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Gereinigt und desinfiziertFür einen sicheren und unbesorgten Aufenthalt+ INFO
Verfügbarkeit und Preise
Das Casa Cetrangolo ist eine fantastische, sehr helle Wohnung, die perfekt für ein Paar ist, das eine Lösung in Strandnähe sucht. Der Strand von Praiano, Marina di Praia, ist in etwa 5 Gehminuten erreichbar. Das Haus verfügt über einen großen Balkon, der mit Tisch und Stühlen ausgestattet ist, um "im Freien" zu essen und Liegestühle zu haben. Von seiner Terrasse aus kann man den herrlichen Blick auf das Kap von Conca und die Sonnenaufgänge der Amalfiküste bewundern. Um zur Immobilie zu gelangen, müssen etwa 120 Stufen erklommen werden. Bei der Ankunft kann ein kostenpflichtiger Gepäckservice organisiert werden.
Das Haus ist auf einer Ebene organisiert:
• Eingang über die Meerblick-Terrasse, ausgestattet mit Gartentisch und Liegestühlen
• Wohnzimmer mit Schlafsofa und voll ausgestatteter Küche - ohne Geschirrspüler - Esszimmertisch mit 4 Stühlen
• Doppelzimmer mit Doppelbett (Bettgröße 160x190) und Zugang zur Meerblick-Terrasse
• Badezimmer mit Dusche
Das Casa Cetrangolo befindet sich auf der Ostseite von Praiano, nur wenige Gehminuten vom Strand La Praia entfernt, wo sich die besten Fischrestaurants befinden. Die Immobilie ist über die Hauptstraße zu erreichen, indem man 120 Stufen hinaufsteigt. Bei der Ankunft wird ein kostenloser Gepäckservice angeboten (gegen Aufpreis bei der Abreise, auf Anfrage). Der nächstgelegene Parkplatz befindet sich in Marina Di Praia, etwa 400 m entfernt.
In wenigen Schritten erreichbar sind:
• Strand La Praia (5 Minuten)
• Bars und Restaurants (5 Minuten)
• Kleiner Lebensmittelladen (3 Minuten)
• Haltestelle des Ortsbus und Haltestelle des Sita-Busses (2 Minuten)
• Nachtclub "Africana" (5 Minuten)
DesinfizierungAls Reaktion auf das Coronavirus (Covid-19) und zu Ihrer Sicherheit haben wir in allen unseren Unterkünften ein Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsprotokoll implementiert, das den Empfehlungen der Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA) und der Vacation Rental Housekeeping Professionals (VRHP) entspricht.
Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Zusammenfassung dieser Empfehlungen.
Das Reinigungs- und Wartungspersonal wartet nach dem Check-out mindestens 3 Stunden,+ INFO
Endreinigung: 135,00 € /Buchung
Handtücher: inklusive (Wechsel alle 7 Tage)
HandtücherWir bieten einen Wechsel der Handtücher pro Person und Woche an. Es ist möglich, zusätzliche Änderungen bei der Reservierung gegen eine Gebühr zu nutzen.
Internetzugang: inklusive
Klimaanlage: inklusive
Self check-in: inklusive
Self check-in➢ Der Zugang zur Villa erfolgt im SELF-CHECK-IN-Modus.
➢ Eine Woche vor Ihrer Ankunft erhalten Sie eine E-Mail, um mit der Registrierung der Gäste fortzufahren.
➢ Nach Abschluss des Online-Check-in erhalten Sie die Zugangsanweisungen.
Sonstige Leistungen
Heizung: inklusive
Hochstuhl: inklusive
Kinderbett: inklusive
Late Check in: 20,00 € /hour
Storno-Versicherung: 4,5 % der Buchung
Storno-VersicherungDurch Klick auf das Kästchen erkläre ich mich mit den Versicherungsbedingungen einverstanden.+ INFO
Kurtaxe: Im Gesamtpreis enthalten
Berechnung der TaxenUm die Bedingungen der Taxe anzeigen zu lassen, muss der Zeitraum des Aufenthalts hinzugefügt werden.
Organisieren Sie Ihren Zeitplan
Check-in-Zeiten täglich von 16:00 bis 22:00 Uhr
Check-out-ZeitenVor 10:00 Uhr
Kaution (wird erstattet)
Betrag: 100,00 € /BuchungZahlungsmethode: Auf Kreditkarte reserviert
Zu zahlen bei Ankunft.
- Rauchen ist nicht gestattet - Haustiere sind nicht gestattet
Geben Sie das Datum ein, um die Stornierungbedingungen anzusehen
Kunde wird IMMER den bezahlten Gesamtbetrag verlieren
Von heute bis zur Anreise100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Nicht antreten100% des Betrages der Anzahlung
Zusätzliche Anmerkungen
Tourismussteuern sind nicht im Mietpreis inbegriffen.
Parkplatz je nach Verfügbarkeit.
Parkplatz nicht im Preis inbegriffen.
Mehrwertsteuer im Preis inbegriffen
Keine Tiere gestattet.
Karte und Entfernungen
Nächster Busbahnhof - SITA bus stop
50 m
Nächster Busbahnhof - Local bus stop
50 m
Nächstes Restaurant - Il Pirata
100 m
Entfernung zum Kiesstrand - La praia
150 m
Nächstes Restaurant - La Moressa
400 m
Nächste Einkaufsmöglichkeit - Tutto per tutti
400 m
Nächstes Restaurant - Kasai
900 m
Entfernung zum Kiesstrand - One Fire beach club - la Gavitella
1 km
Nächste Stadt - Praiano Centro
1 km
Nächstes Restaurant - La Brace
1,7 km
Nächster Bahnhof - Napoli - Stazione Centrale
64,8 km
Nächster Flughafen - Napoli- Aeroporto di Capodichino
68,6 km
Nächster Bahnhof - Roma - Stazione termini
282 km
Nächster Flughafen - Roma - Aeroporto di Fiumicino
Casa Ulivella ist ein kürzlich renoviertes Anwesen. Es verfügt über eine große und geräumige Terrasse mit Meerblick. Die Terrasse ist mit Gartenmöbeln, einem Tisch im Freien, Liegestühlen und einem Grill ausgestattet und eignet sich ideal zum Entspannen und Genießen der Amalfiküste. Die Lage ist perfekt: nur 15 Schritte von der Straße entfernt.
Das Haus ist auf einer Etage organisiert mit:
• Große Panoramaterrasse mit Liegestühlen, Grill und Tisch für vier Personen, zugänglich vom Wohnzimmer und vom Schlafzimmer
• Doppelzimmer (Bettgröße 160x190) mit direktem Zugang zur großen Terrasse mit Meerblick
• Badezimmer mit Dusche vom Schlafzimmer oder Wohnzimmer aus zugänglich
• Wohnzimmer mit Doppelschlafcouch und Esstisch für vier Personen
• Voll ausgestattete Küche mit Geschirrspüler und offenem Wohnbereich
• Wäscherei
Das Casa Ulivella befindet sich in einer zentralen Gegend von Praiano und ist von der Hauptstraße über nur 15 Stufen leicht zu erreichen. Private Parkplätze stehen auf Anfrage gegen eine Gebühr zur Verfügung und befinden sich direkt über der Unterkunft.
Ein paar Schritte entfernt sind:
• Restaurants und Bars (von denen sich eine direkt vor dem Hotel befindet)
• Lebensmittelgeschäft ("Tutto per Tutti")
• Lokale Bushaltestelle und SITA
• Hauptstrand ("La Praia", 20 Minuten zu Fuß)
Codice CUSR: 15065102EXT0054
Zwischen Himmel und Meer schwebt Casa Terry, ein hübsches, freistehendes Haus im Herzen von Praiano. Kürzlich renoviert, nur wenige Gehminuten von Restaurants, einer Bushaltestelle und einem Lebensmittelgeschäft entfernt, ist Casa Terry die ideale Unterkunft für Paare, die einen ruhigen, zentralen und panoramischen Ort suchen. Es verfügt über einen großen Außenbereich mit atemberaubender Aussicht, der mit einem ganzjährig geöffneten Whirlpool und Möbeln für Mahlzeiten im Freien ausgestattet ist: ein Juwel, um die unglaubliche Aussicht auf das Meer und den Blick auf die Küste zu genießen. Die Innenräume werden durch den für die Amalfiküste typischen Majolika-Boden und blauen und weißen Details aufgewertet, die die Zimmer frisch und einladend machen. WLAN, Heizung und Klimaanlage sind im gesamten Hotel verfügbar. Um die Struktur zu erreichen, müssen etwa 80 Stufen erklommen werden, die sich mit einem 200 Meter langen Weg abwechseln, der typisch für die Amalfiküste ist
Die Struktur ist auf einer einzigen Ebene organisiert und umfasst:
- Außenterrasse auf zwei Ebenen, ausgestattet mit beheizter Hydromassage-Badewanne – ganzjährig geöffnet – (Hinweis: Der Pool benötigt ca. 24 Stunden zum Aufheizen), Tisch für Mahlzeiten im Freien und Lounge im Freien;
- Großes Wohnzimmer mit offener Küche (voll ausgestattet) mit Tisch für 4 Personen;
- Doppelzimmer, Meerblick, mit kleinem Balkon davor;
- Badezimmer mit Dusche;
- Wäscherei
Casa Terry befindet sich im Herzen von Praiano, auf der Ostseite, an einem der typischen Wege der Stadt. Um das Haus zu erreichen, müssen Sie einem Weg von etwa 200 Metern folgen, der sich mit etwa 80 Stufen abwechselt. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, den Gepäckservice gegen Gebühr zu buchen. Der öffentliche Parkplatz ist etwa 500 Meter entfernt (im Sommer kann es schwierig sein, einen Parkplatz zu finden).
Das Stadtzentrum ist nicht weit entfernt: ca. 10 Gehminuten entfernt befinden sich:
- Lokale Bushaltestelle
- Supermarkt und Metzger
- Restaurants und Bars
- Beginn des Weges der Götter
Alle Bewertungen wurden von unserer Website kontrolliert. Wenn Sie eine Unterkunft bewerten möchten, müssen Sie eine E-Mail, basierend auf Ihrer bestätigten Reservierung, erhalten.
Lovely Stay
Mostafa (Deutschland)
I loved my stay, first of all, the location is amazing there and you have this big balcony were you can sit outside and have your breakfast and coffee, and the view was stunning. Second, Francesco from SMAAC really communicated with me all the time emehr anzeigen
I loved my stay, first of all, the location is amazing there and you have this big balcony were you can sit outside and have your breakfast and coffee, and the view was stunning. Second, Francesco from SMAAC really communicated with me all the time even before I go there to make sure everything was working fine and available, he was also checking with me daily, he was also available for questions. Third, they left me a surprise basket with Panettone ( TASTE AMAZING ), pasta, salsa, juice, jam and crackers. I really needed it because I was exhasuted when I arrived, i ate the Panettone in one sitting 😅. So my stay was in December by Christmas time, not so many people there and most restaurants were closed, but still, the sun was warm, but it is cold at night, not a problem because there is AC and works as a heater too. The Casa is supplied with cooking utensils, oven, cooking stove, towels, bed linen, soap and shampoo, so everything was covered. I really enjoyed my stay, and I would recommend this place to my friends and family, this wouldn't be my last time, perhaps next time I would be there in the summer.
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2 Monate
Dear Mostafa,
Thank you so much for your fantastic review! We're so happy to hear you enjoyed the location of the house, the balcony view, and, of course, the panettone! 😊 It was a pleasure to assist you throughout your stay, and we're glad you feltmehr anzeigen
Dear Mostafa,
Thank you so much for your fantastic review! We're so happy to hear you enjoyed the location of the house, the balcony view, and, of course, the panettone! 😊 It was a pleasure to assist you throughout your stay, and we're glad you felt well taken care of, both before and during your time here.
Even though December is a quieter time, we're thrilled that you had everything you needed to enjoy your stay, and that the apartment was comfortable and well-equipped. We're also glad the weather was pleasant enough for you to enjoy the days, and that the AC kept you warm on those cooler nights!
We’d love to welcome you back.
Thank you for recommending us to your friends and family, it really means a lot to us.
Kind regards
Rosa- SMAAC Booking Manager
This rental was beautiful
Vanessa (USA)
The Team was very responsive. Unfortunately the tree in front of the house was so high it blocked a lot of the view. We also could hear every footsteps of the guests upstairs which took a long time to get use to. Other than this, everything was cleanmehr anzeigen
The Team was very responsive. Unfortunately the tree in front of the house was so high it blocked a lot of the view. We also could hear every footsteps of the guests upstairs which took a long time to get use to. Other than this, everything was clean and the well equipped for our stay.
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4 Monate
The airbnb was very clean and cozy overall.
Shivam (USA)
The host provided us with a binder with lots of local recommendations which was very helpful. The host was very responsive and kind making our experience even better. It was close to a lot of attractions within Praiano and the bus stop as well.
The host provided us with a binder with lots of local recommendations which was very helpful. The host was very responsive and kind making our experience even better. It was close to a lot of attractions within Praiano and the bus stop as well.
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4 Monate
This is one beautiful place to stay
Bob Johannes Rudolf (Niederlande)
There are some stairs but just take it easy, easy walk to Praia Marina where you can find several good restaurants, Pirata is one we really liked. We definitely will be back someday, highly recommended!
There are some stairs but just take it easy, easy walk to Praia Marina where you can find several good restaurants, Pirata is one we really liked. We definitely will be back someday, highly recommended!
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5 Monate
We will come back!
Denise (USA)
The views were lovely and the house was clean and comfortable. Access to the property was difficult and the price to get there from Naples was very expensive. The recycling of garbage was confusing
The views were lovely and the house was clean and comfortable. Access to the property was difficult and the price to get there from Naples was very expensive. The recycling of garbage was confusing
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War dies hilfreich? 0
5 Monate
Spectacular View!
Kenneth (USA)
My wife and I stayed at Casa Cetrangolo for 4 nights the first week of September, 2024. Everything was as described in the listing and the view from the balcony was spectacular! The location is perfect, and central to the marina, stores, bus stop, anmehr anzeigen
My wife and I stayed at Casa Cetrangolo for 4 nights the first week of September, 2024. Everything was as described in the listing and the view from the balcony was spectacular! The location is perfect, and central to the marina, stores, bus stop, and several restaurants. If you've done your research, you know the amount of steps to reach the accommodation, but so worth the views. Check-in was a breeze, and the host is very proactive about checking on their guests, as well as quick response to questions. The shower and shower opening is a tad small, but again, if you've done your research, and looked at the photos, you will see that. Great water pressure, satisfactory internet, and the coldest A/C!!! Grateful for that in 90+ temps. The one suggestion I would make to the hosts, (on behalf of my wife) is that a full length mirror would be a wonderful addition to the bedroomhallway. Women like to see a full view of their outfits for the day. ) Overall, highly recommend!
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5 Monate
The apartment is exactly what it says it is!
Ashleigh (Großbritannien)
The balcony is beautiful and the view is amazing - especially for sunrise. I would really recommend staying here over the much busier towns in Almalfi. Francesco was so easy to communicate with and very quick at responding! Nothing to complain about!mehr anzeigen
The balcony is beautiful and the view is amazing - especially for sunrise. I would really recommend staying here over the much busier towns in Almalfi. Francesco was so easy to communicate with and very quick at responding! Nothing to complain about!
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5 Monate
We throughly enjoyed our stay here.
Gilbert (USA)
Francesco was very helpful and responsive to us. The view was beautiful and very close to multiple excellent restaurants. The bus stop is also very close to the home. The balcony was perfect and private. Our only issue was the shower did not drain wemehr anzeigen
Francesco was very helpful and responsive to us. The view was beautiful and very close to multiple excellent restaurants. The bus stop is also very close to the home. The balcony was perfect and private. Our only issue was the shower did not drain well and is very very small. Overall we had a great time here and the air conditioning was great!
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6 Monate
Exactly as described!
Gorgeous views and the most comfortable bed I’ve slept on in Italy. The porter service was incredibly helpful with getting our things to the apartment and the hosts were very responsive. The only thing to note is that when they say you’ll be climbingmehr anzeigen
Gorgeous views and the most comfortable bed I’ve slept on in Italy. The porter service was incredibly helpful with getting our things to the apartment and the hosts were very responsive. The only thing to note is that when they say you’ll be climbing stairs, they mean it! Just make sure that you’re fit enough to climb, it was a little difficult for myself and my husband after the long days of exploring but I still highly recommend!
