a memorable experience and you appreciated our assistance during your stay. We can't wait to welcome you back.mehr anzeigen
Dear Jorge, Thank you for providing this fabulous review about your recent stay at Casa Sunset. We are very thrilled to read that you had a memorable experience and you appreciated our assistance during your stay. We can't wait to welcome you back. Sincerely, Anna - SMAAC
Agenzia molto seria
La disponibilità la cortesia e la prontezza a risolvere qualsiasi richiesta. E poi il panorama che si gode da questo appartamento è impagabile.
La disponibilità la cortesia e la prontezza a risolvere qualsiasi richiesta. E poi il panorama che si gode da questo appartamento è impagabile.
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4 jahre
Grazie per l'ottima recensione Giancarlo. Siamo lieti di sapere che ha apprezzato il nostro impegno e Casa Sunset. L'aspettiamo ancora a Praiano. Enza - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast
Grazie per l'ottima recensione Giancarlo. Siamo lieti di sapere che ha apprezzato il nostro impegno e Casa Sunset. L'aspettiamo ancora a Praiano. Enza - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast
Adorable and spacious 2 bedroom with amazing sea view up above town
Terry (USA)
Terraces and the view. Very quiet. Nice to have the toiletries. Comfy beds and pillows.
Terraces and the view. Very quiet. Nice to have the toiletries. Comfy beds and pillows.
Since it’s so far from the store and restaurants it would be nice to have a few things upon arrival (bread, fruit, cheese, water).
The plastic covers on the bed was noisy.
Some of the furniture is covered and outdated.
Since it’s so far from the store and restaurants it would be nice to have a few things upon arrival (bread, fruit, cheese, water).
The plastic covers on the bed was noisy.
Some of the furniture is covered and outdated.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
5 jahre
Hi Terry
thank you for being with us and for your kind feedback. We are glad that you liked the home and the views and that you had a nice stay. Regarding the grocery at home, Smaac team sends an email before arrival date asking if our guest have smehr anzeigen
Hi Terry
thank you for being with us and for your kind feedback. We are glad that you liked the home and the views and that you had a nice stay. Regarding the grocery at home, Smaac team sends an email before arrival date asking if our guest have special needs like also grocery at the apartment. Since we did not received any information, we did not put anything in the home. We hope that otherwise you had a comfortable holiday here in Praiano and look forward to welcoming you again in a near future.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Remarkable view
Ein Reisender
A remarkable view in a lovely town! You cannot beat the terrace views of this amazing location. We loved Praiano and recommend anyone visiting the coast choose this town for home base. It is not overrun with tourists and offers great small restaurantmehr anzeigen
A remarkable view in a lovely town! You cannot beat the terrace views of this amazing location. We loved Praiano and recommend anyone visiting the coast choose this town for home base. It is not overrun with tourists and offers great small restaurants, a very adequate grocery and cafe and wonderful people. The apartment is very spacious and the kitchen is perfectly charming and easy to cook and operate in for any size meal. It also has a nice sized refrigerator with freezer, coffee pot, gas stove and full-size oven!
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5 jahre
Hi Valerie
we thank you for your stay and your kind review. It has been nice hosting you here at Casa Sunset and we are glad that you liked the home, the view and the location so much. We hope to see you soon again here in Praiano in a near future.mehr anzeigen
Hi Valerie
we thank you for your stay and your kind review. It has been nice hosting you here at Casa Sunset and we are glad that you liked the home, the view and the location so much. We hope to see you soon again here in Praiano in a near future.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
unforgettable view
Ein Reisender
The views are unforgettable and worth every step of the way. What an amazing time we had in Praiano at Casa Sunset. Positano glows in the distance, church bells chime, and the ocean sparkles. Thank you for everything an absolutely amazing time was hamehr anzeigen
The views are unforgettable and worth every step of the way. What an amazing time we had in Praiano at Casa Sunset. Positano glows in the distance, church bells chime, and the ocean sparkles. Thank you for everything an absolutely amazing time was had! Grazie!
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5 jahre
Hi Brenda
We are glad that you enjoyed Casa Sunset so much and that you have had a nice holiday here in Praiano. We thank you also for your stay and your review a hope to see you soon again at the Amalficoast. Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommomehr anzeigen
Hi Brenda
We are glad that you enjoyed Casa Sunset so much and that you have had a nice holiday here in Praiano. We thank you also for your stay and your review a hope to see you soon again at the Amalficoast. Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
The views amazing
Ein Reisender
We had a wonderful time at casa sunset. The views were amazing, and Praiano is lovely. I was heavily delayed by train but Norman was so helpful and easy to communicate with, and so gracious. He also helped us arrange our car service which was fantastmehr anzeigen
We had a wonderful time at casa sunset. The views were amazing, and Praiano is lovely. I was heavily delayed by train but Norman was so helpful and easy to communicate with, and so gracious. He also helped us arrange our car service which was fantastic. We felt so welcomed the entirety of our stay and would definitely book again.
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5 jahre
Hi Nicola
It's a pleasure to hear that you enjoyed Casa Sunset, its view and its location. We are pleased that our staff could help you arranging the transfer so that everything went well and that you have had a nice stay. We thank you for your kindmehr anzeigen
Hi Nicola
It's a pleasure to hear that you enjoyed Casa Sunset, its view and its location. We are pleased that our staff could help you arranging the transfer so that everything went well and that you have had a nice stay. We thank you for your kind review and hope to see you soon again here in Praiano. Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Gorgeous view
Ein Reisender
Gorgeous view, charming place. Very responsive and helpful. Great town
Gorgeous view, charming place. Very responsive and helpful. Great town
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5 jahre
Hi Adam
We are very pleased that you liked our home Casa Sunset here in Praiano and thank you for your stay and your kind review. Please come back, it has been a pleasure meeting and hosting you. See you soon then! Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Acmehr anzeigen
Hi Adam
We are very pleased that you liked our home Casa Sunset here in Praiano and thank you for your stay and your kind review. Please come back, it has been a pleasure meeting and hosting you. See you soon then! Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Sehr gut
Andreas (Deutschland)
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3 jahre
Wonderfull appartment with a breathtaking view
Thomas (Deutschland)
Der Gast hat kein Kommentar in dieser Bewertung hinterlassen.
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4 jahre
Dear Thomas, Thank you so much for your feedback! It will be a pleasure to have you again. Best regards, Enza
Dear Thomas, Thank you so much for your feedback! It will be a pleasure to have you again. Best regards, Enza
Very good
Morgan (Brasilien)
Der Gast hat kein Kommentar in dieser Bewertung hinterlassen.
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5 jahre
Hi Morgan
thank you for your stay and your feedback. It has been a pleasure hosting you here at Casa Sunset and we look forward to welcoming you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Hi Morgan
thank you for your stay and your feedback. It has been a pleasure hosting you here at Casa Sunset and we look forward to welcoming you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate