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Gereinigt und desinfiziertFür einen sicheren und unbesorgten Aufenthalt+ INFO
Verfügbarkeit und Preise
Casa Ulivella ist ein kürzlich renoviertes Anwesen. Es verfügt über eine große und geräumige Terrasse mit Meerblick. Die Terrasse ist mit Gartenmöbeln, einem Tisch im Freien, Liegestühlen und einem Grill ausgestattet und eignet sich ideal zum Entspannen und Genießen der Amalfiküste. Die Lage ist perfekt: nur 15 Schritte von der Straße entfernt.
Das Haus ist auf einer Etage organisiert mit:
• Große Panoramaterrasse mit Liegestühlen, Grill und Tisch für vier Personen, zugänglich vom Wohnzimmer und vom Schlafzimmer
• Doppelzimmer (Bettgröße 160x190) mit direktem Zugang zur großen Terrasse mit Meerblick
• Badezimmer mit Dusche vom Schlafzimmer oder Wohnzimmer aus zugänglich
• Wohnzimmer mit Doppelschlafcouch und Esstisch für vier Personen
• Voll ausgestattete Küche mit Geschirrspüler und offenem Wohnbereich
• Wäscherei
Das Casa Ulivella befindet sich in einer zentralen Gegend von Praiano und ist von der Hauptstraße über nur 15 Stufen leicht zu erreichen. Private Parkplätze stehen auf Anfrage gegen eine Gebühr zur Verfügung und befinden sich direkt über der Unterkunft.
Ein paar Schritte entfernt sind:
• Restaurants und Bars (von denen sich eine direkt vor dem Hotel befindet)
• Lebensmittelgeschäft ("Tutto per Tutti")
• Lokale Bushaltestelle und SITA
• Hauptstrand ("La Praia", 20 Minuten zu Fuß)
DesinfizierungAls Reaktion auf das Coronavirus (Covid-19) und zu Ihrer Sicherheit haben wir in allen unseren Unterkünften ein Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsprotokoll implementiert, das den Empfehlungen der Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA) und der Vacation Rental Housekeeping Professionals (VRHP) entspricht.
Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Zusammenfassung dieser Empfehlungen.
Das Reinigungs- und Wartungspersonal wartet nach dem Check-out mindestens 3 Stunden,+ INFO
Endreinigung: 140,00 € /Buchung
Handtücher: inklusive (Wechsel alle 7 Tage)
HandtücherWir bieten einen Wechsel der Handtücher pro Person und Woche an. Es ist möglich, zusätzliche Änderungen bei der Reservierung gegen eine Gebühr zu nutzen.
Heizung: inklusive
Internetzugang: inklusive
Klimaanlage: inklusive
Self check-in: inklusive
Self check-in➢ Der Zugang zur Villa erfolgt im SELF-CHECK-IN-Modus.
➢ Eine Woche vor Ihrer Ankunft erhalten Sie eine E-Mail, um mit der Registrierung der Gäste fortzufahren.
➢ Nach Abschluss des Online-Check-in erhalten Sie die Zugangsanweisungen.
Sonstige Leistungen
Hochstuhl: inklusive
Kinderbett: inklusive
Late Check in: 20,00 € /hour
Parkplatz im Freien: 30,00 € / Nacht
Storno-Versicherung: 4,5 % der Buchung
Storno-VersicherungDurch Klick auf das Kästchen erkläre ich mich mit den Versicherungsbedingungen einverstanden.+ INFO
Kurtaxe: Im Gesamtpreis enthalten
Berechnung der TaxenUm die Bedingungen der Taxe anzeigen zu lassen, muss der Zeitraum des Aufenthalts hinzugefügt werden.
Organisieren Sie Ihren Zeitplan
Check-in-Zeiten täglich von 16:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Check-out-ZeitenVor 10:00 Uhr
Kaution (wird erstattet)
Betrag: 300,00 € /BuchungZahlungsmethode: Auf Kreditkarte reserviert
Zu zahlen bei Ankunft.
- Rauchen ist nicht gestattet - Haustiere sind nicht gestattet
Geben Sie das Datum ein, um die Stornierungbedingungen anzusehen
Kunde wird IMMER den bezahlten Gesamtbetrag verlieren
Von heute bis zur Anreise100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Nicht antreten100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Zusätzliche Anmerkungen
Tourismussteuern sind nicht im Mietpreis inbegriffen.
Parkplatz je nach Verfügbarkeit.
Parkplatz nicht im Preis inbegriffen.
Mehrwertsteuer im Preis inbegriffen
Keine Tiere gestattet.
Karte und Entfernungen
Nächster Busbahnhof - Local Bus Stop
50 m
Nächste Stadt - Praiano
100 m
Nächster Busbahnhof - Sita Bus Stop
200 m
Nächste Einkaufsmöglichkeit - Tutto Per Tutti Grocery store
Zwischen Himmel und Meer schwebt Casa Terry, ein hübsches, freistehendes Haus im Herzen von Praiano. Kürzlich renoviert, nur wenige Gehminuten von Restaurants, einer Bushaltestelle und einem Lebensmittelgeschäft entfernt, ist Casa Terry die ideale Unterkunft für Paare, die einen ruhigen, zentralen und...
Das Casa Cetrangolo ist eine fantastische, sehr helle Wohnung, die perfekt für ein Paar ist, das eine Lösung in Strandnähe sucht. Der Strand von Praiano, Marina di Praia, ist in etwa 5 Gehminuten erreichbar. Das Haus verfügt über einen großen Balkon, der mit Tisch und Stühlen ausgestattet ist, um "im...
Casa Madonna del Mare ist ein altes Fischerhaus, das in einem modernen Stil komplett neu gestaltet wurde. Die Lichter, die Farben und die Liebe zum Detail verleihen dem Haus Stil und Wärme und machen jeden Raum angenehm und einladend. Der weite Blick auf das Meer, das aus dem großen Fenster des...
Casa Sunset ist ein kleines Paradies, das den zeitlosen Charme der Amalfiküste verkörpert. Hier verschmelzen die Schönheit traditioneller Bögen und kunstvoll dekorierter Keramikfliesen mit einer schlichten und luftigen Atmosphäre. Der minimalistische, elegante Stil bietet atemberaubende Panoramablicke...
Alle Bewertungen wurden von unserer Website kontrolliert. Wenn Sie eine Unterkunft bewerten möchten, müssen Sie eine E-Mail, basierend auf Ihrer bestätigten Reservierung, erhalten.
sehr gute Lage
Stephanie (Deutschland)
- sehr gute Lage, alles Fußläufig erreichbar - sehr sauber - Service des SMAAC Teams - sehr Hilfsbereit, immer erreichbar, gute Organisation
- sehr gute Lage, alles Fußläufig erreichbar - sehr sauber - Service des SMAAC Teams - sehr Hilfsbereit, immer erreichbar, gute Organisation
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1 Jahr
Super Happy with La Ulivella
Donald (USA)
Overall we absolutely loved our 3 nights at La Ulivella. From the moment we walked in the door to the time left we were truly happy with our decision. The Terrance and the view were amazing. The town super friendly, access to local stores, restaurantmehr anzeigen
Overall we absolutely loved our 3 nights at La Ulivella. From the moment we walked in the door to the time left we were truly happy with our decision. The Terrance and the view were amazing. The town super friendly, access to local stores, restaurants and beach clubs was easy, as long as you didn’t mind the walking and steps/hills, but we were aware of those prior to booking. The villa was perfect for two and had everything we needed for a comfortable and wonderful stay. We were able to buy a few groceries nearby, made breakfast each morning, and even a quick late night pasta dinner with macaroni and sauce that was part of a small welcoming package. Getting to the Path of the Gods was a steep ascent up many, many steps so not necessary good for some. No complaints and would certainly stay here again. Thank you SMAAC especially Rosa and Francesco for all the information and guidance you provided.
Only recommendation would be to have a few optional pillows as the 4 on bed were pretty full with filling and having at least 2 that were a bit leaner would have been nice.
Only recommendation would be to have a few optional pillows as the 4 on bed were pretty full with filling and having at least 2 that were a bit leaner would have been nice.
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4 Monate
Dear Donald,
thank you so much for your incredible review! It's always a great pleasure to read that our commitment and dedication is appreciated by our beloved guests.
I hope we will have a new occasion to host you in one of our accommodations! Rosmehr anzeigen
Dear Donald,
thank you so much for your incredible review! It's always a great pleasure to read that our commitment and dedication is appreciated by our beloved guests.
I hope we will have a new occasion to host you in one of our accommodations! Rosa - SMAAC Booking Manager
Beautiful Villa
Tammy (USA)
The villa was perfect and the views were amazing! The app provided was so helpful in giving us so many tips. Communication was great. They checked on us everyday and very quickly answered our questions. They were very helpful in helping us arrange vmehr anzeigen
The villa was perfect and the views were amazing! The app provided was so helpful in giving us so many tips. Communication was great. They checked on us everyday and very quickly answered our questions. They were very helpful in helping us arrange various transportation. We loved the quiet quaint Praiano and did day trips to various other locations
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5 Monate
Dear Tammy,
thank you so much for your incredible review! It's always a great pleasure to read that our commitment and dedication is appreciated by our beloved guests.
We have a useful app for all guests to share all the information about the area,mehr anzeigen
Dear Tammy,
thank you so much for your incredible review! It's always a great pleasure to read that our commitment and dedication is appreciated by our beloved guests.
We have a useful app for all guests to share all the information about the area, the house and what to do in Amalfi Coast.
I hope we will have a new occasion to host you in one of our accommodations!
Rosa - SMAAC Booking Manager
Everything we wanted!
David (USA)
A wonderful place in a wonderful town — Extraordinarily situated with a great interior layout — walkable to everything we needwanted
A wonderful place in a wonderful town — Extraordinarily situated with a great interior layout — walkable to everything we needwanted
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9 Monate
A romantic week away with my partner, I felt privileged and like royalty.
Stuart (Australien)
Fantastic location in quieter Praiano. Plenty of good quality restaurants nearby. Close to supermarket. Close to bus stops to travel around the Amalfi Coast. The villa was amazing. Spectacular views. Exquisite furnishings. Everything supplied. The stmehr anzeigen
Fantastic location in quieter Praiano. Plenty of good quality restaurants nearby. Close to supermarket. Close to bus stops to travel around the Amalfi Coast. The villa was amazing. Spectacular views. Exquisite furnishings. Everything supplied. The staff at SMAAC were very helpful, and the app worked wonderfully.
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1 Jahr
Ulivella Top stay!
Sergii (USA)
Nice place if like to walk a lot😀😀
Nice place if like to walk a lot😀😀
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1 Jahr
Excellent stay in Praiano!
Jad (Kanada)
My wife and I stayed here for 6 nights and we wish we could have stayed longer! Everything about this Airbnb is fabulous, from the breathtaking views in the terrace, to the cleanliness of the place (felt new), and to the coziness you feel during yourmehr anzeigen
My wife and I stayed here for 6 nights and we wish we could have stayed longer! Everything about this Airbnb is fabulous, from the breathtaking views in the terrace, to the cleanliness of the place (felt new), and to the coziness you feel during your stay. The apartment is in a prime location, it’s across one of the best restaurants in Praiano and is close to a bus stop that can take you to PositanoAmalfi. It’s also close to a really nice beach around 20 minutes walking distance. A special thank you to Francesco from the SMAAC team for checking on us daily and being available to us at anytime if we need anything. He was also helpful to arrange any transfers if needed. I highly recommend booking this Airbnb!
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War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
La Ulivella- Such a nice stay!
Yen (USA)
We loved our stay at this Airbnb. We thoroughly enjoyed the patio with the magnificent view. The house was large and roomy with plenty of rooms. We highly recommend and will be back again.
We loved our stay at this Airbnb. We thoroughly enjoyed the patio with the magnificent view. The house was large and roomy with plenty of rooms. We highly recommend and will be back again.
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War dies hilfreich? 0
1 Jahr
Praiano Stay
Macauley (Großbritannien)
Great location and view
Great location and view
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1 Jahr
Wonderful Stay in Praiano
Pollok (Italien)
We had a wonderful stay for 4 days. Everything was as it is mentioned. The balcony and the views are breathtaking. However one thing about Praiano is that there is basically zero taxi available so going around requires early planning. The host was vemehr anzeigen
We had a wonderful stay for 4 days. Everything was as it is mentioned. The balcony and the views are breathtaking. However one thing about Praiano is that there is basically zero taxi available so going around requires early planning. The host was very helpful in arranging our transfers every time we asked for it. He arranged our transfer to and from Naples and also to Amalfi town. Every transfer was done with a clean and new Mercedes which was very comfortable. Also the restaurant exactly opposite of the house is one of the best restaurants in Praiano. Thank God for thatelse going out to eat every time would have been a challenge without any transport. Overall really good place to stay if you are looking for a quiet vacation.
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1 Jahr
Amazing Stay
Harold (USA)
What an amazing stay. Beautiful view and a very clean place. It was like brand new. They were helpful in every way. As for transportation bring plenty of cash if you do not have your own car. They made the whole stay wonderful
What an amazing stay. Beautiful view and a very clean place. It was like brand new. They were helpful in every way. As for transportation bring plenty of cash if you do not have your own car. They made the whole stay wonderful
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1 Jahr
The most spectacular view!
Theresa (USA)
With the most spectacular view from a huge patio with comfortable furniture, this place was hard to leave! But we did because it was central to all places on the Amalfi coast. SMAAC was incredibly helpful as we navigated the transportation around Pramehr anzeigen
With the most spectacular view from a huge patio with comfortable furniture, this place was hard to leave! But we did because it was central to all places on the Amalfi coast. SMAAC was incredibly helpful as we navigated the transportation around Praiano and neighboring villages. They answered any questions we had within minutes even though most of the information was already provided by them ahead of time through an app. The apartment had everything we needed, was spacious, and very comfortable. An added benefit was being right across from Kasai restaurant which served fresh seafood and pasta—one of our favorite restaurants. We would definitely come back. We loved both Praiano and this villa.
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1 Jahr
Wonderful stay :)
Alyssa (Australien)
We had a wonderful stay at this AirBnB. We also recommend Praiano over the larger towns. This was a perfect place to stay on the Amalfi Coast and we recommend it if you can afford it. There are many things within walking distance, including a great lmehr anzeigen
We had a wonderful stay at this AirBnB. We also recommend Praiano over the larger towns. This was a perfect place to stay on the Amalfi Coast and we recommend it if you can afford it. There are many things within walking distance, including a great little store with fresh produce and other goods - this helped us to cook some evenings. The host is very responsive.
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1 Jahr
Top stay!
Lisa (USA)
Ullivella was absolutely wonderful! The town of Praiano is lovely and a great respite from the crazy crowds in Positano, CapriAmalfi. You can catch a locala SITA bus right out front as well. We realized after a few days that we needed a car as I havemehr anzeigen
Ullivella was absolutely wonderful! The town of Praiano is lovely and a great respite from the crazy crowds in Positano, CapriAmalfi. You can catch a locala SITA bus right out front as well. We realized after a few days that we needed a car as I have back issues and the buses were rough. There is a designated spot for the unit that was unfortunately not available for us, but we used street parking and the meter and it worked out perfectly. The accommodation is right across the street from Kasai restaurant and down the road a short walk to la Moressa restaurant. Both have beautiful views and amazing food! We ate at Kasai twice. (Try the lamb😋) The unit itself is just right for 2. It was clean, organized and THE VIEW🤯🤯🤯. We wanted for nothing. The SMAAC team was super helpful and very responsive to any inquiries. Also they helped with the transfer from Sorrento. We booked for a week and during that time we traveled to Capri for 2 days. 💯 recommend La Ullivella!
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1 Jahr
Unforgettable honeymoon
Patrick (USA)
My wife and I rented this unit for our honeymoon and were so impressed by the unit itself and the host. The unit is beautiful, has great views, and is located centrally to everything in Praiano. Communicating with Francesco and the entire SMAAC team mehr anzeigen
My wife and I rented this unit for our honeymoon and were so impressed by the unit itself and the host. The unit is beautiful, has great views, and is located centrally to everything in Praiano. Communicating with Francesco and the entire SMAAC team was so easy and they were very helpful in explaining information on the area to us including transportation and recommendations. I would highly recommend staying at this listing if you are traveling to the Amalfi Coast.
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1 Jahr
Francesco and Anna helped with everything needed and more! Their responsiveness exceeded my expectations.
Erez (Israel)
If you arrive with a car and are looking for a vacation apartment on the Amalfi Coast, this is one of the best options. There is a large balcony, an adjacent parking lot (for an additional fee), and the location is excellent, halfway between Amalfi amehr anzeigen
If you arrive with a car and are looking for a vacation apartment on the Amalfi Coast, this is one of the best options. There is a large balcony, an adjacent parking lot (for an additional fee), and the location is excellent, halfway between Amalfi and Positano. Francesco and Anna helped with everything needed and more! Their responsiveness exceeded my expectations.
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1 Jahr
Nice place!
Tara (USA)
Place is nice - the Wi-Fi is a little weak for multiple people to be leveraging but everything else was exactly as advertised. We enjoyed our stay and the balcony is awesome!
Place is nice - the Wi-Fi is a little weak for multiple people to be leveraging but everything else was exactly as advertised. We enjoyed our stay and the balcony is awesome!
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1 Jahr
Great apartment and service
Ben (Großbritannien)
Fantastic apartment, immaculately clean with great provision of facilities. Terrace really is as good as it looks in photos. Very helpful and easy communication and assistance via WhatsApp.
Fantastic apartment, immaculately clean with great provision of facilities. Terrace really is as good as it looks in photos. Very helpful and easy communication and assistance via WhatsApp.
- Horrible bed - left me with crippling back pain.
- Air conditioning unit quite loud at times - may need servicing.
- Quite a lot of external noise, most noticeable at night, from other surrounding properties and people parking above.
- Umbrella mehr anzeigen
- Horrible bed - left me with crippling back pain.
- Air conditioning unit quite loud at times - may need servicing.
- Quite a lot of external noise, most noticeable at night, from other surrounding properties and people parking above.
- Umbrella on terrace is not stable, even in the lightest of winds.
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2 jahre
Amalfi coast with amazing view!!
Neil (Großbritannien)
Casa La Ulivella is superb accommodation with amazing views from large terrace. Praiano is an excellent base for visiting Amalfi coast area. Good selection of restaurants and a couple of shops all within walking distance. Highly recommended.
Casa La Ulivella is superb accommodation with amazing views from large terrace. Praiano is an excellent base for visiting Amalfi coast area. Good selection of restaurants and a couple of shops all within walking distance. Highly recommended.
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2 jahre
Dear Neil, Thanks for your kind review! It's a pleasure to read that you spent a great holiday with us! And we are happy to read that we have met your expectations in terms of position of the accommodation and services around it. We hope to host you mehr anzeigen
Dear Neil, Thanks for your kind review! It's a pleasure to read that you spent a great holiday with us! And we are happy to read that we have met your expectations in terms of position of the accommodation and services around it. We hope to host you again! Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
Un posto incantevole!
PAOLO (Italien)
Casa Ulivella a Praiano ha tutte le caratteristiche per farti passare una vacanza da sogno, Gli interni sono spaziosi, puliti e ben arredati, la casa è dotata di tutti gli accessori: dalla cucina al bagno, ma quello che la rende indimenticabile è sicmehr anzeigen
Casa Ulivella a Praiano ha tutte le caratteristiche per farti passare una vacanza da sogno, Gli interni sono spaziosi, puliti e ben arredati, la casa è dotata di tutti gli accessori: dalla cucina al bagno, ma quello che la rende indimenticabile è sicuramente l'enorme terrazza che affaccia sul mare con un panorama mozzafiato.
La sera ti sembra che si accendano le luci del presepe tanto è suggestiva la costiera amalfitana.
La signora Ulivella, padrona di casa, è stata molto cortese e premurosa, anche a lei un sentito grazie per averci fatto sentire come a casa.
Praiano non ha forse la mondanità di Amalfi e Positano tra cui si trova ma qui puoi respirare la vera essenza della Costiera inoltre passeggiando nella parte alta del paese puoi scoprire delle chicche di cultura e arte davvero inaspettate.
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4 jahre
Paolo, grazie mille per aver dedicato del tempo a scrivere la sua recensione. E' molto importante per noi leggere di ospiti sereni e soddisfatti di averci scelto! La Ulivella e il Team SMAAC saranno lieti di accoglierla di nuovo! Enza - SMart Accommomehr anzeigen
Paolo, grazie mille per aver dedicato del tempo a scrivere la sua recensione. E' molto importante per noi leggere di ospiti sereni e soddisfatti di averci scelto! La Ulivella e il Team SMAAC saranno lieti di accoglierla di nuovo! Enza - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast
Stayed in September 2019
Jemma (Großbritannien)
The villa was very clean, close to plenty of good restaurants and the shop was great for getting supplies. We would highly recommend staying here and the views are beautiful.