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6 Monate
Perfect customer care!
Juergen (Deutschland)
Specifically Francesco was of help on any question. View is unbeatable - stairs to climb are well described and you get used to after a while :-) good spot in the middle of the amalfi coast - public transportation easy to use and absolutely necessarymehr anzeigen
Specifically Francesco was of help on any question. View is unbeatable - stairs to climb are well described and you get used to after a while :-) good spot in the middle of the amalfi coast - public transportation easy to use and absolutely necessary- car rental would have been a mistake
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7 Monate
Fantastisk opphold
Johanne (Italien)
Og magisk utsikt. Utleier svarte alltid raskt og var alltid tilgjengelig.
Og magisk utsikt. Utleier svarte alltid raskt og var alltid tilgjengelig.
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7 Monate
This was a wonderful stay!
Shentoine (Bermuda)
5 minute walk away from the beach and some nice restaurants. Our host Francesco had a book filled with things close in the area so that was very helpful! Whenever I needed to know anything I messaged and got a response quickly with exactly what I wasmehr anzeigen
5 minute walk away from the beach and some nice restaurants. Our host Francesco had a book filled with things close in the area so that was very helpful! Whenever I needed to know anything I messaged and got a response quickly with exactly what I was l was looking for. I broke my phone halfway through the stay and when I fixed it, there were messages from Francesco checking in to make sure we were enjoying our stay. Stay here if you are looking for a clean and safe place to stay in Praiano!
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7 Monate
We stayed here for a week it was perfect for our trip.
Robert (Irland)
The bus stop was very close to the accommodation. There were also bars and restaurants within a 5 minute walk from the accommodation. Just be ware that there are approximately 150 steps up to the accommodation which are steep. The company set up privmehr anzeigen
The bus stop was very close to the accommodation. There were also bars and restaurants within a 5 minute walk from the accommodation. Just be ware that there are approximately 150 steps up to the accommodation which are steep. The company set up private transport for us too and from the airport. Overall I would recommend as it was very clean and convenient.
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8 Monate
Fabulosa experiencia!
Felipe (Argentinien)
Hermoso, comodo, funcional y con una vista alucinante. Totalmente equipado como para sentirte en tu casa. La atencion de Francesco es espectacular. Desde su comunicación, su amabilidad y sus recomendaciones para recorrer la costa amalfitana de la mejmehr anzeigen
Hermoso, comodo, funcional y con una vista alucinante. Totalmente equipado como para sentirte en tu casa. La atencion de Francesco es espectacular. Desde su comunicación, su amabilidad y sus recomendaciones para recorrer la costa amalfitana de la mejor manera. Super recomendable
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8 Monate
A casa foi uma ótima opção para nossa estadia
Michelle (Brasilien)
Indicações precisas de como chegar, check-in descomplicado. Francisco foi um ótimo anfitrião desde a chegada até o momento do check out.
Indicações precisas de como chegar, check-in descomplicado. Francisco foi um ótimo anfitrião desde a chegada até o momento do check out.
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8 Monate
Was a great vacation!
Charles (USA)
Beautiful scenery and easy access to restaurants and beaches, and Francesco was communicative and made things simple.
Beautiful scenery and easy access to restaurants and beaches, and Francesco was communicative and made things simple.
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9 Monate
Best View Apartment
Fanny (USA)
Praiano is a beautiful town and the Francesco Help with every need I had was the best vacation. The apartment has the best view in the world, extremely clean and spacious. The balcony is amazing, I used to drink my coffee there and it was hilarious. mehr anzeigen
Praiano is a beautiful town and the Francesco Help with every need I had was the best vacation. The apartment has the best view in the world, extremely clean and spacious. The balcony is amazing, I used to drink my coffee there and it was hilarious. I fall in love with Praiano not only for the town, more because Francesco help us with the all the needs. He arranged the boat tour (one of the best experiences) he helped us with transportation and he was always there for anything we need, he answered all our questions very fast and gave us the recommendations
None. Everything was perfect
None. Everything was perfect
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1 Jahr
Dear Fanny, thank you so much for incredible review! It's been a pleasure to host you and we are happy to know you appreciated the house and our assistance during your stay ! Look forward to welcoming you again on Amalfi Coast. Enza - SMAAC Amalfi Comehr anzeigen
Dear Fanny, thank you so much for incredible review! It's been a pleasure to host you and we are happy to know you appreciated the house and our assistance during your stay ! Look forward to welcoming you again on Amalfi Coast. Enza - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
This was a great AirBnB!
David (Großbritannien)
This was a great AirBnB! Praiano itself is a great location, being quieter than neighbouring PositanoAmalfi, but with great restaurants within easy walking distance. The apartment was clean, and had a lovely balcony with beautiful views of the sea. Fmehr anzeigen
This was a great AirBnB! Praiano itself is a great location, being quieter than neighbouring PositanoAmalfi, but with great restaurants within easy walking distance. The apartment was clean, and had a lovely balcony with beautiful views of the sea. Finally, the place also has very effective air conditioning! Would recommend!
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1 Jahr
Fantastic place.
Leroux (Kanada)
Fantastic place. The balcony was amazing. The location was perfect. Walking distance to the beach, to the store and to great restaurants. The host was very responsive and helped us with local recommendations. I would definitely recommend this place tmehr anzeigen
Fantastic place. The balcony was amazing. The location was perfect. Walking distance to the beach, to the store and to great restaurants. The host was very responsive and helped us with local recommendations. I would definitely recommend this place to anyone. We hope to return.
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1 Jahr
My partner and I greatly enjoyed our stay at Casa Cetrangolo
Anna (USA)
My partner and I greatly enjoyed our stay at Casa Cetrangolo in early August 2023. The apartment looks exactly like it does in the pictures. The view from the balcony is amazing. Having wifi, a washing machine, and air conditioning were our three topmehr anzeigen
My partner and I greatly enjoyed our stay at Casa Cetrangolo in early August 2023. The apartment looks exactly like it does in the pictures. The view from the balcony is amazing. Having wifi, a washing machine, and air conditioning were our three top priorities in booking an Airbnb along the Amalfi Coast, and this apartment had all three. They even provided laundry soap, a basket with pasta and tomato sauce, and other yummy goodies! Communication with Francesco was effortless and easy. They keys were available in a lockbox (similar to the ones realtors use) outside of the home, so we were able to have a contact-less check-in, and we could keep the keys in the lockbox when we went to the beach, without any fear that we'd lose the keys while we were in the water. We ate at Ristorante Il Pino, La Moressa, and La Posteria Praiano and all three were fabulous. We swam at Marina di Praia multiple times and didn't bother renting beach chairs since access to swim is free. We had a great trip!
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1 Jahr
The location is amazing, the host was responsive and helpful. The apartment is nice.
Viktoria (Ungarn)
The location is amazing, the host was responsive and helpful. The apartment is nice. Although we had some fairly big issues: the pictures provided in the listing does not reflect how the place looks like and the stuff it has. Instead of nice terrace mehr anzeigen
The location is amazing, the host was responsive and helpful. The apartment is nice. Although we had some fairly big issues: the pictures provided in the listing does not reflect how the place looks like and the stuff it has. Instead of nice terrace furnitures you’ll find dingy rusty chairs and table. The apartment was not clean when we arrived, especially the bathroom was terrible, stains on the wall and floor. The bedsheet had stain too. We had to request another cleaning, which the host quickly provided. Apartment is full of ants, we had to request another cleaning for the last night of our stay because ants were everywhere even on the bed and pillows, as well as in the whole bathroom. They provide anti-bug spray and used is in the bathroom but the dead ant bodies were left everywhere. The kitchen is far from fully equipped, there was only one, not so sharp cutting knife and no chopping board and the plates and glasses were quite dirty too.
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1 Jahr
Perfect location and Clean. Great host!
Kady (USA)
The location was in the middle of Amalfi and Positano. It was a good spot between the two. There are a lot of stairs and can be difficult with luggage. However it is a good workout! The welcome basket! It was so thoughtful. Towels and shampoo was promehr anzeigen
The location was in the middle of Amalfi and Positano. It was a good spot between the two. There are a lot of stairs and can be difficult with luggage. However it is a good workout! The welcome basket! It was so thoughtful. Towels and shampoo was provided.
Ants but its given that its prime time.
Ants but its given that its prime time.
