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Gereinigt und desinfiziertFür einen sicheren und unbesorgten Aufenthalt+ INFO
Verfügbarkeit und Preise
Casa Madonna del Mare ist ein altes Fischerhaus, das in einem modernen Stil komplett neu gestaltet wurde. Die Lichter, die Farben und die Liebe zum Detail verleihen dem Haus Stil und Wärme und machen jeden Raum angenehm und einladend. Der weite Blick auf das Meer, das aus dem großen Fenster des Wohnbereichs zu dominieren scheint, bildet den Rahmen für dieses kleine in den Felsen eingelassene Juwel. Jede Ecke des Hauses ist für die Familie gestaltet und mit Artikeln für Kinder wie einem Kinderbett und einem Hochstuhl ausgestattet. Die Lage ist panoramisch und friedlich. WLAN ist im ganzen Haus verfügbar. Um das Haus zu erreichen, müssen etwa 150 Stufen erklommen werden. Es wird empfohlen, uns ohne Auto zu erreichen.
Das Haus ist auf zwei Ebenen organisiert:
• Mediterranes Wohnzimmer mit großem Fenster zum Meer und kleinem Balkon, möbliert mit Schlafcouch und Tisch für sechs Personen;
• Küche, offen zum Wohnzimmer, komplett ausgestattet;
• 1 Doppelzimmer (Bettgröße 160x190) mit Fenster zum Meer;
• 1 Badezimmer mit Dusche
• 1 Badezimmer mit großer Dusche und Waschküche
2. STOCK Mezzanine - Schlafbereich
• 1 Schlafzimmer mit Babybett und Wickeltisch
• Zugang zur Terrasse mit Meerblick, ausgestattet mit einem Tisch für einen Drink im Freien.
Casa Madonna del Mare befindet sich auf der Ostseite von Praiano, in einer sehr ruhigen und friedlichen Gegend. Es ist möglich, die Villa über etwa 150 Stufen zu erreichen. Privatparkplätze stehen auf Anfrage gegen Gebühr zur Verfügung und befinden sich etwa 500 m von der Unterkunft entfernt. Wir empfehlen, uns ohne Auto zu erreichen.
Zu Fuß erreichbar sind:
• Lokale und SITA-Bushaltestelle
• 1 Lebensmittelgeschäft
• Mehrere Restaurants
• Strand La Praia – ca. 8 Minuten zu Fuß
DesinfizierungAls Reaktion auf das Coronavirus (Covid-19) und zu Ihrer Sicherheit haben wir in allen unseren Unterkünften ein Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsprotokoll implementiert, das den Empfehlungen der Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA) und der Vacation Rental Housekeeping Professionals (VRHP) entspricht.
Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Zusammenfassung dieser Empfehlungen.
Das Reinigungs- und Wartungspersonal wartet nach dem Check-out mindestens 3 Stunden,+ INFO
Endreinigung: 170,00 € /Buchung
Handtücher: inklusive (Wechsel alle 7 Tage)
HandtücherWir bieten einen Wechsel der Handtücher pro Person und Woche an. Es ist möglich, zusätzliche Änderungen bei der Reservierung gegen eine Gebühr zu nutzen.
Internetzugang: inklusive
Klimaanlage: inklusive
Self check-in: inklusive
Self check-in➢ Der Zugang zur Villa erfolgt im SELF-CHECK-IN-Modus.
➢ Eine Woche vor Ihrer Ankunft erhalten Sie eine E-Mail, um mit der Registrierung der Gäste fortzufahren.
➢ Nach Abschluss des Online-Check-in erhalten Sie die Zugangsanweisungen.
Sonstige Leistungen
Kinderbett: inklusive
Late Check in: 20,00 € /hour
Storno-Versicherung: 4,5 % der Buchung
Storno-VersicherungDurch Klick auf das Kästchen erkläre ich mich mit den Versicherungsbedingungen einverstanden.+ INFO
zusätzliche Betten: inklusive
Kurtaxe: Im Gesamtpreis enthalten
Berechnung der TaxenUm die Bedingungen der Taxe anzeigen zu lassen, muss der Zeitraum des Aufenthalts hinzugefügt werden.