The villa was very clean, close to plenty of good restaurants and the shop was great for getting supplies. We would highly recommend staying here and the views are beautiful.
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5 jahre
Hi Jemma
we thank you for your stay and your kind review. It has been a pleasure hosting you and we are glad that you liked the home and the location. We look forward to welcoming you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Comehr anzeigen
Hi Jemma
we thank you for your stay and your kind review. It has been a pleasure hosting you and we are glad that you liked the home and the location. We look forward to welcoming you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Impeccable Accommodation in Praiano
Matthew & Janet (USA)
La Ulivella is an impeccably appointed and maintained apartment. We have stayed in seven apartments in Praiano over the past five years and it is hands down the best. It is easily accessed from Via Umberto I down a short flight of stairs. It is extremehr anzeigen
La Ulivella is an impeccably appointed and maintained apartment. We have stayed in seven apartments in Praiano over the past five years and it is hands down the best. It is easily accessed from Via Umberto I down a short flight of stairs. It is extremely clean. (My only quibble with cleanliness is the rubber seal on the front loading washing machine had a typical bit of mildew staining which is caused by keeping the door closed after use.) The terrace is huge and the patio furniture is in excellent condition. The windows and patio door are fitted with screens so that on cooler nights the AC can be turned off without threat of mosquitoesother flying insects inside. The landlady is nearby if needed. The apartment is quiet. The innerspring mattress is comfy without being too hardtoo soft. The bedding, towels, and upholstered furniture were spotlessly clean and fresh. The coffee pot (American) worked and there was also a stovetop pot We hope to stay again at La Ulivella. Our compliments to the landlady.
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5 jahre
Hi Janet
we are glad that you you liked Casa Ulivella so much and that you enjoyed everything about this property. It has been nice hosting you and we are pleased that you had a good time. We thank you for your stay and for being with us and we loomehr anzeigen
Hi Janet
we are glad that you you liked Casa Ulivella so much and that you enjoyed everything about this property. It has been nice hosting you and we are pleased that you had a good time. We thank you for your stay and for being with us and we look forward to welcoming you in a near future.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
High recommend
Ein Reisender
This was our 1st Airbnb experience so wasn’t sure what to expect. Beautiful space. Large apartment, beautiful, peaceful private terrace. Very functional kitchen, excellent market 5 minute walk down the street. Praiano has very good restaurants with bmehr anzeigen
This was our 1st Airbnb experience so wasn’t sure what to expect. Beautiful space. Large apartment, beautiful, peaceful private terrace. Very functional kitchen, excellent market 5 minute walk down the street. Praiano has very good restaurants with beautiful ambiance. Kasai, right across the street, has excellent food. The washing machine allowed us to pack one bag each for a 2 week trip. Highly recommend.
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5 jahre
Hi Sandra
We are glad that your first Airbnb experience was terrific and that you enjoyed the home and the location. Praiano is a little nice village and very quite for a relaxing holiday, there is everything you need. It has been a pleasure meetinmehr anzeigen
Hi Sandra
We are glad that your first Airbnb experience was terrific and that you enjoyed the home and the location. Praiano is a little nice village and very quite for a relaxing holiday, there is everything you need. It has been a pleasure meeting and hosting you and we look forward to welcoming you again here at the Amalfi Coast.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Amazing villa
Ein Reisender
Amazing villa. Great location, fantastic terrace, with all the facilities required!
Amazing villa. Great location, fantastic terrace, with all the facilities required!
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5 jahre
Hi Joseph
thank you for your stay and your kind review. We are glad that you liked the home and the location and that you have had a nice stay. We look forward to see you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Esmehr anzeigen
Hi Joseph
thank you for your stay and your kind review. We are glad that you liked the home and the location and that you have had a nice stay. We look forward to see you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Amazing View in a Perfect Location along the Amalfi Coast
Marie (USA)
Wow! What an amazing place and location to stay along the Amalfi Coast. The space seemed practically brand new, and the view from the balcony was breathtaking. The accomendations supplied us with everything we could possible need. Carmen met us and smehr anzeigen
Wow! What an amazing place and location to stay along the Amalfi Coast. The space seemed practically brand new, and the view from the balcony was breathtaking. The accomendations supplied us with everything we could possible need. Carmen met us and showed us around the space, answering any and all questions we had. There were several restaurants close by and a market just down the street. This was our first time in Italy, and the Amalfi Coast was our favorite spot. Praiano was a perfect location- quaint, quiet, and great central location for excursions in and around the coast. We took the bus into Positano for the day, which was easy to do and a great place to spend an afternoon. We would highly recommend this place to anyone wanting to spend some relaxing time on the Amalfi Coast.