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1 Jahr
This stay hosted by SMAAC is a dream location on the Amalfi Coast.
Carla (Spanien)
This stay hosted by SMAAC is a dream location on the Amalfi Coast. Praiano is quiet, full of great people, and even greater food. The beach (Marina di Praia) is just an 8 minute walk from the apartment. Be warned - there are hundreds of stairs that ymehr anzeigen
This stay hosted by SMAAC is a dream location on the Amalfi Coast. Praiano is quiet, full of great people, and even greater food. The beach (Marina di Praia) is just an 8 minute walk from the apartment. Be warned - there are hundreds of stairs that you will be traversing up and down on a daily basis. It is definitely worth it though, as this apartment is in a wonderful location. Beautiful bedside views, plenty of privacy, and extremely helpful hosts. Don't skip over this stay if you come across it!
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1 Jahr
Beautiful place overlooking the Amalfi coast
David (USA)
Beautiful place overlooking the Amalfi coast. Stock up with what you need before you arrive and consider having their porter service help with your bags. Make sure you pay extra attention to the 'how to locate' directions before you arrive as Praianomehr anzeigen
Beautiful place overlooking the Amalfi coast. Stock up with what you need before you arrive and consider having their porter service help with your bags. Make sure you pay extra attention to the 'how to locate' directions before you arrive as Praiano is quite confusing until you've been there for a daytwo. We found the best was to get dropped off at hotel maria pia and it was mostly straight up from there.
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1 Jahr
The house worked well for us. The terrace and views are great.
Bryce (Neuseeland)
The house worked well for us. The terrace and views are great. The location is close to a small beach and some great restaurants. There are a lot of steps to get to the house so you have to be reasonably fit however we didn’t find them a problem. We mehr anzeigen
The house worked well for us. The terrace and views are great. The location is close to a small beach and some great restaurants. There are a lot of steps to get to the house so you have to be reasonably fit however we didn’t find them a problem. We also used a porter to take our bags from the taxi. The only negative was the shower is very small and one of the doors was missing (we were told it had been broken by the previous tenants) so you couldn’t use it very well. Luckily there is a cold shower on the terrace which we found easier to use. Francesco was a very helpful and responsive communicator. We would stay here again.
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1 Jahr
Beautiful location!
Ashley (USA)
Beautiful location, close to everything, very responsive host. We loved our stay here! There are most definitely stairs but this place is worth it!
Beautiful location, close to everything, very responsive host. We loved our stay here! There are most definitely stairs but this place is worth it!
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1 Jahr
The place had a great location.
Helen (USA)
The place had a great location. Francesco from SMAAC was so great and always responsive. The weather was terrible and he always kept checking in and giving us useful information, which was very much appreciated. Had the weather been better, I know oumehr anzeigen
The place had a great location. Francesco from SMAAC was so great and always responsive. The weather was terrible and he always kept checking in and giving us useful information, which was very much appreciated. Had the weather been better, I know our experience in the Amalfi Coast would’ve been different. Location wise, the house has amazing views, lots of steps but worth is.
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1 Jahr
This place is just as advertised.
Matthew (Kanada)
This place is just as advertised. It is a great place with a amazing view. We travelled to praiano for part of our honey moon. Italy is amazing and the views from this balcony are great! We had no bugant issue as others have described. Please keep inmehr anzeigen
This place is just as advertised. It is a great place with a amazing view. We travelled to praiano for part of our honey moon. Italy is amazing and the views from this balcony are great! We had no bugant issue as others have described. Please keep in mind if you are traveling here. There is a lot of stairs. I mean a lot. We were well aware going into it. I’m a very active person so it was no issue for my wifemyself. However, it was challenging at times. I enjoy a good workout. It’s a real life stair master. The Smaac team is great at communicating. If you need some help with the place, transportation excursion bookedjust want to ask them a question about the area. They respond promptly with great information. The Smaac team was great with little touches to. We got left a nice little meal to cook with 2 little bottles wine for our enjoyment. Great place overall. Would go back again tomorrow.
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1 Jahr
Perfect host
Rasmus (Dänemark)
Perfect host - Francesco was all the time responding if We had any questions. Can recommend the apartment - it was spot on and a very nice location. Thanks for everything!!