Organisieren Sie Ihren Zeitplan
Check-in-Zeiten täglich von 16:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Check-out-ZeitenVor 10:00 Uhr
Kaution (wird erstattet)
Betrag: 300,00 € /BuchungZahlungsmethode: Auf Kreditkarte reserviert
Zu zahlen bei Ankunft.
- Rauchen ist nicht gestattet - Haustiere sind nicht gestattet
Geben Sie das Datum ein, um die Stornierungbedingungen anzusehen
Kunde wird IMMER den bezahlten Gesamtbetrag verlieren
Von heute bis zur Anreise100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Nicht antreten100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Zusätzliche Anmerkungen
Tourismussteuern sind nicht im Mietpreis inbegriffen.
Eine Hymne an die Schönheit der Amalfiküste. Villa Grá ist eine prächtige Villa mit raffiniertem Design und Panoramablick auf das Mittelmeer. Der Name dieser Villa leitet sich vom irischen Wort „Love“ ab und ist von den Wurzeln des Eigentümers inspiriert. In jeder Ecke zeigt die Villa Grà Liebe zu...
Im Zentrum von Praiano, in einer strategischen und panoramischen Position, steht La Dimora di Euribia: ein Haus im perfekten mediterranen Stil, das sich durch Majolika-Böden und helle und moderne Möbel auszeichnet. Die Aussicht ist sowohl von der Terrasse als auch von den großen Innenfenstern, die sie...
Casa Sunset ist ein kleines Paradies, das den zeitlosen Charme der Amalfiküste verkörpert. Hier verschmelzen die Schönheit traditioneller Bögen und kunstvoll dekorierter Keramikfliesen mit einer schlichten und luftigen Atmosphäre. Der minimalistische, elegante Stil bietet atemberaubende Panoramablicke...
Im Herzen von Praiano, in der Stille mit Blick auf das Meer, lugt die Villa Euriclea hervor: Hier trifft Eleganz auf Einfachheit, und der atemberaubende Blick auf das Meer trifft auf die Annehmlichkeiten einer sehr zentralen Lage. Villa Euriclea ist eine typisch mediterrane Villa, in der das Blau des Meeres...
Alle Bewertungen wurden von unserer Website kontrolliert. Wenn Sie eine Unterkunft bewerten möchten, müssen Sie eine E-Mail, basierend auf Ihrer bestätigten Reservierung, erhalten.
Staying at this property had to be the highlight of our trip to the Amalfi Coast.
Leigh Ann (USA)
We stayed in Casa Madonna del Mare and I thought the view from the roof was the best on the Amalfi Coast! It was the cleanest rental home I've ever stayed in (I usually shy away from them) and it felt so luxurious. I would stay here again 100 times omehr anzeigen
We stayed in Casa Madonna del Mare and I thought the view from the roof was the best on the Amalfi Coast! It was the cleanest rental home I've ever stayed in (I usually shy away from them) and it felt so luxurious. I would stay here again 100 times over. The host was always available via WhatsApp.
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3 Monate
Dear Leigh,
thank you for your kind review.
We are glad to learn that you appreciated so much our communication, cleaning and view, core features of our reality.
We can't wait, as you, to welcome you back.
Rosa - SMAAC Team
Dear Leigh,
thank you for your kind review.
We are glad to learn that you appreciated so much our communication, cleaning and view, core features of our reality.
We can't wait, as you, to welcome you back.
Rosa - SMAAC Team
Unforgettable Views and Outstanding Service
Nancy (USA)
This Airbnb matched the pictures exactly. It’s a dream waking up to that amazing view off the kitchen balcony. The communication from Francesco before we checked in giving us an entire guide on what to do around town and how to get around. He providemehr anzeigen
This Airbnb matched the pictures exactly. It’s a dream waking up to that amazing view off the kitchen balcony. The communication from Francesco before we checked in giving us an entire guide on what to do around town and how to get around. He provided us with everything we needed to help find local scooter rental, restaurant recommendations and everything we could possibly need. Even including s video on how to get to the property. The entire stay he checked in to make sure everything was ok. The service was exceptional and the airbnb was beautiful. Just make sure you are ready to climb stairs. There are lots of steps to get to the airbnb. I recommend only taking a backpack, packing lightbooking the service they provide to carry the luggage up. It’s definitely a workout getting to and from the Airbnb but well worth it given the views.
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3 Monate
Perfect Stay with Amazing Views and Great Service
Zoe (Großbritannien)
We had such a wonderful stay at Madonna Del Mare! It was so clean and homely, with everything we needed. It was clean and spacious, and the views from the roof terrace were so incredible. Francesco and the Smaac team were really helpful and made arrimehr anzeigen
We had such a wonderful stay at Madonna Del Mare! It was so clean and homely, with everything we needed. It was clean and spacious, and the views from the roof terrace were so incredible. Francesco and the Smaac team were really helpful and made arriving/staying there so easy. We loved it!
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4 Monate
Lovely Stay with Beautiful Views
Shahram Shawn (USA)
The accommodation was great, offering everything we needed for a comfortable stay. The view from the window was stunning, though the balcony was a bit too small to use. The bed was very comfortable, ensuring a good night's sleep. A heads-up: there armehr anzeigen
The accommodation was great, offering everything we needed for a comfortable stay. The view from the window was stunning, though the balcony was a bit too small to use. The bed was very comfortable, ensuring a good night's sleep. A heads-up: there are 150 steep steps leading up to the entrance, so be prepared for a bit of a climb when accessing the propertynearby restaurants. Public transportation to other towns was a bit difficult as they don't come by frequently, every 30 to 60 minutes,are often full and just pass by. One minor issue was that only one set of towels was provided for our six-day stay, so we had to launder them ourselves. Additionally, the shampoo and body wash provided lasted only a day, host required us to purchase more from the market below. Despite these points, the setup was nice, and the host was responsive and easy to communicate with.
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4 Monate
Spacious Unit with Stunning Views
Saaed (USA)
This unit has beautiful views of the sea out the windows of the living room. Bedrooms and main bathroom are very spacious. There is a table and chairs on the rooftop with beautiful views of the sea and Praiano, especially during sunset. The kitchen hmehr anzeigen
This unit has beautiful views of the sea out the windows of the living room. Bedrooms and main bathroom are very spacious. There is a table and chairs on the rooftop with beautiful views of the sea and Praiano, especially during sunset. The kitchen had everything we needed. The entire unit was very clean and tidy. Just be aware that there are about 150 steps up from the main road to the unit. Bus stop 11 is right at the bottom of the steps on the main road. The buses can be quite packed by the time they get to this bus stop so don't be surprised if they drive by without stopping. On one occasion we ended up walking down to the beach and taking a water taxi to Amalfi (for about 25 Euros/person).
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4 Monate
A Perfect Stay by the Beach!
Dania (USA)
Absolutely love the place it is very modern and beautiful inside the views are amazing and it was very clean. Both host were very responsive in any questionshelp I needed and was always check in make sure we didn’t need anything. Highly recommended ymehr anzeigen
Absolutely love the place it is very modern and beautiful inside the views are amazing and it was very clean. Both host were very responsive in any questionshelp I needed and was always check in make sure we didn’t need anything. Highly recommended you stay here! Just beware it is a lot of steps to get to the Airbnb but I think it’s definitely so worth it and right by one of the main beaches you see all over social media.
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5 Monate
Perfect Coastal Retreat
Paul (USA)
We couldn't recommend this place enough! this is a great base for our stay in a multi Coast. we found that other towns are too busy but it was great to be able to come back to this location away from the crowds. we would definitely come stay here agamehr anzeigen
We couldn't recommend this place enough! this is a great base for our stay in a multi Coast. we found that other towns are too busy but it was great to be able to come back to this location away from the crowds. we would definitely come stay here again the host is really great and can't recommend this place enough!
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War dies hilfreich? 0
5 Monate
Stunning View, Great Hosts
Cesar (USA)
The view and AC make this place amazing. Also, the hosts has activities and restaurants and was helpful throughout
The view and AC make this place amazing. Also, the hosts has activities and restaurants and was helpful throughout
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5 Monate
Tranquil Paradise with Breathtaking Views
ISIDORA (Kanada)
We had an incredible stay at this Airbnb in Praiano—it truly exceeded our expectations. The apartment itself was clean, beautifully furnished, and situated in a peaceful location that offered stunning views from the rooftop. The breathtaking scenery mehr anzeigen
We had an incredible stay at this Airbnb in Praiano—it truly exceeded our expectations. The apartment itself was clean, beautifully furnished, and situated in a peaceful location that offered stunning views from the rooftop. The breathtaking scenery was one of the highlights of our trip, and we found ourselves constantly in awe of the landscape surrounding us. Despite Praiano not being the most popular town on the Amalfi Coast, we absolutely loved the tranquility it offered. The area wasn’t overrun with tourists, which made our experience all the more enjoyable. Plus, it was easy to reach other well-known destinations like Amalfi and Positano a simple 30-minute bus ride had us exploring different parts of the coast with ease. Located right by the beach, perfect for relaxing and taking in the coastal beauty. Francesco, our host, was fantastic—always responsive and attentive to our needs, ensuring. THANK YOU!
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6 Monate
Boa estadia
Gabriela (Brasilien)
Muitas escadas para chegar no local ,muitas mesmo! Mas a casa é ótima ! Também pedem para retirar o lixo antes de ir embora se não aplicam uma multa de 50euros. Achei isso meio sem noção O resto ocorreu tudo bem
Muitas escadas para chegar no local ,muitas mesmo! Mas a casa é ótima ! Também pedem para retirar o lixo antes de ir embora se não aplicam uma multa de 50euros. Achei isso meio sem noção O resto ocorreu tudo bem
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6 Monate
Perfect Amalfi Coast Getaway
Freddie (Großbritannien)
Really enjoyed our stay in Praiano it is a perfect place to stay on the Amalfi coast with easy bus links up and down the coast, with a secluded beach and not at all too busy. The house was incredible well furnished and clean, the views were breathtakmehr anzeigen
Really enjoyed our stay in Praiano it is a perfect place to stay on the Amalfi coast with easy bus links up and down the coast, with a secluded beach and not at all too busy. The house was incredible well furnished and clean, the views were breathtaking, watching the sunrise and sunset. The steps seemed daunting upon booking but really not bad at all for the Amalfi coast as it’s all hilly. Francesco at Smaac was so helpful and very quickly responded to any questions we had and continually checked that we were okay and had everything we needed. Would definitely stay here again.
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7 Monate
Casa Madonna del Mare
Diane (USA)
This was our first stay at Casa Madonna del Mare in Praiano. The villa was lovely and impeccably clean. We love the area, sights, people, and the food. Francesco was excellent in responding to my emails immediately, always offered helpful suggestionsmehr anzeigen
This was our first stay at Casa Madonna del Mare in Praiano. The villa was lovely and impeccably clean. We love the area, sights, people, and the food. Francesco was excellent in responding to my emails immediately, always offered helpful suggestions for local tours/transportation and portage services and met our every request.
Just so helpful and kind… thank you, Francesco, for a wonderful stay!!
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1 Jahr
Casa Madonna del Mare
Diane (USA)
This was our first stay at Casa Madonna del Mare in Praiano. The villa was lovely and impeccably clean. We love the area, sights, people, and the food. Francesco was excellent in responding to my emails immediately, always offered helpful suggestionsmehr anzeigen
This was our first stay at Casa Madonna del Mare in Praiano. The villa was lovely and impeccably clean. We love the area, sights, people, and the food. Francesco was excellent in responding to my emails immediately, always offered helpful suggestions for local tours/transportation and portage services and met our every request.
Just so helpful and kind… thank you, Francesco, for a wonderful stay!!
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1 Jahr
The hosts were so responsive and helpful throughout our entire stay.