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5 jahre
Hi Marie We are so pleased that you loved Casa Ulivella so much and that you've enjoyed the home and the whole area here at the Amalficoast. We thank you for your kind review and for being with us. It's nice to hear that our Smaac staff could give yomehr anzeigen
Hi Marie We are so pleased that you loved Casa Ulivella so much and that you've enjoyed the home and the whole area here at the Amalficoast. We thank you for your kind review and for being with us. It's nice to hear that our Smaac staff could give you all information and help for every thing you needed. We are trying to do our best to satisfy our guests. Come back soon, we look forward to see you again here in Praiano. Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Wonderful view, great accommodations.
Christen (USA)
Wonderful views, the home had everything we needed.
Wonderful views, the home had everything we needed.
It's a lovely place, but a broom would have been nice so we could tidy up. Also our host/mistook the day we were coming in and didn't have the small grocery order that we asked for as a result. That was a bummer, but not a big deal. He was super helpmehr anzeigen
It's a lovely place, but a broom would have been nice so we could tidy up. Also our host/mistook the day we were coming in and didn't have the small grocery order that we asked for as a result. That was a bummer, but not a big deal. He was super helpful in arranging ground transport. We also had a small ant infestation that we sprayed down. Overall a great stay.
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6 jahre
We loved it!
Madeline (Australien)
With spectacular views and great amenities, we would recommend this accommodation to anyone. Checking in was easy and the villa was spotlessly clean. It’s a short walk to a local supermarket and a bit further to the beach. There is a fantastic restamehr anzeigen
With spectacular views and great amenities, we would recommend this accommodation to anyone. Checking in was easy and the villa was spotlessly clean. It’s a short walk to a local supermarket and a bit further to the beach. There is a fantastic restaurant right across the road and many others nearby. The secure car parking is a bonus(but will cost you extra). We loved the huge terrace with sun chairs, outdoor dining and BBQ.
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6 jahre
Great place and people
Pat (Kanada)
Great place great people , we would come back in a minute.
Great place great people , we would come back in a minute.
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6 jahre
Ron Sparks’ review
Ron (USA)
This home is perfect for a stay in Praiano. It had beautiful views and a great restaurant Kasai just outside our front door. The home is very modern, up to date, and clean. It is very reasonable cost wise compared to hotels in the area. Be prepared tmehr anzeigen
This home is perfect for a stay in Praiano. It had beautiful views and a great restaurant Kasai just outside our front door. The home is very modern, up to date, and clean. It is very reasonable cost wise compared to hotels in the area. Be prepared to do some strenuous walkingtake taxis if you want to wander about town.
Put a list of restaurants and how to get to them in the House. For example, everyone kept telling us to take the bus, but it was hard to figure out what bus, where it stopped and how to pay for it.
Put a list of restaurants and how to get to them in the House. For example, everyone kept telling us to take the bus, but it was hard to figure out what bus, where it stopped and how to pay for it.
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6 jahre
Elke (Deutschland)
Der Gast hat kein Kommentar in dieser Bewertung hinterlassen.
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2 jahre
Dear Elke,
Thank you for having taken the time to share with us the score regarding your recent stay in Praiano.
We are happy that you rated all aspects of your stay 10 out 10!
We can't wait to welcoming you back in a not too distant future.
Warmly,mehr anzeigen
Dear Elke,
Thank you for having taken the time to share with us the score regarding your recent stay in Praiano.
We are happy that you rated all aspects of your stay 10 out 10!
We can't wait to welcoming you back in a not too distant future.
Anna- The SMAAC Team
We lived the apartment!
rune (Norwegen)
Der Gast hat kein Kommentar in dieser Bewertung hinterlassen.
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5 jahre
Hi Ingelin
we are glad that you liked the home and we thank you for your stay and your kind review. We hope to see you soon again in a near future.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Hi Ingelin
we are glad that you liked the home and we thank you for your stay and your kind review. We hope to see you soon again in a near future.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Anuj (Kanada)
Der Gast hat kein Kommentar in dieser Bewertung hinterlassen.