Perfect host - Francesco was all the time responding if We had any questions. Can recommend the apartment - it was spot on and a very nice location. Thanks for everything!!
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1 Jahr
Ein Reisender
It was our first time going to the Amalfi coast and we wanted a place that was quiet and nice but at the same time close to all the other towns to explore each day. This apartment was very nice had a great view and was in a great location. If you’re mehr anzeigen
It was our first time going to the Amalfi coast and we wanted a place that was quiet and nice but at the same time close to all the other towns to explore each day. This apartment was very nice had a great view and was in a great location. If you’re planning on going to the Amalfi coast stay in Praiano it’s quiet and relaxing and close enough to everywhere else to explore throughout your stay. This place was perfect for us. The host was attentive, he set up transfers to and from the Airbnb and was very professional and available for anything we needed. Thank you so much, this was an amazing vacation!
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2 jahre
Dear Adriana, thank you so much for your incredible review! It's always a great pleasure to read that you appreciated so much the location and our hospitality. I hope we will have a new occasion to host you again! Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
Dear Adriana, thank you so much for your incredible review! It's always a great pleasure to read that you appreciated so much the location and our hospitality. I hope we will have a new occasion to host you again! Anna - SMAAC Amalfi Coast Team
Wonderful stay
Ein Reisender
Wonderful stay in a great location close to the beach.
Wonderful stay in a great location close to the beach.
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5 jahre
Hi Luca
thank you for being with us and for your feedback, it has been nice having you at Casa Cetrangolo. We look forward to see you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Hi Luca
thank you for being with us and for your feedback, it has been nice having you at Casa Cetrangolo. We look forward to see you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Nice view
Ein Reisender
Nice view and a fully equipped kitchen. Carmen was helpfull at the check in!
Nice view and a fully equipped kitchen. Carmen was helpfull at the check in!
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5 jahre
Hi Joel
It has been nice meeting and hosting you here at Casa Cetrangolo and we are pleased that you liked the home and our staffs service. We thank you for your stay and your kind review and hope to see you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - mehr anzeigen
Hi Joel
It has been nice meeting and hosting you here at Casa Cetrangolo and we are pleased that you liked the home and our staffs service. We thank you for your stay and your kind review and hope to see you soon again.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Amazing location
Ein Reisender
Amazing location that was midway between the beach and the main footpaths through town. 5 minute walk to the grocery store and restaurants. The apartment itself was clean with modern appliances and stocked with coffee, basic spices, olive oil, and kimehr anzeigen
Amazing location that was midway between the beach and the main footpaths through town. 5 minute walk to the grocery store and restaurants. The apartment itself was clean with modern appliances and stocked with coffee, basic spices, olive oil, and kitchen appliances so we were able to cook several times. The view was amazing! Especially for sunrise. Check in was easy (Carmen kindly greeted us) and there was clear communication throughout which was great! Highly recommend
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5 jahre
Hi Daron
It has been a pleasure meeting and hosting you here at Casa Cetrangolo and we thank you very much for your stay and your kind review. It's a pleasure to hear that you liked the appartment, the view and the good location and that you havmehr anzeigen
Hi Daron
It has been a pleasure meeting and hosting you here at Casa Cetrangolo and we thank you very much for your stay and your kind review. It's a pleasure to hear that you liked the appartment, the view and the good location and that you have been satisfied with our staff service. It will be a pleasure to host you again here in Praiano in a near future.
Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate
Most beautiful little terrace
Ein Reisender
The place is freshly renovated, and the bedroom opens up onto the most beautiful little terrace with a marvelous view of the coast. The place is worth it for the view alone. Could not recommend this place more.
The place is freshly renovated, and the bedroom opens up onto the most beautiful little terrace with a marvelous view of the coast. The place is worth it for the view alone. Could not recommend this place more.
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5 jahre
Nice to hear that you enjoyed Casa Cetrangolo so much and that you loved the beautiful view from there. Thank you for staying with us and for your kind review. We hope then to see you soon again here in Praiano. Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodamehr anzeigen
Nice to hear that you enjoyed Casa Cetrangolo so much and that you loved the beautiful view from there. Thank you for staying with us and for your kind review. We hope then to see you soon again here in Praiano. Annamaria Team SMAAC - SMart Accommodations Amalfi Coast Real Estate