Jasmine (USA)
The hosts were so responsive and helpful throughout our entire stay. Anytime I needed anything, they were always able to arrange something for us and in a very timely manner. The house itself was absolutely beautiful and the views were well worth themehr anzeigen
The hosts were so responsive and helpful throughout our entire stay. Anytime I needed anything, they were always able to arrange something for us and in a very timely manner. The house itself was absolutely beautiful and the views were well worth the stairs to get there. Overall, it was an amazing stay and I would absolutely come back again. Probably one of the best hosts I've ever had with an airbnb just because of how helpful they were with everything we needed.
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1 Jahr
Great stay
Andrea (USA)
Great stay with fantastic views!
Great stay with fantastic views!
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1 Jahr
10/10 would recommend this location and SMAAC!
Marley (USA)
10/10 would recommend this location and SMAAC! We fell in love with the location and the apartment. Within walking distance of amazing restaurants. Very well stocked in all areas (kitchen, bathrooms, rooms). Also featured a roof deck with a beautifulmehr anzeigen
10/10 would recommend this location and SMAAC! We fell in love with the location and the apartment. Within walking distance of amazing restaurants. Very well stocked in all areas (kitchen, bathrooms, rooms). Also featured a roof deck with a beautiful view fantastic for sunsets. If you are not fairly active I highly suggest you not hesitate hiring the porter they provide. Francesco was so attentive, kind, and helpful. We will never forget the hospitality shown to us and can’t wait to visit again!
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1 Jahr
I cannot speak highly enough about this Airbnb and the management company
Taylor (USA)
I cannot speak highly enough about this Airbnb and the management company. The house is absolutely beautiful, spacious, comfortable and the views were breathtaking. Francesco and Anna helped us coordinate our car ride to and from the airport and theymehr anzeigen
I cannot speak highly enough about this Airbnb and the management company. The house is absolutely beautiful, spacious, comfortable and the views were breathtaking. Francesco and Anna helped us coordinate our car ride to and from the airport and they were always very friendly and quick to respond. There are quite a few steps to get to the Airbnb but that seemed to be the norm in Praiano and the stairs were well worth the place! The cleanliness of the house was also a big plus. Would absolutely stay again!
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1 Jahr
Casa Madonna del Mare
Andrei (Russische Föderation)
Все было отлично! Новые апартаменты, хорошее расположение и замечательный вид. Все, что нужно доя проживания есть
Все было отлично! Новые апартаменты, хорошее расположение и замечательный вид. Все, что нужно доя проживания есть
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1 Jahr
This place is totally worth every single penny!
Aws (Deutschland)
This place is totally worth every single penny! I would definitely recommend it . And Smaac were really professional and responsive especially Francesco.
This place is totally worth every single penny! I would definitely recommend it . And Smaac were really professional and responsive especially Francesco.
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1 Jahr
We enjoyed staying there! SMACC people are very helpful and very responsive.
Shrey (USA)
We enjoyed staying there! SMACC people are very helpful and very responsive. They recommended porter and parking service before we got there which helped a lot. The place is big and homey
We enjoyed staying there! SMACC people are very helpful and very responsive. They recommended porter and parking service before we got there which helped a lot. The place is big and homey
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War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
La casa es hermosa, tiene una vista increíble y esta muy bien equipada
La casa es hermosa, tiene una vista increíble y esta muy bien equipada. Lo único a tener en cuenta es el acceso que son muchísimas escaleras, si se viene con maletas es fundamental contratar el servicio de porter. También tenerlo en cuenta para el dímehr anzeigen
La casa es hermosa, tiene una vista increíble y esta muy bien equipada. Lo único a tener en cuenta es el acceso que son muchísimas escaleras, si se viene con maletas es fundamental contratar el servicio de porter. También tenerlo en cuenta para el día a día. Por todo lo demás el lugar es excelente y me quedaría sin dudas ahí nuevamente
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1 Jahr
Una vista espectacular!
Maria Jose (Argentinien)
Muy muy linda villa!
Muy muy linda villa!
El acceso… se complica subir tantas escaleras con el equipaje. Pero una vez q llegas te olvidas de las escaleras.
El acceso… se complica subir tantas escaleras con el equipaje. Pero una vez q llegas te olvidas de las escaleras.